8 Playful Cat Breeds & How To Play With Them

8 Playful Cat Breeds & How To Play With Them

When looking into adopting a furry companion, you want to ensure that both your personality and theirs mixes well. What you are looking for out of your new best friend might influence what breed of cat you take home with you.

You might want a cat that will chill out and snuggle up next to you all day, or you might want a cat that jumps off the walls, chases all the toys, and makes you laugh non-stop.

If an energetic and adorable cat is what you’re looking for, look no further. We have compiled a list of some playful cat breeds with tips on how to play with them to get the most out of their energy.

Knowing Your Cat

Any cat that you take home you are going to fall in love with and appreciate for all their little quirks, but your lifestyle might influence what breed would do best in your home.

Some kittens require a bit more of an active life from their parents. They may need you to be more involved with their day-to-day life, so knowing which cats have this playful personality can help make the decision on what breed to adopt.

Aside from activity levels, where you live and who else lives with you might impact the breed that comes home with you. Some cat breeds do better with dogs and children than others, and other cats prefer having a companion cat with them in the home. You’ll want to consider all of these things before committing to a new feline friend, so you can ensure you’re giving them the best life possible.

If you live a more slowed-down lifestyle, you might not be able to fulfill a playful kitten’s needs. And that’s okay! Knowing what you are looking for can ensure that you find the absolute best fit for you.

Playful Cat Breeds 

Some people really want a playful cat that will provide non-stop, lovable entertainment while being the best friend you could possibly ask for. An active cat breed will bring this for you, but they might also require a bit more of your attention. Playful cats are sure to find time to entertain themselves, but they will love it when you involve yourself with their playtime.

The following breeds are considered some of the most playful cats out there:


If you’ve ever wanted to have a conversation with a cat, a Siamese is always ready to talk. They are known as very loyal and talkative companions, which means they love you so much that they just want to tell you all the time. However, they are known as some of the most vocal cats out there, so be prepared to hear them all day long.

Siamese cats are smart and outgoing. They love to play and will do so with anyone that is willing to. They will chase a mouse on a string for hours or run up and down the stairs until they start to doze off. Not only do these cats love to play, but they love their humans, so they want to snuggle up and get some love at the end of the day.


These adorable little (literally) cats are also known to be very playful and energetic. Their tiny legs don’t stop them from bouncing off the walls and getting into every crevice in your home. They are generally mischievous and curious, loving to explore and look for trouble.

Don’t be surprised if a few shiny objects of yours go missing — the munchkin cat is known to hide valuables as a game. They love to involve you in their antics, whether you are aware or not. These cats are extremely sociable and friendly and can do well with other pets and children to play with.

Puzzles, string toys, and crumpled-up paper will keep this little cutie entertained, and once they get bored, they are quick to find a new game to play. When bringing home any cat, but especially such a mischievous one, take time to cat-proof your home so your new sofa and fancy curtains can stick around for a bit longer.


Abyssinian cats are beloved for their outgoing and extroverted personality. They really like to be involved in the happenings around the home and will make themselves the centers of attention. They love to climb and perch and watch what’s going on but will involve themselves when they deem it fit to.

Cat trees and wall perches are a great way to keep this playful kitten happy, especially because they are so agile and love to be active.

These cats are famous for their looks: They closely resemble the mountain lion and Ancient Egyptian cats. In fact, it makes them even more appealing! They’re friendly wild cats that you can actually pet and cuddle up with.


While not known for bouncing off the walls like some other cats, the Birman is a cuddly and furry cat that could chase a laser and bat a crumpled paper while lying on their back for hours. If you want a playful and friendly cat that keeps it a bit more lowkey, this might be the breed for you.

You better like cuddling! Birmans are more likely to snuggle next to you and ask for plenty of pets than want to run around the house wreaking havoc. Their long and soft fur is the perfect snuggling material, and you’ll find yourself at peace just running your fingers through it.

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtails are regarded as one of the most playful cat breeds out there. They will come when called, play fetch for hours with their toys, and find a way to entertain themselves. These cats will bring you the toy they want to play with and drop it at your feet, meowing, telling you when it’s time to take a break from work.

They are very active and sociable, which makes them an ideal pet for someone who is looking to be actively involved in their lifestyle. Not only are they active, but they are sweet and affectionate and will give you all the love that they can.

