Common Vaccine Reactions in Dogs

sweet pup

Written by: Alexa Waltz

 Vaccines are an integral aspect of preventive medical care for dogs and cats and have been administered safely and effectively for decades. Vaccines prevent the transmission of Rabies from pets to people and save countless canine lives from highly contagious and fatal infections like Parvovirus and Distemper Virus. Follow this link for more info about which vaccines are recommended for dogs (LINK: Puppy vaccines).

Just like in people, your canine companion may experience some undesirable and unintended side effects, aka “vaccine reactions”, after they have been given a vaccine. Thankfully though, the vast majority of these reactions are very mild and transient. Your favorite pup may only be down for a short period of time after the appointment before perking up to their happy-go-lucky self hours later or the following day. Dogs very rarely experience severe vaccine reactions. The following is a summary of how to tell what may be a mild vaccine reaction versus a more serious situation requiring immediate veterinary treatment.

AskVet Tip: If your dog has collapsed, is having difficulty breathing, or has facial swelling, seek emergency veterinary care IMMEDIATELY—these patients need life-saving treatment as soon as possible!

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Common Mild Vaccine Reactions

Discomfort at the Injection Site

Most dog vaccines are administered with a needle poke through the skin, OUCH! Thankfully though, most dogs will have no reaction at all while others may have some sensitivity at the site for 1-2 days. Your pup may feel sore, have a slight limp, or be protective of the area for 24-48 hours after they received the injection due to the local inflammatory reaction that is taking place. A cold compress, rest, and distractions with food or treats usually does the trick if your dog is feeling uncomfortable. Be especially careful when handling your dog near the shoulder or hip regions — these are the most common areas where vaccines are given and likely to be a bit sore. Typically, the day after the appointment most dogs are back to their normal selves and ready to take on the world!

A Lump at the Injection Site

Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system to create long lasting immunity against different viral and bacterial infections. Sometimes that can start with a local inflammatory reaction right at the site where the vaccine was injected. You may feel a small lump, some heat, or swelling in the area where your pup got his shots (usually the hip or shoulder areas). Similar to the discomfort described earlier, this swelling is usually temporary and will decrease after 1-2 days. Occasionally a lump will persist for about a week, but if you are still noticing it two weeks later or longer it is recommended to consult with your veterinarian. If there is any hair loss over the area, scabbing, pus, or fluid oozing, these are more indications that veterinary attention is needed. Skin infections, abscesses, and vasculitis are possible reactions that can take place at the location where the vaccine was given.

Decreased Appetite and Activity Level

Along the same lines as above, vaccines can cause both people and animals to feel a bit cruddy for a period of time following the injection. The activation of the immune system can be accompanied by a fever, fatigue, sore muscles, a decrease in appetite, and an increase in wanting to chill out in their dog bed all day! Sometimes dogs that are ignoring their regular kibble dinner may be enticed to eat a tempting meal of canned food or a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice (LINK: Diarrhea in dogs) during the recovery time. Thankfully, this decrease in energy and appetite is usually temporary and only lasts 1-2 days before they are bouncing around and as energetic and hungry as ever!

Sneezing and Respiratory Symptoms

The Bordetella (“Kennel Cough”) vaccine can be administered as a nasal drop or spray. Occasionally, sneezing, coughing and clear nasal discharge can be seen for a short time following the administration of the intranasal Bordetella Vaccine. Typically this only lasts a few days and the symptoms resolve on their own.

Uncommon Severe Vaccine Reactions

Vaccines are very safe and have been studied in-depth for decades. Occasionally though, a dog may experience a more severe vaccine reaction that requires follow-up care immediately at your vet clinic or even a visit to an emergency hospital if symptoms occur after-hours. The existence of these reactions do not minimize the importance of vaccines, but all dogs should be carefully monitored after vaccinations have been given. Use our guide to familiarize yourself with how to perform a dog physical exam at home and help assess if something may be physically wrong with your dog.

Allergic Reactions – Vomiting and Diarrhea, Hives, Facial Swelling

The vast majority of vaccines will be followed by no or very mild side effects as listed above. In the rare event that the following signs are noted, swift action is recommended.

Signs to watch for indicating a possible emergency situation:

  • Facial swelling
  • Skin hives and raised welts
  • Persistent vomiting and diarrhea
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Collapse
  • Pale gums 
  • Weak pulse

If you are noticing the above signs within a short period of time after receiving vaccines, your dog may be having a severe adverse vaccine reaction. Depending on what symptoms your dog is experiencing, your AskVet veterinarian can help you assess the situation too, and determine if medical treatment may be recommended before the reaction worsens. 

Anaphylaxis – Breathing Difficulty, Weakness, Severe Vomiting, Collapse

Anytime an animal comes in contact with a foreign substance (foods, insects, plants, toxins, vaccines, medications, etc), there is a very small chance they may develop a severe and life threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Thankfully, anaphylactic reactions to vaccines are very uncommon in dogs, but it can happen. Typically, dogs will start showing signs of anaphylaxis within minutes of being given a vaccine injection, so careful observation for at least 15 minutes after the vaccine is given is always recommended. If your dog is having difficulty breathing, showing weakness, severe vomiting, has pale gums, or collapses onto the ground it is recommended to seek veterinary care right away or consult an emergency veterinary hospital. If your pup is displaying these concerning symptoms (or you are not sure!) your AskVet veterinarian can also help to triage and discuss the next steps. 

Treatment for Vaccine Reactions

Dogs that are experiencing an allergic reaction severe enough to need veterinary treatment may typically receive an antihistamine (like diphenhydramine), corticosteroids, intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous fluids, and additional treatments depending on the severity of the situation. It is important that this reaction is noted in your dog’s permanent health record. 

Regarding future vaccines, your veterinarian will take into account any past reactions in order to assess the safety of further vaccines. Some vaccine reactions can be avoided by giving a premedication dose of diphenhydramine just before the injections. This antihistamine will help prevent or dampen reactions that have been observed in the past. Drop-off appointments may be recommended for a longer observation period too, in case quick emergency care is needed. 

Consult Your Vet For More On Vaccines

Your veterinarian is the best resource to discuss the local risks for viral and bacterial diseases in your area, and the need for certain types of vaccines. They will recommend a dog vaccination schedule (LINK: Puppy Vaccines) appropriate for your pup based on their age, medical history, and environmental risks. For more information about vaccines in general, how your dog is reacting to their vaccines, and what to expect at an upcoming vaccine appointment, our AskVet veterinarians are ready to answer all of your questions!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Why Is My Dog Breathing Heavy? 4 Common Causes

Golden Labradoodle dog outside in fall season

**If your dog is struggling to breathe, is weak and having difficulty standing, or if his tongue is blue or gray, please seek emergency veterinary care IMMEDIATELY as this may be a life-threatening emergency!**

One of the most common concerns of pet parents is related to their dog’s breathing. At AskVet, we frequently encounter questions such as, “why is my dog breathing heavy?”, “why is my dog panting so much?”, and even “my dog is making funny noises while he’s breathing!”.  

We’ll discuss some of the most common causes of changes in your dog’s breathing below. First, we’ll teach you how to count your dog’s respiratory rate per minute. This is important information to have if there are any concerns about your dog’s breathing. 

What is Your Dog’s Respiratory Rate?

When you take your pup in for a vet visit, you probably notice that the vet tech or doctor takes your dog’s vital signs. One of these vital signs is your dog’s respiratory rate, or breaths per minute. This is an essential step in a dog physical exam checklist.

The most accurate way to assess a dog’s respiratory rate is actually while they are sleeping! (This is impossible at the veterinary clinic for obvious reasons!) This way, any variation in breathing due to activity, level of alertness/excitement, or anxiety is eliminated and you obtain a true evaluation of whether your dog is breathing more quickly than normal. 

To take your dog’s respiratory rate, wait until they are sleeping (or very relaxed). Look at your dog’s ribcage rise and fall. Each rise and fall is counted as ONE breath. Now, use the stopwatch feature on your phone, or the second hand of a clock, to count how many rise-and-fall cycles are completed in sixty seconds—that is your dog’s respiratory rate! (You can also count for thirty seconds and multiply by two.)

Normal sleeping respiratory rates should be below 30 breaths per minute. If your dog is breathing more quickly than this, take a video of their breathing and chat with AskVet so a veterinarian can assess your dog further. Note: some dogs have normal sleeping respiratory rates as low as ten! 