Siberian Forest Cat

The Siberian Forest cat, or Siberian, is known primarily for their large and strong stature. They are a cat that stands out because of their size and their confidence. They are known as an ancient breed and are playful, outgoing, and energetic. While easygoing, they are very brave, which means they will chase any toy, climb any surface, and even venture outside to chase after butterflies and frolic through the grass.

To keep these cats entertained, you should be actively seeking new games and puzzles to involve them in. They are intelligent cats who want to learn new ways to play, so be ready to be creative in your games!

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angoras are very popular with people who have kids in their households because they are generally very friendly and affectionate. They are soft and cuddly and have a calm temperament, making them easily adaptable. Turkish Angoras do tend to bond with only a few people and might not be a stranger’s best friend, but they sure will be yours.

These cats are skilled climbers and love a good cat tree. They will find a wall or crevice to perch on, so providing them with structural sound spaces can heighten their exploration. Turkish Angoras are also adept hunters, so they might stalk you from time to time (all in good fun!) and might swat at your ankles when they’re feeling spunky.

Maine Coon

The state cat of Maine in the United States, Maine Coon cats, are large and regal cats that are often compared to dogs in how they behave. Though big and bold, they are extremely affectionate and playful.

They love to learn tricks, sometimes go on leashed walks out in nature (if you can train them to enjoy it), will follow you all around the house, and play games all day long.

They enjoy chasing toys, hiding toys from their humans, and playing fetch. Some Maine Coons can be a bit lazier than others, but they still will find ways to get their energy out throughout the day.

All Fun and Games — and Information

When adopting a cat, you might not always know what to expect from their behavior. Questions will arise, and not everyone that you know may be a cat expert. That’s why AskVet is here to help.

AskVet provides pet parents access to answers that they might have working 1:1 with a Certified Pet Lifestyle Coach™. AskVet coaches will help you decipher your pet’s behavior and come up with both behavioral and health plans to benefit your cat.

When you join AskVet, you no longer have to wait for your veterinarian’s office to be open to ask your questions. Now you can connect with world-class veterinary professionals 24/7, no matter where you are.



Abyssinian | Breed Of Cat | Britannica

Siamese Cat Breed Profile | Cat World

Breed of the Month: Siberian Forest Cat | West Hill Animal Clinic

Maine Coon Cat | Maine Secretary of State Kids’ Page | Maine.gov

How to Teach a Cat to Do Tricks | Animal Behavior College

Reading your cat’s “body language” Score Body Postures Head Postures | Winnipeg Humane Society

Why Do Dogs Kick the Grass After They Poop?

Why Do Dogs Kick the Grass After They Poop?

When your dog is done doing their business, they might kick at the grass underneath them in a backward motion, almost as if to wipe their paws and cover up the damage. While it looks like they are trying to be helpful by “cleaning up,” there is more to the act than it seems.

It can be embarrassing enough when out with your dog, and they decide to poop on someone’s front yard or right next to the sidewalk as the homeowner looks directly at you. But it can be even worse when they kick the grass and tear it up in clumps.

In this scenario, you might not even know how to proceed. Do you try to put the clump of grass back into the earth? Will that even work? How about a sheepish wave and apologetic grin to the homeowner?

If you’re wondering why your dog does this behavior and if there is a need to stop it, keep reading to learn more.

Is Kicking Up Grass Normal for Dogs?

The behavior of kicking up grass after using the bathroom is quite normal for dogs of all shapes and sizes. This behavior is known as ground-scratching; it’s a signal that helps other dogs in the area know that your dog is around. Ground-scratching is a way for your dog to communicate with the other dogs in the neighborhood by combining both visual and chemical components.

Most behaviors you see from your dog do have a reason, and this one is no different. While it’s considered normal for a dog to kick their hind legs back and scrap them on the ground after using the bathroom, it might not be so widely accepted by humans.

Many people become embarrassed by the damage it can cause and will try to stop their dogs from doing it: This can be difficult because it is a natural behavior that your dog has ingrained in them.

Reasons Why Dogs Scratch Up the Ground

Dogs don’t just do things to do things, usually. We might not fully understand, but most actions your dog does have a purpose behind them.

Scientists have studied this phenomenon and come up with a few different reasons for what could be happening when your dog kicks the ground:

Scent Dispersal

For one, when a dog kicks at the ground after they have gone to the bathroom, they are spreading their scent. Not only will this action kick the urine or feces particles further from the spot where they lay, but by scratching, your dog leaves their scent directly from their paws.

Scent can be released from your dog’s paws, so this is a way to leave a mark for longer than the urine scent might last. (PS: dog paws are pretty awesome — dogs sweat through their paw pads!)

Marking Territory

Your dog might be trying to mark their territory when they kick the ground. This often depends on how close to home your dog actually is because you might notice this behavior is strictly happening on and around your own property.

When they do this, it signals to other dogs that they frequent this location. It’s not likely aggressive, either. It might be because your dog wants to let other dogs know that they exist and are not a threat — an “I come in peace” type of thing.

Visual Display

One study found that ground-scratching was noted more frequently when other dogs were present. This means that it might be more likely to happen at dog parks or when surrounded by other dogs. It’s a way for some dogs to show dominance and can deter other dogs from approaching if they see it happening.

It might also attract more canines to come over and smell the ground and maybe even mark it as well, but usually, this is done after the first dog has finished.

Social Display

When dogs are in a space that they’ve never met before, ground-scratching is a way to assert some sort of dominance in the scenario. This is more likely to happen when a dog is unfamiliar with another dog and might want them to stay away from them.

Ground-scratching seems to have some sort of hierarchy to it, with more dominant and self-assured dogs doing the behavior the most to uphold their high status.

Will It Become a Problem?

This is a very natural behavior that you don’t necessarily need to stop, only if it becomes dangerous to the pet or damages a neighbor’s lawn. If your dog exhibits this behavior frequently, you’ll want to keep an eye out for damage to their paw pads.

The scraping, especially if not always done on grass but concrete, can cause cuts or burns on your dogs’ paws that could be extremely painful.

How To Discourage Ground-Scratching 

If your dog kicks chunks of grass up every time they go to the bathroom, you might need to stay vigilant so that they don’t damage you or your neighbor’s lawns.

To stop a pup from doing some personal landscaping after using the potty, you can try to distract your dog with a high-value toy or treat. You could also try to replace the kicking with a trained behavior — a spin, high-five, or similar trick.

Have Questions? Get Answers!

When behaviors that you are unfamiliar with begin to arise, you are going to have questions you want to be answered. With AskVet, you have access to Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™ and veterinary professionals who are available to answer any question you may have about your dog’s health, behavior, or overall well-being.

Join AskVet and gain access to 24/7 veterinary support. In order for your dog to live a happy and healthy life, you are going to need to pay attention to their behaviors to recognize changes in them.

With AskVet, ease your anxiety with 24/7 access to veterinary experts for any questions you have, a specially-crafted 360° care plan for every type of pet, a community of pet parents, and a FREE One Pet ID.



Ground Scratching by Dogs: Scent, Sight, and Ecstasy | Psychology Today

Scent‐Marking Behavior in a Pack of Free‐Ranging Domestic Dogs – Cafazzo – 2012 – Ethology | Wiley Online Library

Ground Scratching by Male Domestic Dogs: A Composite Signal | Journal of Mammalogy | Oxford Academic

Do Dogs Sweat? | Live Science

Why Does My Cat Lick Me? The 411

Why Does My Cat Lick Me? The 411

When we think of how a cat shows us love, it’s not always in the form of licking like how dogs do. A cat’s tongue is much rougher than a dog’s and can even be painful sometimes.

This is because of the papillae — tiny and firm backward-facing spines that sit on your cat’s tongue and can feel like sandpaper. Due to this feeling, it’s not always very welcoming to have your cat lick you, but the behavior itself isn’t always meant to be negative.

If you want to learn more about why your furry friend might be licking you, keep reading.

Is My Cat Licking Me Normal?

Licking is very normal behavior for cats, and there are plenty of possible reasons for this feline behavior. It’s the easiest way for them to clean themselves, and they spend a lot of their time doing it.

When it comes to licking you, their human parents, it is also seen as relatively standard behavior. However, there isn’t much science around to back up the exact reasons why it happens.

When your cat licks you, it can be uncomfortable, but your cat likely doesn’t realize that it can hurt because it is such a normal grooming behavior to them.

Why Does This Happen?

There are a few theories as to why your cat might lick you that range from affection to signs of stress. We must pay attention to our cat’s behaviors as being abnormal in order to keep an eye out for their overall well-being.