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Noisy Breathing

Is your dog making noises like a snorty little piggie when she’s breathing? If your dog has a short face (like most Frenchies, English Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers), and has been making noises like this her entire life, then this is likely due to something called “brachycephalic airway syndrome.” These pups are SO CUTE, but as a trade-off to that level of adorableness, we can see significant breathing problems!

Brachycephalic airway syndrome is a very common cause of noisy breathing. So, why does  your smushed-face pup snort and snore all of the time? The answer is simple: since all of the same anatomical structures in long-nosed dogs are compressed into a face that is one-third the length, all of that extra skin and soft tissue will create more turbulence of the air moving in and out of your dog’s mouth, nose, and throat. In some cases, surgery can be done to improve their breathing and open up those airways (and improve their quality of life). Your AskVet veterinarians are happy to discuss this syndrome with you and prepare you for a visit with your family veterinarian to discuss these options! 

However, if your dog has a long nose, or if your dog was always a quiet breather and now is suddenly making snort-type noises, then this can be a cause for immediate concern. Take a close look at your dog’s face. Is she having any milky white, green, or yellow discharge from her nostrils? If so, this may indicate a sinus infection, or a piece of grass stuck in her nose, or (very rarely, thank goodness) a mass in her sinuses. Sometimes dental problems will also cause noisy breathing and nasal discharge, since the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nasal cavity. Your veterinarian can do a thorough physical exam and discuss what is likely to be going on with your pup, and if any treatments or further testing are needed. 

If your dog is making noise while he breathes and there is NO discharge from his nose, then he could have a mild upper respiratory infection (like kennel cough or allergies). These conditions are usually easily treated, and frequently occur with your dog constantly coughing and noisy breathing. 

Another possibility more often seen in larger-breed dogs is laryngeal paralysis. In this condition, small flaps of cartilage that form the voicebox will sometimes become weaker and droop as they age, preventing air from moving in and out like normal. 

Since increased airway turbulence and noisy breathing can reduce your pup’s ability to cool off when it’s hot outside or when they are exercising, it’s important to keep him quiet, cool, and calm until he can be evaluated by your veterinarian in person.

Breathing Too Fast

If you have noticed your dog breathing more quickly recently, it could be nothing to worry about! As you probably know, dogs release their body heat through panting and breathing quickly. Since they can’t sweat as efficiently as human beings, we can see our dogs breathing more quickly in warm weather (signs of heat stroke in dogs) and after exercise. If, however, you notice your puppy breathing more rapidly and there has been no recent change in temperature or recent exercise, then this may be the first clue that your dog needs your help. 

Heart Disease

If your dog has been diagnosed with a heart problem, any increases in his respiratory rate should be taken seriously. If his sleeping respiratory rate is above 30 breaths per minute (see above), then he should be evaluated by a veterinarian right away—even if that means taking him to an emergency clinic. Research has shown that a sleeping respiratory rate above 30 in a dog with heart disease is highly likely to indicate fluid build-up in the lungs, or congestive heart failure. Please chat in with an AskVet veterinarian to help you determine if an ER trip is necessary.

Lung Problems

As you can imagine, lung problems are another common cause of rapid breathing. Just like people, dogs can develop medical conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, fungal infections, parasitic infections, and (thankfully rarely!) even cancer in the lungs. Heartworm disease is another possible cause of heavy breathing, but monthly heartworm prevention can almost completely eliminate the risk of this disease. 

To look for any of these lung diseases, your veterinarian will likely start by taking radiographs (x-rays) of your dog’s chest to evaluate the heart and lungs. Bloodwork may be recommended as well to check for inflammation and certain types of infectious diseases that can affect the lungs. Sometimes, your veterinarian will recommend seeing a specialist for a look down your dog’s airways using a camera in order to diagnose the problem and collect cells to look at under the microscope. 

Problems Outside of the Lungs

Sometimes, a dog’s heart and lungs are perfectly healthy and they are still experiencing rapid breathing due to a medical problem. For example, your dog’s red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. If your dog doesn’t have enough of these red blood cells (a condition called anemia), her body will try to increase the amount of oxygen available by breathing quickly. 

If you have noticed other changes in your dog such as increased thirst and urination (how much water should my dog drink?), changes in her appetite, or any vomiting or diarrhea, then your pup’s rapid breathing may be related to a hormone problem. For example, diabetes and Cushing’s disease are common culprits of increased breathing! Your veterinarian may want to screen for these conditions by performing bloodwork and testing your dog’s urine.

Anxiety can cause excessive panting in dogs, too. Dogs experiencing signs of separation anxiety in dogs, storm and noise phobias, or who find themselves in a fearful situation will often pant during the event. They will usually return to normal when the event is over, but this can be a sign that your pup may benefit from some environmental or medication intervention.  

In other dogs, rapid breathing can actually indicate that your dog is in pain. We see this most commonly in older dogs who are starting to struggle with arthritis. In these patients, your dog’s veterinarian may prescribe a trial of pain medication to see if that improves her breathing problem. 

The Bottom Line

If you have noticed any changes  in your dog’s breathing—whether it is increased noise, or more rapid breathing—it’s important to have a veterinarian evaluate your canine companion. That way, appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible and lead to increased comfort and quality of life—for both of you! To better monitor your dog’s health, take the time to read our guide on the dog physical exam checklist. This way you can become familiar with what is normal and what is not. 

Our AskVet veterinary experts are here 24/7 to help you determine how urgent your dog’s breathing problem is, discuss possible causes, and walk you through what testing and treatment your veterinarian may recommend.

Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your AskVet account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Why Is My Dog Coughing? Causes and Treatment

Young Fawn Mixed Breed Puppy Laying on Striped Bed

Have you noticed your dog coughing lately? Does it seem to happen at a certain time of day, or did it start suddenly after he came home from a boarding kennel “vacation”?

Coughing is one of the most common reasons for pet owners to seek veterinary care and advice. Before you start wondering, “Is my dog sick,”read on below for a discussion on the most common causes of canine cough!

**If your dog’s tongue is a blue, gray, or white color—or if he is weak, unable to stand, or not alert—then please seek emergency veterinary care IMMEDIATELY. These symptoms can indicate a life-threatening breathing emergency!***

Is My Dog Coughing, Gagging, or Choking?

Of course, we’re all familiar with how it sounds when a person starts coughing—but what does it sound like when your dog has a cough? To many pet owners, it sounds exactly “like there’s something stuck in his throat.”

Rest assured that, unless your dog is turning blue, struggling to get air, or even losing consciousness—it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that there is something truly stuck back there!

Instead, dogs tend to have a very loud hacking, gagging cough. If they cough several times in a row, they might end the episode by spitting up some clear or white foamy fluid. (This part is called a “terminal retch” and is often mistaken for vomiting.) Spitting up at the end of a coughing episode may look alarming, but it is usually just an indicator of how severe the cough itself is—not necessarily how sick your pooch might be (Phew!).

As long as they go back to breathing normally after a coughing episode (see below for more information), then the problem is a cough—not something stuck. 

Read our guide on “Why is my dog breathing heavy” to learn more!

What Are the Most Common Causes of Dog Coughing?

Kennel Cough

The most common cause of coughing in dogs is called “kennel cough,” which is an umbrella term used to describe all of the bacterial and viral doggie colds that dogs can pass to each other—much like children in school or daycare! This common condition is associated with a dry, hacking cough.

Dogs coughing due to kennel cough are usually known to have been around other dogs in the two weeks prior to their first episode of coughing. This social contact with other dogs can take place at a dog park, doggie daycare, boarding facility, or even at the groomer’s—basically, prolonged exposure to any facility where other dogs are cared for.

If your pooch has been diagnosed with kennel cough, is an adult dog who is otherwise healthy, and has received the Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine, then she will probably have a bad cough for several days to a week but feel pretty good otherwise. Your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics or a cough suppressant to help her get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Can Kennel Cough Turn Into Pneumonia?

In young puppies and unvaccinated or older dogs, kennel cough is more likely to worsen and start to affect your dog’s lungs. Infection in the lungs is known as pneumonia and is very serious.

Dogs with infection in the lungs will often have yellow, green, or white discharge from their nose, feel tired and lethargic, may have a decreased appetite, and breathe more quickly—even when they are sleeping.

Pneumonia can worsen and require intensive care, including IV fluids, antibiotics, and even oxygen therapy. If you have any concerns that your pup may have pneumonia, it is best to have her evaluated by a veterinarian ASAP.