If you recognize a change in your cat’s behavior on top of excessive licking, there might be an issue that needs to be addressed. Reaching out to your cat’s veterinarian is the easiest way to solve any issues.

Otherwise, there are several reasons that could be causing your cat to lick you. Here are some:

Seeking Attention

One of the most common reasons that your feline friend is licking you might be because they want your attention. Because this behavior isn’t always pleasurable for you, you are likely to pay quick attention to your cat when they do it. This might have taught them that licking can bring them attention almost immediately, which is great news for them!

They might want pets, food, to play with a cat toy, or simply for your eyes to be on them, and by licking you, they can capture your attention easily.

Showing Affection

From a young age, cats are licked by their mothers as a way to clean them and as a sign of affection. This means that if your cat is now licking you, it could be an extension of that love and affection. They are doing to their cat parents what was once done to them by their furry family members.

Licking might be paired with purring and kneading, two other ways cats might try to show you affection. Purrs, kneading, and cuddling are usually good indicators of the reasoning behind your cat’s licking fascination because it shows that they are expressing their love to you with their body language.

Marking Behavior

If your cat enjoys licking you, they might be doing it as a way to mark you as their territory. This lets other animals and cats around you know that you have a cat at home who loves you the most. However, it can become a problem if you have other animals in the house and your cat becomes possessive of you.

By licking you, it helps them to identify you. As kittens, their mother would lick them all to create a certain smell that would help identify them as a unit. This same method can be passed on when you have a cat who wants to identify you as a part of their family.

Creating a Bond

Licking is thought by animal behaviorists to help form a social bond between you and your cat. It lets you know that you are part of their trusted circle.

A mother cat will lick her baby to help form a bond between them, so when your cat begins doing this to you, they are establishing that bond with you.

Expressing Stress or Anxiety

Another reason behind licking behaviors from cats could be stress and anxiety. It’s not always that licking is a cute and sweet behavior; instead, it could result from feeling highly stressed out. This can sometimes be a displacement behavior that helps to soothe your cat and alleviate stress.

A way for you to determine if it’s stress is to recognize if there are any triggers around when it occurs. Loud noises, bright lights, new people, and strange objects might cause stress for your cat, which could lead to excessive licking.

You don’t want this to progress into a compulsive behavior so seeking treatment is encouraged.

Should You Stop the Behavior?

If the behavior is induced by stress or a medical issue, pet parents will need to think of solutions to soothe the root issue. You don’t want it to lead to anxiety-related behavior because it can cause stress, both mentally and physically, to your cat.

A frequent reason for wanting to stop the behavior is if you find it painful or irritating. For some with cat allergies, this can be especially bothersome (cat allergies are partly due to cat saliva, not their fur). In this case, you might want to find ways to curb the behavior in order to stay comfortable.

Here’s where to get help:

Find Answers and Support

When behaviors that you aren’t used to arise, you are going to want to ask some questions. AskVet’s veterinary professionals are ready to answer them!

If your cat is excessively licking, you might be worried and want to settle your own anxiety, so working 1:1 with Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™ from AskVet on how to proceed might just be the solution.

Making sure your pet is happy and healthy and comfortable is essential. We all want our pets to live their best life. We also want our pets to be in good hands and AskVet can help with that. When you become a member of Askvet, you have access to 24/7 professional support, a complimentary One Pet ID, and a large community of fellow pet parents!



Cats Use Hollow Papillae To Wick Saliva Into Fur | PNAS

The Mechanics of Social Interactions Between Cats and Their Owners | NCBI

Pain and Problem Behavior in Cats and Dogs | NCBI

Understanding Cat Body Language | RSPCA

Cat allergies: Causes, symptoms, and treatments | Medical News Today

Exactly Why Huskies Are So Vocal: Pups Explained

Exactly Why Huskies Are So Vocal: Pups Explained

If you live with a husky, you know what we are about to say… They LOVE to talk! It’s one of the things that you simply have to love about your husky because it goes without saying that your husky will have lots to say to you. They love to share their thoughts and feelings, and without doing so, they might as well drive themselves crazy.

You may be wondering why exactly this phenomenon occurs, as most husky parents will have very similar stories about their dog’s vocality. Both puppies and adults alike are known to be vocal, so it’s not something that changes over time.

Huskies communicate through a variety of sounds, which they might associate with certain needs. Sometimes your husky might be trying to tell you they love you, and other times they may be asking to be let out. Sometimes they simply demand attention, and talking or howling is the best way to get yours!

To learn more about why huskies are so vocal and why they rely on their vocality so deeply, keep reading.

The Different Sounds Huskies Make

Huskies don’t just make one sound — they are a whole orchestra. They have a variety of sounds that they might use to help get their point across better.

As their dog parent, you might be able to decipher their unique sounds to better understand what they are trying to get at. If you talk or howl back at your husky, you’re bound to get a response and will likely only fuel their talkativeness.

Each kind of sound does correlate to a specific meaning, and it is important to learn what they are so you can best communicate with your pup. A husky might howl, talk, groan, or bark to get your attention or during play, but each time it’s for a particular reason. Huskies don’t often make sounds to simply bark because they want to.


A husky howl is quite common and can begin happening as soon as puppyhood. You might start by prompting your husky to howl by teaching it to them with your own voice. Howling is a very natural sound for huskies and sounds long and drawn out.

However, this is usually a result of loneliness, and this crying can happen at night if your puppy is left home alone.

On nights out, you might receive texts from your neighbors asking if your husky is okay because they are making so much noise. Their howl can be long and somber sounding because they are trying to call out to their pack (AKA you) to call them home.

When left alone, howling is very likely to happen, but there are ways for you to teach your husky to stay quiet. If you crate-train your pup, you should start by leaving for short periods so that your husky learns that no matter what, you always come back for them. This might help to limit the amount of howling they do at night.

Howling is often related to separation anxiety, which many huskies do develop. They don’t like being alone; they are social animals, so loneliness does not look good on them. They may grow more anxious the longer you are away from them, and their howls are a sign of their longing for you to return.


Huskies are perhaps most famous for their talking capabilities. Of course, we don’t mean that they use actual words, but they use their voice to try to let you know they are paying attention to you.

Most husky parents have had a moment where they just fully conversate with their dog as if they can understand, with the dog chatting right back. This usually looks like short and quick barks at various frequencies, making it feel even more like a conversation between two friends.

When a husky is talking to you, it doesn’t always mean that they require something. Often, talking is just a way for your husky to let you know they love you and are trying to show affection. For those who think it’s annoying, find a way to reframe how you view all the noise because it’s probably not going to stop.


Huskies also are known to groan when they are super happy or looking for some attention. You might be giving some good belly rubs to your husky and stop for a brief second, only to be pawed and groaned at. Groaning isn’t something that you should be worried about, and it rarely means that your husky is feeling discomfort or pain.

It’s more likely that your husky is overjoyed and not sure how to contain their excitement.

Excitement Barking

In addition to excited groaning, your husky might participate in excited barking. This happens when your husky becomes overwhelmingly excited and happy and can’t contain that energy. They might bark at you excitedly when you are preparing to take them out on a walk, when they realize they are about to enter a dog park, or when their grandparents come for a visit.

This kind of vocality is related to happiness, but it can be very loud and all-encompassing. It might be best to teach your husky that barking is to be kept to a minimum while inside. They can use their “outdoor voice” in the yard or dog park, where they can vocalize as loud as they want, for as long as they want.

Why Do Huskies Vocalize?

Huskies vocalize for a variety of reasons. You might begin to learn what each sound and frequency mean specifically for your husky as you learn about their behaviors.

All huskies are one of a kind, but it’s deeply ingrained in them to use their voice. This can be a great tool to have as it is a way for you to understand your husky’s needs and ensure they are comfortable and happy.

It’s something that all huskies do, so it’s best to learn about why they do it to prepare yourself for it.


The most common reason a husky is barking in your face and trying to have a conversation is that they are trying to tell you they need something. They might want to play, go on a walk, want food, need more water, look for a toy that got stuck underneath the couch, think they heard something on the roof… and the list goes on.

Sometimes you might be able to tell right away what it is your husky needs from you, but it’s not always obvious. As you become more confident with your husky translation skills, you might be able to put together the pieces of what your pup needs.

Pay attention to timing, location, and the kinds of barking or howling. Likely, this will point you toward a solution.


Huskies also bark as a reaction. When they see something that surprises them, they might let out a few barks. If they think they hear someone at the front door, they might begin to howl. Huskies might hear sirens or babies crying and respond to them. This is because the sounds might signal distress for huskies, and their first reaction is to make noise back.