Fortunately, the vast majority of dogs with kennel cough recover quickly. However, once your dog has recovered, it’s important to keep her away from her canine buddies for at least ten days since she’s probably still contagious to other dogs!

Tracheal Collapse

Another possible cause of canine cough is due to weakness and sagging of the firm cartilage rings that make up your dog’s windpipe. You may have heard the technical term for this condition: tracheal collapse. This condition appears to have at least some genetic basis. It is more common in toy breeds, such as Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Pugs, Malteses, and Bichons.

If your dog has a collapsing trachea, she may make the characteristic “goose-honk cough” sound when she gets excited (and air is moving in and out of her windpipe very quickly).

For example, you may notice that she coughs when someone comes home or is at the door or when she sees a friend while on a walk and starts panting excitedly. Sometimes the windpipe can collapse so severely that it causes an emergency—but most of the time, the cough goes away when your little girl calms down and relaxes.

How Is a Tracheal Collapse Diagnosed?

To diagnose tracheal collapse, veterinarians often recommend x-rays of the chest and neck. Because the collapse of your dog’s trachea is temporary (during the cough), we often don’t see it on our x-rays—since it is like taking a photo of a moving object! Instead, your veterinarian is looking for other causes of your dog’s cough.

Conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and enlargement of the heart can be seen on x-rays. A cough can also be one of the symptoms of heart murmur in dogs. If no other cause for your dog’s cough is found, then your dog may be diagnosed with tracheal collapse.

Tracheal collapse is a medical condition that will be present to some degree for the rest of your dog’s life. As your pup ages, the cough may get more frequent over time or cause episodes where your pooch really does have trouble getting enough air. In these cases, your veterinarian may prescribe cough suppressants.

Ask yourself, “Is my dog overweight?” The best way to minimize your dog’s tracheal collapse symptoms is to maintain a lean body weight, which reduces pressure on your dog’s airway.

Less Common Causes of Coughing

Of course, there are PLENTY of other reasons for dogs to cough—we just see these conditions less frequently! Your vet may attribute your dog’s cough to an enlarged heart (with or without heart failure), acid reflux (yes, just like people!), an air-quality issue (like from nearby wildfires), pneumonia, canine influenza, bronchitis, heartworm disease, a fungal infection, cancer (fortunately very rare!), and many, many other possibilities.

Let’s discuss a few of these further.


Mosquitos are responsible for transmitting the heartworm parasite. Larval heartworms enter an animal’s bloodstream, thanks to the bite of a mosquito.

After a few months of traveling through the bloodstream, they reach the heart, beginning to grow and produce larvae once they have matured. They have an average lifespan of seven years and reach a length of one foot after six months. If heartworms mate, they can produce microfilariae, which can prompt a dog’s immune system to attack their own organs.

Heartworm Prevention and Testing

Overall, heartworm prevention is the best option for this condition, and part of this plan might be testing. So how often should they be tested?

  • Dogs who have not previously received heartworm prevention measures and are over seven years old should undergo testing.
  • Regardless of age, all dogs should be tested annually. Your DVM may recommend an annual injection or monthly medication along with this test.
  • Puppies who are under seven months old can begin to receive preventative treatment. They should be tested six months after starting treatment, as well as six months after their first test.
  • Dogs who have missed a heartworm treatment should be tested to ensure that they are not infected with the virus.

Heartworm Symptoms

Now that you know what heartworm is and how to prevent it, you might wonder what symptoms to look out for. When your dog first contracts heartworm, it is likely that they will not show signs of infection. As the condition progresses, symptoms will become more apparent.

Here are the four main stages of heartworm:

  • Class One: No visible symptoms or a mild type of cough.
  • Class Two:Persistent cough and exercise intolerance.
  • Class Three: Weakened pulse, increased intolerance for exercise, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing.
  • Class Four: Cardiovascular collapse, referred to as caval syndrome, results in fatal organ failure in severe cases.

Canine Influenza

Canine influenzais an airborne respiratory disease caused by an airborne viral infection, but it can be spread through shared objects and environments that have become contaminated as well. Places where large numbers of dogs gather, such as dog parks, are just one example of a respiratory infection breeding ground.

Let’s discuss the most common symptoms you should be aware of:

What Are the Symptoms of Canine Influenza?

The symptoms of canine influenza are similar to those of the human influenza virus. Your dog may experience difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, fever, feelings of lethargy, as well as discharge from the nose and eyes. If you notice your dog exhibiting these symptoms, seek help from your vet.

How Do Vets Treat Canine Influenza?

While this disease has no cure, your vet can advise you on treatment that will support your dog as they recover. It is important to notify your vet prior to your appointment as canine influenza is highly contagious. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics as well as anti-inflammatory medications.

They might also inform you of quarantine procedures to prevent your dog from infecting other dogs and what disinfectant products you can use to disinfect your home.

What Are the Best Ways To Prevent Canine Influenza?

There are vaccines for this virus, but the most effective way to prevent your dog from contracting it is to avoid taking them to public places that have had recently reported cases. If you believe you have come into contact with a dog infected or exposed to it, it’s best to wash your clothes, arms, and hands thoroughly before touching your dog.

Canine Chronic Bronchitis

Canine Chronic Bronchitis is a long-term, incurable condition that may lead to permanent lung damage. T lasts for two months or longer.

It causes inflammation in the lungs, which could result in mucus or phlegm being released into your dog’s respiratory tract. Then, dogs might begin to cough, as it is a natural reflex to attempt to clear the airways from a foreign object.

Let’s discuss symptoms and the steps pet parents can take to manage this health condition.

Canine Chronic Bronchitis Treatment

This condition can permanently change your dog’s airway structure from prolonged inflammation due to the release of mucus. It is crucial to control airway inflammation by modifying your dog’s environment and using medications to slow further damage to the lungs and airways.

As long as you are monitoring the symptoms, your dog’s quality of life will not be drastically impacted. However, an early diagnosis can result in a better prognosis. Although bronchitis itself is not life-threatening, severe damage to lung tissue may lead to bronchiectasis; a condition that could make your dog receptive to recurrent pneumonia.

This is why having your veterinarian perform a physical exam is SO important if your dog comes down with a cough—they can narrow down this long list of possibilities. Your family can discuss whether x-rays, bloodwork, or other testing is recommended to figure out the reason for your pup’s cough.

Is My Dog’s Cough An Emergency?

To help assess whether your coughing dog is truly an emergency or if your pet is stable enough to wait for an available appointment with your family vet, chat with one of our AskVet veterinarians!

AskVet Tip: A brief video (twenty seconds or less) of your dog’s breathing and coughing can be especially helpful for these chats.

As always, your AskVet veterinarians are ready to field all of your questions about coughing in dogs and offer some recommendations for steps to take in their care. Getting your pup back to feeling their best is our top priority!



Dog Coughing: Causes and Treatment Options | American Kennel Club

Heartworm Disease | American Veterinary Medical Association

Dog Flu: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention for Canine Influenza | American Kennel Club

Heartworms In Dogs – Symptoms and Treatments | The Drake Center for Veterinary Care

Canine Chronic Bronchitis: An Update | NCBI

Signs and Symptoms of Cat Arthritis

Gray cat walking outside on a summer day

Written by: Allison Ward, DVM

If you are like most cat parents, you may not have ever heard that cats can develop arthritis! After all, cats are so flexible and athletic that we normally don’t think of our felines as having much difficulty getting around. However, arthritis in cats is becoming more frequently diagnosed, and more treatment modalities are available to help our furry friends live out their lives in maximum mobility and comfort (LINK to “Guide to Treating Arthritis in Cats”). Cat arthritis symptoms  vary greatly from those in dogs, and for any cat-lover, it’s essential to be aware of the warning signs that your cat may be developing this common ailment. 

What IS Arthritis, Anyway?

Most of us know that arthritis is a medical condition that causes joint pain, and is more common in humans as we get older. However, did you know that any animal can develop arthritis—including dogs, horses, and even CATS? 

Simply put, arthritis is inflammation and abnormal “wear and tear” on joint surfaces. Normal joints allow an animal to bend, flex, run, jump, and even curl up for a much-needed nap. There are several different types of joints in your cat’s body, but we’ll focus on the joints most likely to be affected by arthritis: the stifles (“knees”), hocks (“ankles”), hips, elbows, and carpi (“wrists”). Joints in your cat’s spine (neck and back) can also be affected by arthritis, even though the anatomy of these joints is slightly different than the others we’ll discuss.