These sounds might be reminiscent of a lost member of the group trying to find their way back home, so your husky lets out a howl to help triangulate their location. This is very common, especially because dogs can hear noises that the average human cannot.


Huskies are known as pack dogs, specifically within the sled dog community, and have been around so long they are considered an ancient breed. They are used to being around their pack and having to communicate from far distances.

Howling, talking, and barking are all ways for your husky to communicate with their group. When they are removed from that, you become their family!

It’s in their nature to be vocal because it helps them survive. Some traits have been passed down genetically through generations of animals, and for huskies, vocality is one of them. This is the way that most huskies stayed alive and safe before becoming domesticated, and it’s one of the traits that have stuck around.

Make Some Noise: AskVet

Having a husky means you really need to be on top of your game. They are energetic, active dogs who need a lot of care and attention to thrive. They deserve proper care and love and a parent who wants to provide them with all that they need.

Questions will come up when you have a husky, especially as you try to learn more about your own husky’s behaviors and needs. With AskVet, you can get answers immediately from Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™, who will work with you to better understand your husky. You don’t have to worry about raising your husky on your own: Sign up, and we can help ASAP!

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a dog that tries to communicate every single second of their day to their human. You will never have to worry about whether your dog is okay because your husky will definitely let you know!


Communication in Dogs | NCBI

Frequency Hearing Ranges in Dogs and Other Species | Louisiana State University

Modern Siberian Dog Ancestry Was Shaped By Several Thousand Years Of Eurasian-Wide Trade And Human Dispersal | PNAS

How to crate train your dog or puppy | The Humane Society of the United States

How far away can dogs smell and hear? | University of Adelaide

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses? What it Means

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses? What it Means | AskVet

Bumping into a dog’s wet nose isn’t always the most pleasant of feelings, especially when it feels colder than your body temperature. On the other hand, some people love a pup’s wet nose and are constantly booping them as they walk by, and we don’t blame you for that!

There are different reasons for your dog’s nose to be wet, so it’s important to feel it every once in a while to make sure they are healthy and happy. If you’re wondering what it means when your dog’s nose is wet, keep reading:

Is a Wet Nose Normal?

All dogs are different, which means that the wetness of your dog’s nose may vary depending on a few factors. A wet nose is quite common and normal for dogs — especially for dogs that are up and about, moving around the house, exercising, and playing. When a dog is lying down calmly or sleeping, their noses might become more dry and warm.

Wet noses will help a dog pick up scents as particles will stick to their noses more easily. This is very useful to dogs because their sense of smell is one of their most important senses. A dog can determine a lot about their surroundings based on smell; it’s essential that they have access to this sense.

How Do Dogs’ Noses Get Wet?

A dog’s nose can become wet due to several reasons, all of which help them in the long run and are generally normal. If your dog is out and about all day, they might have gotten into wet grass, dipped their nose into their water bottle, or found some moist dirt to stick their face into.

All of these things can contribute to a wet nose; here are some more details:


You’ve likely seen your dog lick their noses from time to time, and this can cause them to retain some moisture and feel wet. This is a habit that your dog might have to get a sense of what has recently been on their nose (and to do a little cleanup).

The scent particles carried into the mouth through the mucus from your dog’s nose activate the function of the Jacobson organ, which is responsible for semiochemical signal detection.

If your dog is a smart cookie, they will actively keep their nose wet so that they don’t miss out on any new information that comes by.

Mucus Secretion

Another reason for a wet nose is because of the mucus that dogs secrete. This mucus captures scents and enhances them so dogs can improve their sense of smell. This keeps the nasal cavity moist and might be what you feel when you boop your dog’s nose.

(Possibly) Perspiration

Additionally, dogs perspire through their nose. Dogs do not sweat as human beings do, so they have to regulate their body temperature somehow.

Dogs cool down through a few techniques; panting is one of the most famous. Some people think that a damp nose helps dogs chill out, but the science is inconclusive so far.

When it comes to perspiration, canines can sweat through their paw pads.

What Does It Mean When a Dog Has a Dry Nose?

It’s not necessarily a problem if your dog’s nose isn’t wet all of the time. Some dogs simply have drier noses than others. As you learn about your dog’s behaviors and body, you’ll be able to better identify when something is outside the ordinary.