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Joint Components

For starters, let’s talk about the components of one of these joints. When you bend your knee, you can think of the knee joint as kind of a hinge connecting your thighbone to your shinbone. What’s in the middle of that hinge? A complicated structure consisting of tendons and ligaments—so-called soft tissues that act like cables connecting the parts of your leg and kneecap with each other. The hinge also contains a squishy fluid-filled sac called a bursa that is filled with joint fluid. The bursa acts as a shock absorber to distribute weight from standing, walking, running, and jumping so that the end of your thighbone doesn’t smash into the end of your shinbone! Of course, you also have a kneecap that glides over your knee as you bend and extend your leg—but your kneecap should never move from side-to-side. Spoiler alert: your cat’s knees (and other joints) have the same components!

Changes in Arthritis

When your cat walks, runs, jumps, or starts tearing through the house during their nighttime zoomies, stress is put on their joints. Over time, this stress leads to the microscopic breakdown of the joint surfaces. 

If any part of the joint is irritated from instability or too much “wear and tear,” the body sends cells to the joint in an attempt to repair the damage. This can result in inflammation of the joint cartilage, bone surface, bursa, and the lining of the bursa—and starts a never-ending cycle of attempted repair followed by inflammation and even more deterioration of normal tissue. Alas, the body’s attempt at self-repair often results in uneven and irregular surfaces within the joint, which cause even MORE inflammation, followed by MORE breakdown…you get the picture! With inflammation comes chronic PAIN—just like in humans. 

Once your cat is painful, he may alter the way he bears weight on one or more limbs—further stressing joint surfaces in ways that are not normal for the way they are designed by nature. This continues to add to the problem. One symptom of cat arthritis includes decreased activity levels, since understandably a cat with aching joints wants to stay off his feet—and this could also lead to weight gain. Weight gain also INCREASES the pressure on your cat’s joints, speeding up the process of arthritis and worsening their pain. 

You can see how feline arthritis can become a never-ending cycle once it starts—and imagine how greatly it impacts your cat’s quality of life! 

Causes of Arthritis in Cats

So, what causes the joint inflammation that begins the never-ending cycle of arthritis? Most of the time, this inflammation is related to aging itself, and can’t be prevented. (One study found that 90% of cats over the age of 12 have arthritic joint changes on x-rays!) Some cats are born with abnormally-shaped joints (called “dysplasia”) that set them up for the rapid development of arthritis, even from a young age. This type of joint malformation is more common in purebred cats, and is seen in almost ALL of purebred Scottish Fold cats. 

Other factors that increase the development and severity of arthritis are more within your control: obesity is a HUGE (pun intended!) risk factor for this condition, since excess weight increases the work your cat’s joints have to perform with every step. Keeping your cat at a healthy weight is good for their overall health as well as the health of their joints! Also, if your cat is unlucky enough to suffer an injury—such as a broken leg or torn ligament—then his body will continue to form scar tissue in that area over time, leading to arthritis in the affected joints. 

Other causes of arthritis pain are much, much less common (thank goodness!,) and include infections of the joint (usually from a whole-body infection that goes into the bloodstream to affect the joint), or the immune system getting confused and attacking the joint tissue (this is called immune-mediated arthritis). If your cat has been treated for either of these diseases in the past, then you can expect her to have more severe arthritis and at an earlier age.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Cats

Now that we’ve discussed HOW arthritis happens, let’s talk about why we should care and what you might see as a cat parent! We all know how cats love to hide their discomfort and pretend like everything is okay until they just aren’t able to pretend anymore. As a savvy cat lover, there are some telltale signs your cat is suffering from joint pain and that a vet visit is warranted.

Changes in Jumping Habits

At AskVet, we know that nobody knows your cat better than YOU! Undoubtedly, you know your cat’s favorite places to perch and have marveled at how easily he jumps up to and off of high surfaces—like countertops, windowsills, and the upper levels of his favorite cat tree.

As arthritis begins to develop, your kitty will still enjoy accessing his favorite places up high—but he may arrive at his destination with a layover instead of a direct flight (so to speak!). For example, if your cat has been jumping onto your countertop with ease for years, and is now hopping onto a chair before making a final leap onto the counter, then he is likely suffering some discomfort. If he normally jumps onto his favorite chair without a problem, but starts to hesitate before leaping, this is a sign that he is anticipating something unpleasant at the end of his jump—such as a painful landing due to aching joints.

Alternatively, when jumping down, cats with healthy pain-free joints don’t hesitate to leap after a brief look. Cats with arthritis will instead “pour” down countertops or other high surfaces by bracing one paw against the vertical surface first, and then gently easing themselves over the edge and down to the ground. This maneuver helps decrease the force of the “thump” when they land on the floor, and is commonly seen in cats with arthritis of the front legs (shoulders, elbows, carpi) or neck.

As arthritis progresses, you may notice your cat having difficulty “landing” jumps—instead of that cat-like grace, your cat may be jumping too short and end up scrambling to pull themselves up onto a high surface, or even falling when they try. When your cat tries to get up on the couch, instead of a graceful leap, you might see your cat put his front paws on the couch and try to rock or pull himself up. You may also notice your cat hanging out in their favorite high-up perches less frequently—since they are avoiding pain that comes when jumping—or choosing to spend more of their time in lower-level cat beds and other areas.

Changes in Walking

In general, it is uncommon to see a cat actually limp, or “favor” a leg, from arthritis. Instead, arthritic cats tend to move more slowly overall. You may notice that your cat seems stiff and walks with shorter strides when she first wakes up after a long nap, only to move more freely after a few minutes. If you have stairs in your house, you may notice that your cat is slower to navigate the stairs (either up or down), or she may pull herself up from stair to stair. She may avoid going up or down stairs completely, and instead “ask for help” by meowing to be picked up and carried on the stairs.

Other Changes in Cat Behavior

Cats can be tricky when they are trying to show us that something is wrong! When cats don’t feel well, they will show some non-specific symptoms. Sometimes, these symptoms are due to the throbbing joint pain of arthritis. If you notice any of the following changes in your cat, chat with an AskVet veterinarian or make an appointment at your family animal hospital to evaluate whether these symptoms may be related to arthritis, or something else:

–Less active than normal/not playing with favorite toys/shorter play sessions than normal

–Spending more time sleeping

–Hiding/spending time away from members of the household

–Hissing or growling when touched

–Loss of grooming behavior/unkempt hair coat (it can be painful to reach all of those important spots!)

–Loss of normal litter box habits (especially if the walls of the litter box are high, or access to the litter tray requires your cat to jump)

–Loss of appetite

–Increased vocalization

Although there are many medical reasons why your cat may be showing the above symptoms, any or all of these changes can ALSO be due to arthritis pain. It is important for every cat guardian to be aware of what is normal for an individual kitty, and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible if any changes are noted.

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account, and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Treatment of Arthritis in Cats

overweight cat in sunny room on the bed

Written by: Allison Ward

Perhaps you noticed your favorite feline moving more slowly than usual, having difficulty making or landing jumps onto their favorite places, or spending more time in sleeping spots on the ground instead of up high. You’ve taken her to your family veterinarian, who may have taken some x-rays of her joints, and your kitty has been diagnosed with arthritis. Now what? 

Most cat owners are unaware that arthritis is a VERY common disease in cats—especially older cats! Veterinarians and cat lovers are recognizing arthritis in kitties at a higher rate than ever before, likely because our pet cats now live longer than ever thanks to excellent wellness care throughout their life. Sadly, though, there’s only so much you (and your veterinarian) can do to prevent arthritis in the first place . On the good side? There are many options to relieve cat arthritis symptoms and help your cat live as long as possible with a pain-free and active life—even with arthritis! 

Weight Control

The number one MOST EFFECTIVE cat arthritis treatment is to make sure they are lean and with a healthy body condition! Wait, how can this be? 

Think about the amount of pressure on your cat’s joints while they are walking, running, and especially when they land from a jump. Even one extra pound of body weight can increase the pressure on her joints tremendously during all of these activities.  The opposite is also true: less weight equals less pressure, and therefore less pain.

If your cat is overweight at the time of their arthritis diagnosis, congratulations! Although it’s difficult to help a cat lose weight, you have a safe way to drastically improve your cat’s quality of life, and to reduce the need for the other therapies we’ll discuss in this article. 

Talk to your veterinarian for tips on how to get your cat to lose weight and create a personalized weight-loss program. Since increasing exercise (and thus calorie burn) in patients with arthritis is always challenging, your veterinarian may want to switch your cat’s diet to a prescription calorie-reduced formula to make the weight loss process more successful. Some of these foods have the added benefit of fatty acids and other beneficial joint supplements, too! 

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Joint Supplements

You’ve most likely heard that joint supplements are effective for people trying to preserve the health of their joints and their mobility. The same is true for cats! Joint supplements work to preserve the smooth slippery fluid within your cat’s joints and the health of the soft cartilage shock-absorbing joint surfaces. These supplements are best started when your cat still has normal tissue to preserve and maintain. If your cat is a breed likely to develop arthritis (like Scottish Fold and Maine Coon cats), or has had a joint injury (including surgery) in the past—then starting joint supplements and continuing them for the rest of your cat’s life may be a good idea.  

Most of these long-term joint supplements are taken by mouth. They may come in tasty chewable treats, a liquid that you squirt on your cat’s food every day, or a capsule that you open and sprinkle the flavored powdery contents on your cat’s food. Some prescription diets formulated specifically to maximize joint health contain high levels of these joint supplements—reducing the number of steps you need to take each day!

If your cat already has arthritis, a special form of joint supplement is available in injectable form. This is called Adequan, and helps to preserve joint health and also actively reduce some of the pain and inflammation that comes from arthritis! Adequan is available by prescription only, and your veterinarian can teach you how to administer the injections at home. (We promise, it is easier than it sounds!) Injections are typically twice weekly to once a month, and are very safe for your precious purrbox. 

Pain Medication

Once a cat’s quality of life is being affected by arthritis, pain medication becomes essential to help him live his best life. Anti-inflammatory medications are often used in both dogs and cats for arthritis pain, but the way veterinarians use them for cats is a bit different! 

In general, veterinarians are more cautious about the long-term use of anti-inflammatory medications in our feline patients. While this class of medication (which includes Onsior and Meloxicam/Metacam) can make a dramatic improvement in the lives of many cats, and slow the progression of arthritis, restrictions on the prescription labeling for these drugs generally prohibit their daily long-term use. Instead, your veterinarian may recommend using one of these medications every other day, or several times a week, depending on your cat’s needs. Your veterinarian will likely want to perform blood work before and during long-term therapy with this class of medication. 

There are other pain medications available for cats whose kidneys are already struggling to function, or in cats for whom regular bloodwork monitoring isn’t possible, or in cats for whom anti-inflammatory drugs and joint supplements just aren’t enough to control their pain. These medications include gabapentin (which is wonderful for all types of chronic pain), buprenorphine, and Cerenia (maropitant). These medications can be used on an as-needed basis for arthritis flare-ups, or on a daily basis, depending on your kitty’s needs. 

AskVet Tip: As veterinarians, we are all too aware of how intimidating it is to give your 

cat medication—especially if it is a medication that she will potentially need every day 

for the rest of her life!  Fortunately, there are many options for cats who are difficult to medicate. Joint supplements often come in flavored treats. Your veterinarian can prescribe a special flavored liquid, chew/treat, or miniature tablet of their chosen pain medication through a special compounding pharmacy. You can also train your cat to associate medicine time with happy time! (Ask us how!)  Yes, it is possible for your cat to LOVE receiving her medications!

Other Treatment Modalities 

In addition to pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, there are other ways to manage your cat’s arthritis pain. Some veterinarians are specially trained in acupuncture, which has been proven to help feline pain in a similar way to how it helps humans! Not all veterinarians are trained in acupuncture, but your family veterinarian likely knows a colleague with this special skillset and can refer you and your kitty. 

Laser therapy, which consists of a focused beam of light to help inflammation within specific joints, can also be used on problem areas to increase your cat’s mobility and comfort. Many family veterinarians now offer this service, which is non-invasive and can be quite effective. 

Not all cats are amenable to rehabilitative therapy, but if you suspect your cat would tolerate or enjoy taking walks on a treadmill or going through flexibility and strength-training exercises with a rehabilitative therapist, ask your family veterinarian for a referral to a local colleague who performs these services. Just like in people, physical therapy can make a HUGE difference in cats with mobility problems!

Environmental Modification

At home, it’s important to recognize that your beloved feline needs a little extra help in reducing pressure on their joints and in accessing their favorite places. Here are a few ideas to maintain his physical and mental health: 

–Make sure he has a comfy bed to sleep on that is easy to climb into—there are many orthopedic pet beds on the market today! Just make sure the sides are nice and low.

–Assess your litterbox location(s): litterboxes for arthritic cats should be easily accessible on the floor and NOT require your cat to jump up in order to use the bathroom. If your litterbox has high sides that require your stiff kitty to climb in to relieve themselves, consider a shallow litter tray instead—or modify the entrance to his box by cutting an entry hole that only extends up to two inches above the floor. (Just make sure to smooth out any cut edges to prevent injury.)

–Use pet stairs or pet steps next to your bed, couch, or other favorite sleeping spot to make it easier for your cat to enjoy his favorite places with minimal joint stress and pain

–Consider placing a low chair, stool, or other surface near a favorite cat tree so that he can more easily gain access to the upper levels by jumping on that piece first! 

The Bottom Line

From simple things you can help your cat with at home (such as weight loss and improving accessibility to favorite places), to joint supplements, to daily medications—there are many ways to help your cat with arthritis pain! If you’d like to know more about any of these options, or to discuss whether your cat’s symptoms might be due to arthritis, chat in with our AskVet veterinarians 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. We are always here to help you and your pet! 


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Treatments of Arthritis in Dogs

arthritis in dogs

Written by: Alexa Waltz

 Do you have a creaky joint or two that makes you think twice about making certain movements? Perhaps an old injury that prevents you from playing sports or freely climbing stairs? Believe it or not, you and your dog may have joint pain in common! Dogs are frequently affected by arthritis, especially as our best buddies get old! Just like us, they may start to slow down, move stiffly, and avoid some previously-loved activities.

To diagnose arthritis in dogs, your veterinarian will take into account what you see happening at home, run through some exam points and evaluate your pup’s joint movements, and order x-rays to check for common arthritic joint changes — possibly concluding with a diagnosis of arthritis. So, now that your precious pooch has been diagnosed with arthritis, what can be done?

As a review, there are several causes of arthritis in dogs but they all ultimately result in that smooth gliding joint surface becoming roughened, unstable, inflamed, and damaged. Arthritic joints also lose flexibility due to the inflammation, cartilage wear, and bony changes that happen with this disease. Why do our pups walk stiffly and hesitate to do certain movements when they have arthritis? The answer is simple: because it hurts!  

Unfortunately, once joint damage and long-term inflammation have set in, these changes are permanent and will likely continue to progress as time passes, resulting in more and more discomfort and limitation as your dog ages. Arthritis cannot be cured, but instead, we focus on management of the pain and slowing the progression of further degeneration. Maximizing your dog’s comfort and longevity are the goals of any arthritis management program! 

If your pup has already been diagnosed with arthritis, or if you merely suspect that she is an arthritis sufferer, here are the most common approaches that your veterinarian may recommend for addressing your dog’s issue. Keep in mind that your vet’s goals are twofold: SLOWING the progression of arthritic changes in your dog’s joints, and MANAGING her discomfort. By focusing on these two objectives, you and your veterinarian work together to provide your dog the highest quality of life for as long as possible! Often, vets will combine available options together to create a multifaceted treatment plan for your canine companion.

Weight Management and Nutrition

If your dog has been struggling with her weight, it’s time to really focus on losing those extra pounds! Hungry, overweight dogs can be considered quite cute, but unfortunately the extra pounds exert lots of unnecessary stress on joints. Obesity often contributes to the development and worsening of arthritis. Keeping dogs within their ideal weight range and maintaining a healthy body condition for the length of their lives can decrease the development of canine arthritis. If your dog happens to be chubby at the time the diagnosis of arthritis is made, losing weight can also help manage the discomfort and slow down arthritis progression, too!

When determining what to do if your dog is overweight, your vet may recommend a weight loss plan using a lower calorie diet and discuss a low-impact exercise regimen that will work for your dog’s current physical ability and condition. Also, remember that extra treats may be adding to the pounds too, so do your best to limit those! Lower calorie treats can help keep weight loss fun, too.