A dry nose may result from a really good nap, being close to a fireplace or heater, snuggled up underneath blankets that cause their temperature to rise, and many other reasons. If you notice that your dog has additional symptoms like mucus discharge, an upset stomach, or lethargy, take them to a veterinarian, as there might be something else that is wrong.

For the most part, a dry nose is pretty typical, and the wetness will vary throughout the day depending on what kind of activities that your dog is participating in. Dehydration and fevers can contribute to a drier nose, but so can being sleepy. It’s best to always monitor your dog for behavioral changes to keep them happy and healthy.

Keeping a Dog’s Nose Healthy

Dog’s keep themselves pretty clean and healthy on their own, but sometimes an extra hand can’t hurt. Keeping your dog’s nose clean when they can’t seem to and ensuring that your dog has access to fresh water can keep your dog’s nose in good health.

Take note of any excess sneezing or a runny nose, as your dog might be allergic to something in your home or that they are ingesting. Flakiness on the nose might signify that they could be suffering from a sunburn (some dogs might need sunscreen on their noses too).

Ask Questions with AskVet

Questions about your pet are bound to come up, especially if you are an extremely involved dog parent (like the majority of us). With AskVet, you have access to Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™ who can give you answers when you need them. If your dog’s nose is a cause for concern, you can ask our coaches and get helpful responses in an efficient manner.

When you become a member of AskVet, you can begin creating a 360° plan to improve your dog’s overall wellbeing. You may need to adjust your dog’s diet or exercise levels depending on if they are having reactions that are causing a drier nose. These are all things that you can talk about with our Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™ and our veterinary experts when you use AskVet.

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MRI Features of the Vomeronasal Organ in Dogs (Canis Familiaris) | NCBI

When the Nose Doesn’t Know: Canine Olfactory Function Associated With Health, Management, and Potential Links to Microbiota | NCBI

Why Is My Dog’s Nose Dry? | American Kennel Club

Do Dogs Sweat? | Live Science

Do Dogs Need Sunscreen? What to Know About UV Exposure in Pets | AKC

How To Cat-Proof Your House: Getting Ready for a Furry Friend

How To Cat-Proof Your House: Getting Ready for a Furry Friend

If you’ve been thinking about adopting a cat, you might be wondering what steps you can take to ensure they feel safe and comfortable in their new home. There are several things to consider when preparing for their arrival.

Join us as we discuss how to properly cat-proof your house.

What Supplies Do I Need?

One key aspect of cat-proofing your house is making sure you have appropriate supplies to meet their everyday needs. This includes scratching posts and toys to provide them with stimulation and basics such as a litter box and food and water bowls.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for supplies:

Age-Appropriate Diet

A cat’s diet and nutritional needs vary based on their age. Finding the right food for your new feline companion is crucial, as a kitten’s diet would not be suitable for an adult cat, and vice versa. Diet and appropriate activity levels help cats maintain a healthy weight.


There are a variety of toys available to help keep your new friend active. Take time to find what your cat likes. In terms of structures, your cat might enjoy tunnels or climbing furniture. Hand-held cat toys include toy mice (sometimes filled with catnip), fishing poles/teasers, and balls that make noises. Cats are born with a very strong prey drive and feel fulfilled when they are able to use it, even indoors!

Litter Box Care

If you are adopting a kitten, they might need help when first learning to use the litter box. Animals often navigate their environment through scent, and for this reason, it may be beneficial to use a litter additive or cat attractant litter. Both these options can provide a specific scent that guides them to use the litter box, making it easier for them to understand where to do their business.

(For our older adoptions, most cats are already litter box trained! )

There are a multitude of reasons why cats of all ages could stop using the litter box, even if they are trained to do so. Perhaps your cat finds the litter to be too deep or too dirty. Maybe they want a different type of litter or would prefer for the litter box to be in another location.

If you have an adult or senior cat who stops using their litter box, you may want to consult with experts to find the root cause.

How To Protect Your Belongings From Your Cat

A major part of cat-proofing your house is minimizing access to anything that might be hazardous to your cat.

Let’s discuss some ways you can keep both your home and your cat safe:


Just like puppies, cats often like to put things in their mouths that they shouldn’t. For any electrical devices that use cords, keep them unplugged when not in use. You might also consider using a cord protector.

Secure Any Harmful Items

Items such as certain human foods or medications meant for humans can be extremely dangerous to cats. Securing these items so that your cat isn’t able to access them can help keep them safe and healthy. Cat/childproof locks on cabinet doors can be a big help here.