Also, check with your AskVet veterinarian that you are feeding an appropriate diet for your dog’s age and condition. Senior dogs (8+ years for large breed, and 10+ small breed) often benefit from a diet designed specifically to manage common age-related changes, like arthritis!

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Anti-inflammatories and Pain Medication

One of the first medications that your arthritic dog may receive is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (“NSAID”). You may recognize these names for common NSAIDS prescribed for dogs by veterinarians: Carprofen/Rimadyl, Metacam/Meloxicam, Galliprant, Deramaxx, Previcox, Onsior, etc. Depending on your dog’s pain level, these medications may be given on an as-needed basis just for the flare-ups or on especially active days (like trips to the dog park). They may also be given every day on a regular schedule if your pup’s arthritis is advanced enough to cause daily mobility struggles. These medications work to decrease both your dog’s  pain as well as target the inflammation in the joint itself. If you are helping your dog lose weight, these medications can also aid in making them comfortable for longer sessions of exercise and calorie-burning. 

These NSAIDS can be very helpful and improve your pup’s quality of life for an extended period of time! The benefits of this class of drugs are twofold: they slow down joint damage by reducing inflammation, and provide pain relief for your dog. With long-term usage, your veterinarian may want to perform blood testing every 6-12 months to be sure the kidney and liver are happy and functioning well while metabolizing this medication.

AskVet Tip: Pet parents often ask if human over-the-counter NSAIDS, and anti-inflammatories are safe and effective in dogs … and unfortunately the answer is NO! Human medications like Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Naproxen, etc should not be used in dogs and can cause severe gastrointestinal and kidney disease. Unfortunately, human over-the-counter medication is neither safe nor effective for dogs. If given, these drugs can also greatly affect the treatments your vet can use … so stay away from human medications and seek a vet exam first if you feel your pup needs treatment!

Other medications, such as amantadine and gabapentin, may also be prescribed if chronic nerve pain is contributing to your pup’sarthritis discomfort. Gabapentin and amantadine can safely be given alongside an NSAID. Mild sedation from these medications may be noted in your dog, so be on the lookout and report any noticeable negative changes and unwanted side effects to your vet. These medications do NOT act to slow the progression of arthritis, but they help your dog move more freely by controlling their pain and discomfort.

AskVet Tip: When your dog is prescribed any medication, do your best to follow the directions for use on the drug label, store the bottle in a safe place high from curious-counter-surfing dogs and their 2 and 4-legged siblings, and do not share medications between dogs in the home. It is also important to check with your veterinarian before giving multiple medications at the same time to be sure the combination is safe. Combining some medications can cause severe health problems (for example an NSAID and steroid, like prednisone, given together can cause severe stomach and intestinal ulcerations, and mixing 2 different NSAIDS simultaneously can cause intestinal and kidney damage).

Joint Supplements and Nutraceuticals

To complement your dog’s prescription medication and to address the pain and inflammation that accompanies arthritis from as many angles as possible, your veterinarian will likely recommend starting a joint supplement or nutraceutical too!

AskVet Tip: What is a “nutraceutical” you ask? Nutraceuticals include vitamins, minerals, herbs, and extracts that are considered to have health benefits. They are not reviewed or approved by the FDA, but some research has shown certain ingredients to be helpful in supporting damaged and arthritic joints. These supplements may help support the existing joint cartilage by slowing the breakdown of joint tissue, providing the basic components for rebuilding healthy cells, and preventing joint degradation. They can also provide some anti-inflammatory effects of their own, too. Your veterinarian will likely have their favorite joint support supplement products to recommend, that have likely been tested for efficacy, nutritional content, absorption, and bioavailability by an independent lab.

Some animals will show great benefit from nutraceuticals and others may not exhibit much of a change, but it is worth a try! Some of these supplements are oral, like Glucosamine Chondroitin, and some are formulated to be injected into the muscle, like Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycans (“Adequan”). Also, dietary supplements of omega-3 fatty acids (“fish oil”) are recommended as they can help reduce joint inflammation too.

In our quest for discovery of better treatments for arthritis, ongoing research is always in process. Products like green-lipped mussel supplements, MSM, vitamin-E, and CBD are still under investigation as to their efficacy and safety for animals.

AskVet Tip: While a pet owner may be tempted to use their own joint 

supplements for their older dogs, consult your veterinarian first! The optimal ratios of 

glucosamine to chondroitin, and of certain fatty acid chain lengths, is DIFFERENT in dogs 

than for people–so before you reach into your own medicine cabinet, ask your veterinarian about dog-specific supplements.

Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation and Acupuncture

In addition to medications and supplements, your vet may recommend physical therapy and other treatment modalities to preserve your dog’s muscle mass and the range of motion of those precious joints. These approaches can help keep our arthritic sore dogs more comfortable, and sometimes result in regaining some strength and mobility, too! 

Low-impact exercise like swimming and physical therapy with an underwater treadmill can provide some gentle resistance to help strengthen muscles, lose weight, and increase joint motion. Balance and range of motion exercises can help support stretching, flexibility, and increase muscle strength too. Some veterinarians are certified in rehabilitation, and so check this resource to find locations for rehab centers near you!

Acupuncture is another treatment option that some pets will greatly benefit from. Acupuncture consists of inserting tiny needles at specific points on the body that may result in a physiologic response to decrease muscle spasms, soothe pain, and increase circulation. Not all veterinarians are trained in acupuncture, as it is a special certification process. Your vet likely knows of a local colleague who provides acupuncture consultations if you would like to try that route. 

In addition, some veterinarians offer other therapeutic modalities to help their patients with arthritis such ase therapeutic laser (providing pain relief and stimulating tissue growth and remodeling), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (“TENS”, stimulate nerves), and extracorporeal shockwave therapy (improve healing, decrease pain). Ongoing research and development for these types of treatments are always in process.

At home, there is always the tried-and-true cryotherapy (cold compress) and thermotherapy (warm compress) option, too! Placing a cold compress over a painful area for 15 minutes is meant to decrease inflammation after acute injury or flare-up, and will decrease blood flow as well as temporarily numb pain. Using a warm compress can help to reduce muscle spasms, increase blood flow and also provide a soothing sensation.


Surgery can be considered both as a means of preventing certain types of arthritis and a “treatment”! On the prevention side, immediately addressing certain injuries and joint conditions with surgery can create a more stable joint, minimizing the damaging inflammation that could result in arthritis if the joint is left unstable for a long period of time. Injuries like a cranial cruciate ligament rupture, meniscus tear, medial luxating patella, and some types of joint fractures should be surgically stabilized in the short-term for better long-term results. How do you know if your pup has these? Injuries involving joints as well as persistent limping with no improvement should be evaluated by your veterinarian. They will determine if surgery is recommended in order to fend off the development of arthritis. 

Some dogs will be born with badly shaped and malformed joints, like hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Another condition called “osteochondritis dessicans” may result in early cartilage damage in some dogs, especially rapidly growing large breed puppies. Some of these conditions have surgical treatment options as well, with the goals of helping the joint to become a healthier shape while the bones are still forming, and giving the joint cartilage the best chance at normalcy.

In the “treatment” realm,surgery may also be recommended in severe cases of arthritis as a salvage procedure for dogs that are good candidates. For example, in dogs with chronic pain from hip dysplasia and the severe arthritis that can follow, a “Femoral Head and Neck Osteotomy” (FHO) will trim off the ball of the hip joint and just allow the hip muscles to operate the leg movement and support the body, resulting in better mobility and less pain! Some patients are also good candidates for a full hip replacement surgery, although the cost can be limiting for many pet parents. Joint fusions for certain severely arthritic joints (the carpus/wrist, and tarsus/ankle) can also relieve some pain.

Depending on your dog’s condition and response to their treatment plan, your veterinarian can discuss the possibility of surgery having any benefit in the management of arthritis progression, and pain. 

Environmental Modifications

There are some adaptations to try at home to make the space you share with your arthritic pup more accessible and comfortable. Since impact and movement can often exacerbate the arthritis pain and lead to more joint degeneration, limiting some of the high-impact activities like jumping and climbing are recommended. Your dog also may have experienced some muscle atrophy and weakness associated with arthritis too; all things to consider when looking to adapt their environment and make it more arthritis-friendly.