Keep Clothes and Towels Out of Reach

Your cat may urinate on soft items as a way of claiming their territory. You might want to keep your favorite clothes and towels off the floor and out of reach to lessen the chances that they will become damaged.

Be Aware of Small Spaces

Many cats are comfortable sleeping in small spaces. Be aware of any spaces where your cat could easily hide, and make sure you know where your cat is before closing off those spaces.

Secure Your Windows

Most cats enjoy sitting on your window sill to look out the window. Keep the windows and window screens secure so your cat won’t be able to escape.

Place Scratching Posts Around the House

Cats will instinctively want to scratch different surfaces around your house. To keep them from scratching your furniture, you can place scratching posts in multiple rooms to help redirect their attention.

Be Careful With Candles

Cats may approach lit candles because they are attracted to light and smoke. You can use candle toppers to minimize the risk of injury, but leaving your cat unattended around an open flame is not ideal.

How Do I Cat-Proof Different Rooms?

Now that we’ve covered the basics for keeping your cat safe and providing them with necessary supplies, you might be wondering how to go about cat-proofing the various rooms of your home more thoroughly.

Let’s get started!

Living Room and Bedrooms

Several things in your living room or bedrooms could be dangerous to your cat. Small items such as pieces from games and toys, sewing supplies, and hair accessories could be harmful if your cat swallows them. Make sure to pick up and put away these things so your cat can’t get to them.

It is best to keep laundry, shoes, and products such as medications and cosmetic supplies out of reach. Your cat can easily jump onto tables and other low surfaces. They may be tempted to play with these items and chew on them if they are accessible.

Driveway and Garage

Clean any chemicals that may have spilled on the driveway or floor of the garage. Products such as antifreeze can prove fatal if ingested.

Put any containers of chemical products out of reach or secure them in some way to prevent your cat from knocking them over.

Bathrooms and Kitchen

Childproof locks can help prevent your cat from getting into cabinets where items such as food and cleaning supplies are stored.

Keeping toilet lids closed and garbage cans either closed or safely stored helps ensure that your cat doesn’t drink or ingest harmful chemicals or food products.

Other Possible Hazards

In addition to those previously mentioned, other common household items could pose a risk to your cat’s safety.

Let’s review some of them:

Blind Strings and Ribbon

Cats may interpret anything left dangling as a toy, which can result in injury. It is best to keep blind strings out of reach so that your cat isn’t tempted to play with them.

Despite what we see in cartoons, cats shouldn’t play with string or yarn since these are choking hazards and may get stuck in the intestinal tract. Keep these items off the floor (and any other low surfaces your cat could jump onto).

House Plants

House plants should be out of reach, as many common house plants can be poisonous to animals, including aloe vera, holly, snake plants, and more.

Keep in mind that cats are agile and may be able to access hanging plants simply by climbing onto surrounding surfaces.

Food Wrappers

There are a number of foods that can be toxic to cats, but wrappers can also be dangerous. Properly dispose of any food-related trash to prevent your cat from finding them.

Things To Keep in Mind

Remember that even if you take precautions and cat-proof your house thoroughly, there could still be times your cat gets into things they shouldn’t have. Luckily, some younger cats may outgrow some behaviors with training.

However, cats of all ages are born to be curious about their surroundings and find a way to access things that aren’t meant for them. The best thing you can do is try to curb unwanted behaviors before they become a habit. Provide ample stimulation so, over time, they gravitate towards toys instead of items in your house.

It may take some time for your furry family member’s personality to start showing, but once they become comfortable in your home, it is likely they will open up more.

Introducing new toys is a great way to build a relationship with your new feline friend. As you begin to notice what they like to play with, you can learn more about their personality.

For more advice on caring for your feline friend, you can join AskVet for only $9.99 a month and receive 24/7 access to Certified Pet Lifestyle Coaches™ who can help you form an individualized pet care plan perfect for your pet’s needs.

Join AskVet today and get the support you need immediately.



Pet-Proofing Your Home | American Humane

Top 5 Ways to Prep Your Home for a Puppy or Kitten | ASPCA

Tried & True: The Necessary Guide to Cat-Proof Your House | Goldorado Animal Hospital

Cat-Safe House Plants | DeWitt Veterinary Hospital