Here are a few more helpful suggestions to support your arthritic pup:

  Supply a ramp for walking in and out of the car and a set of padded doggy stairs to get up and down from furniture

  Add more throw rugs over slippery floors for a non-skid floor surface

  Invest in some dog booties, paw pad applicators, or anti-slip toe grips to help provide better floor grip and more stable standing

– Supply amply-sized soft bedding for your pup to sleep on in their favorite areas of the house

  Limit movement between levels of the home (and rooms if necessary) with baby gates so your dog is not tempted to faithfully bound up the stairs after you

  Unfortunately, joint braces do not help as well in dogs like they do people, but consult your vet should they recommend an option for your pup

  Any dog that can walk should, but doggie strollers and wagons can help some severely limited dogs to get that much-needed mental stimulation outside of the house! Be sure to let them get out of the stroller routinely and cruise around to sniff. Keeping their brain healthy is just as important!

  And of course, be compliant with recommendations for exercise and weight loss and adjust food, activity, and play


Is it possible to help a dog avoid the pain and limitations of arthritis altogether? Yes! If you are puppy-shopping and looking into a specific breed that may commonly fall victim to arthritis (Labs, Goldens, German Shepherds, etc), search for a breeder responsibly testing breeding pairs and looking to improve the health of the breed! When it comes to feeding your new puppy, be sure to feed an appropriate and high-quality nutrition formulated specifically for growth. Work on maintaining an optimal body condition through proper diet and exercise for the length of your dog’s life. Consult with your vet for the use of nutraceuticals and supplements as a protective measure in some breeds that are predisposed to joint issues, or if your pup has been diagnosed with hip or elbow dysplasia, or cartilage issues as a youngster. Sometimes though, even with all of these safeguards, as they grow older the signs of arthritis may still creep in but perhaps to a lesser and more manageable degree.

Comfort is the Goal

Arthritis can severely limit your dog’s comfort and happiness, and unfortunately cannot be reversed once it is present. Using a multimodal approach that combines various elements of the above options will result in reaching a steady plane of comfort for the longest time possible! Every dog will respond differently, so each case will be treated individually. Recheck appointments and yearly vet exams are valuable too, as your pup’s needs may change periodically as arthritis progresses or even shows improvement! Patience and compliance at home are key to helping support your best buddy in keeping them as comfortable as possible for the length of their lives!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!


Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

beagle standing on the walkway in public park with sunlight

Written by: ​​Alexa Waltz

 Have you noticed your best buddy walking stiffly, moving slower when rising out of bed, or hesitating to run and jump lately? They could be feeling the effects of canine arthritis, a very common problem causing discomfort and joint pain in dogs.

What Exactly ARE Joints, Anyways?

In order to understand why and how arthritis is a problem in your pet, it’s necessary to first understand how their body works! Joints act like hinges, linking together rigid bones and the corresponding muscles, which allows dogs to move around at will. When your pup tears across the yard after a squirrel, leaps off the couch, and even plops down to curl up for a nap, you can credit their healthy joints for his flexibility and ability to absorb all of those physical forces. There are several types of joints in a dog’s body, but we will focus on the main type of joint that is most often affected by arthritis. As a dog ages, the synovial joints in the hips, knees, elbows, and shoulders are the most common culprits for mobility issues due to arthritis pain. The vertebrae of the spine can be affected by arthritis and aging related changes too, but that is a subject for a different day! 

In a healthy animal (humans included!) a synovial joint contains the smooth, slimy, “padded” surface between 2 or more bones. Each joint has similar components: the hard bones, soft cartilage, pocket of joint (“synovial”) fluid, and supporting structures such as ligaments and a meniscus. In order for your dog to move freely and without pain, every structure inside the joint needs to be healthy, shaped correctly, and located in the right place. 

In health, your dog’s joints contain a lubricated and smooth sliding surface, which acts as a shock absorber, and also to maintain proper alignment allowing your dog the freedom of pain-free movement! These qualities are essential for stable and balanced joint function. Healthy joints ensure the best long-term, pain-free movement for your dog.

What is Arthritis? 

Arthritis is also referred to interchangeably as “osteoarthritis (OA)” and “degenerative joint disease (DJD)”. These terms mean that one or more joints are inflamed and that the normal structures that make up that joint are no longer healthy.

If a joint is abnormally shaped or if it becomes damaged, then it will become unstable. Damage can happen due to a traumatic injury or can be due to degeneration of the joint itself over time. The instability eventually leads to inflammation and abnormal wear of surfaces within the joint, setting the stage for arthritis.  

Once a joint becomes inflamed, then what happens? Your dog’s body is incredible at trying to heal itself, and microscopic changes begin to take place in a vain attempt to restabilize the joint. Blood vessels deliver inflammatory cells to try to wage war on the cause of the instability and start the repair process. Unfortunately, these cells only serve to continue the vicious cycle of inflammation and destruction! Because these inflammatory cells can’t “win” (like they could against, say, a bacterial infection), they keep coming and keep causing more damage.

In the beginning, the damage may be microscopic and involve thinning of the cartilage, depositing blood cells and inflammatory cells in the joint fluid itself, and thickening the lining that provides essential shock absorption. (This structure is called the “joint capsule”–you can think of it like a water balloon between two hard bones!) When the lining of the joint capsule becomes thickened, this contributes to further irritation when your dog is bending and extending the affected joint. This changes the way the surfaces of the joint come in contact with each other, causing further wear and tear.

Eventually, these abnormal forces within the joint cause the nice soft spongy cartilage to wear away, increasing contact between the hard bony surfaces of the joint. Sometimes, pieces of cartilage can even break off! The body will further attempt to try to stabilize the joint by depositing new boney material to form a type of scar tissue. Unfortunately, this attempt is misguided and causes MORE problems–since this changes the joint shape even further, causing more inflammation, more erosion of normal tissue, and more pain. Once a joint is damaged, you can see how the resulting inflammation can cause permanent, progressive, and irreversible changes over time. 

When a joint suffers a traumatic injury, it is essential to identify the nature of the injury and assess if urgent treatment may help to minimize these inflammatory changes as much as possible. Sometimes, that treatment includes timely surgery and rehabilitation. By treating joint injuries promptly, stability of the joint is restored which can minimize and even prevent some damaging long-term changes. 

When arthritis is already setting in and we do not have a treatable traumatic injury,   veterinarians focus on managing the arthritis pain and slowing the progression in order to maximize comfort and mobility for your dog. Check this link for more about common treatments of arthritis in dogs. (LINK: Dog Arthritis treatments).

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Predisposing Factors of Arthritis in Dogs

Although any dog can be affected by arthritis, the common “poster child” is a large breed older dog who is slowing down due to hip stiffness and pain (Goldens, Labs, Shepherds, etc, that are 8+ years old). Why are these large breed dogs so commonly affected by arthritis? What might cause a smaller dog to get arthritis? 

An arthritic dog tends to fall into one of two general groups: those who were born with their issue, and those that acquired their issue through their life. Let’s go through both scenarios:

Congenital Causes that can Lead to Arthritis

Genetic and developmental issues are among the predisposing factors for arthritis that we have little to no control over. Dogs will inherit conformation (body structural/shape) and skeletal (bone/joint) issues from their parents.  Some of the most common heritable issues that can lead to arthritis over time are as follows:

-Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia – abnormal formation of the hip and elbow joints

-Osteochondrosis – Abnormal bone/cartilage development

-Luxating Patella – Abnormally shaped femurs (thigh bones) which cause the kneecaps to slip in and out of place

-Bone and joint conformation – Abnormalities in the shapes of a dog’s bones which result in abnormal forces being placed on the joints         

AskVet Tip: Some dog breeds are predisposed to congenital and developmental conditions due to the inheritance of traits from their parents. A goal of responsible and selective breeding of purebred dogs is to improve the genetics and physical traits that are passed down to further generations. Genetic testing, X-rays, and blood testing are among some of the ways of avoiding the perpetuation of undesirable health issues. If you are considering breeding your dog, we recommend a detailed discussion with your veterinarian and screening your pup for any congenital issues that may put their offspring at risk of a painful life due to arthritis! 

Acquired Causes of Arthritis

Even if a dog was born with stable balanced joints and has strong genetics, there are some aspects of their lifestyle, daily activity, body condition, and environment that can increase their risk of developing arthritis: 

-Obesity – Excess body weight can cause abnormal forces to be put on the joints 

-Joint Injuries – Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament in the knee, bacterial joint infections, trauma, immune-mediated and inflammatory conditions, bone fractures, etc

-Joint surgery – Any past surgeries involving the joints can disrupt the healthy surface and structures

-Diet – Lacking appropriately balanced nutrients for healthy growth, especially during puppyhood, can affect the makeup of bones and cartilage

-Strenuous exercise and joint usage – Repetitive high impact movements of performance, working, and sporting dogs

Common Dog Arthritis Symptoms  

Dogs are very good at compensating and hiding their discomfort when arthritis is in its early stages. Typically, when dogs are no longer able to cope with the pain, pet parents will start to see some of the signs hinting at arthritis. We primarily see arthritis affecting middle-aged to older dogs, although some younger dogs can also be affected. Here are some of the more common symptoms of arthritis in dogs:

-Moving more slowly

-Hesitant to run and jump

-Slow to lay down or get up from bed

-Limping, or “bunny hopping”

-Swelling or thickened joints

-Muscle atrophy

-Difficulty standing on slippery surfaces

-Limited ability to flex or extend joints

-Less playful, reluctant to be active

-Grumpy behavior, sensitive to certain areas of their body being touched

-Depression and unusual behavior

-Postural changes, arched back

-Licking joints

-Pacing at night

-Inability to get comfortable

-Sleeping more than normal

-Weakness in hind legs (fall over, legs give out, difficulty posturing to urinate and defecate)

-Excessive panting

What to do Next?

If your pup’s movement and behavior match some of the above descriptors, it may be time to take her to the vet for an orthopedic exam! Your vet will watch your pup move around the room prior to conducting a full physical exam. During the exam, your veterinarian will be keeping a close eye on your dog’s reactions, looking for areas that are painful or sensitive. They will also assess your dog for decreased muscle mass, thickening and swelling of joint capsules, a crunchy sensation when the joints are flexed, and decreased overall flexibility. Also, a series of special flexion techniques can help determine the presence of certain conditions like a ruptured cruciate ligament.

Your veterinarian’s orthopedic exam may be followed by x-rays to view the health of the bones and look for any obvious visual changes within the joint. Sometimes veterinarians will also recommend blood and urine testing to check the health of the internal organs as well, especially if surgery or daily and long-term pain medication is under consideration.

Your vet will then use all this information to discuss any therapies and a plan for your pup’s condition. Again, since arthritis changes cannot be reversed, management going forward mostly focuses on keeping the pain at the lowest level possible, supporting the current health of the joint structures, and preventing further inflammation and deterioration. Keeping your pup mobile and comfortable for as long as possible is the goal of arthritis management!   

Our AskVet team is ready and waiting 24/7 to discuss your dog’s mobility issues, address any questions about arthritis causes, and share general info regarding treatment options. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!

Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

How Much Water Should My Dog Drink In A Day

border collie drinking water from the fountain

The urge to drink is so innate and natural that we don’t even think about it! Without us even knowing, our bodies are constantly checking, regulating, measuring, adjusting, secreting, and maintaining themselves at a very precise hydration level to maximize the function of our internal organs. These intricate processes adapt to our different levels of activity, climate, and body temperature to keep us healthy–and the same internal mechanisms are present in your dog! 

Although dogs and humans do have many differences, their instinct to drink and the processes that regulate the fluids in their bodies are very similar to our own. Water is the most abundant molecule in the body, constituting about 70% of a mammal’s body weight. And boy, is water important! From maintaining the dog’s body temperature and blood volume to facilitating the delivery of oxygen to organs, removing toxins, transporting hormones, vitamins, and minerals around the body, lubricating joints, supporting digestion, and driving all cellular functions, water is essential for your dog’s health.  

How Does A Dog Know to Take A Drink?

Due to the precise needs of each cell in your dog’s body, his fluid levels and electrolyte composition are maintained within a very narrow range. This occurs without your dog even being aware of these complex, instantaneous internal adjustments. Recognizing the sensation of thirst in order to replenish fluid loss is a crucial instinct for animals to stay alive. Dehydration in dogs will set in after only a couple days without water before vital organ functions are disrupted from the imbalances that occur. 

When specialized cells in the brain or kidneys sense that a fluid or electrolyte imbalance is present, these organs swing into action. Hormones are released,  flowing through the bloodstream to receptors on specialized cells that ultimately will adjust the volume of urine the animal is producing, increase their blood volume, and maintain their blood pressure. The thirst center in the brain also sends a loud and clear signal to the animal to DRINK to replenish the fluid volume. The brain, kidneys, and adrenal glands are the key players that communicate with each other to ensure that the body’s fluid balance is optimal for all organs to carry out their functions, each vital to health and survival.

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How Much Water Should A Dog Drink Daily?

The average dog having an average day needs about ½ – 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight daily to maintain their hydration at a healthy level. An even more simplified way to think about it: dogs need to drink about 1 cup of water per 10 pounds of body weight per day (give or take a little bit!). 

Do you need to measure your dog’s daily water intake on a regular basis? Not necessarily! As long as your pup is acting healthy, energetic, eating normally, pooping regularly, and most importantly, urinating several times throughout the day, they are likely keeping themselves sufficiently hydrated, just as nature intended. Offering a clean source of water (tap is fine, as long as it is clean!), in a clean bowl (washed with soap daily!), located in an area that they have free and comfortable access to 24/7 will ensure that your dog will happily maintain their hydration level appropriately. 

Veterinarians do not recommend restricting water intake in any circumstance, and changes or difficulties with water intake, urination, vomiting, or diarrhea should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately.

Why Would A Dog Be Drinking MORE Water?

Normal Situations Causing Increased Thirst

There are normal situations where drinking more water is to be expected from your dog. For example, after an extended play session with your pup, it’s natural for him to fill up on water once he’s ready for a break. Similarly, when temperatures outside are warmer, your dog will be panting more in order to keep his cool. This increased panting leads to water loss through evaporation from your dog’s tongue, and requires more water to replace it! If your pup prefers to eat dry kibble meals to the canned or moist varieties, they must get water from another source–namely, their water bowl. 

If you have a dog who is pregnant or nursing, she may experience excessive thirst and drink more water than usual –after all, she has to drink for two (or four…or nine…or twelve!!). Once they’re born, growing puppies also tend to drink more water than adult dogs. As a pet parent, just be sure that your dogs have access to a clean source of drinking water at all times and monitor their overall attitude and behavior for changes at all ages.

AskVet Tip: How do you know if a dog is drinking more or less water? Measure their daily intake over a 24-hour period! With a clean bowl, fill with a specific measured volume of water, and keep track of how much is added to that bowl during the day (eliminate any alternate sources of water, toilets included), and subtract the remainder at the end of the measurement period. Report the total volume consumed over a 24-hour period to your veterinarian. Observations of the frequency of urine breaks can be helpful too! This does require that the pet in question be separated from all other pets and monitored for that period to achieve accurate numbers.

Medical Causes of Increased Thirst

Now that we’ve discussed normal and healthy reasons for dogs to drink more water, let’s move on to when drinking more water is the sign of a medical issue. Sometimes when a dog is drinking more water than they normally do, the more obvious change and the first thing the pet owner actually notices is that their dog is urinating more than usual … If you see changes in urination happening, turn your attention to the water bowl too, and you may find yourself filling it more often due to increased consumption (resulting in that increased urination!)! 

From the previous discussion, you already know about the tightly regulated system that animal bodies rely upon in order to maintain fluid volume and blood pressure. You can imagine that if just one of these pieces of the puzzle falters, the whole organized system might fail too! Here is a brief list of medical conditions that can cause the excessive thirst and urination that you might be seeing. 

Common Medical Causes of Increased Thirst:

Dehydration – Often due to vomiting and diarrhea

-Bladder Disease – Infections, stones, cancer

Acute and Chronic Kidney disease – Due to toxins, infections, cancer, dehydration,  inflammation, age

-Hormonal Diseases- Hypoadrenocorticism, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperthyroidism

-Fever/Infection – Often due to pyometra (uterine infection)

-Medication Side Effects – Prednisone, diuretics like furosemide (“Lasix”), and anticonvulsant seizure medications like phenobarbital 

-Problems with the brain (uncommon) – Diabetes insipidus, psychogenic water drinking, brain or pituitary tumors, brain damage, etc.

Why Would A Dog Be Drinking LESS Water?

There are some easy explanations for when dogs drink less water from the bowl, so run through these possible causes before automatically assuming the worst! An otherwise happy and energetic pup who is drinking less but urinating normally might be eating a canned or home-cooked diet that contains more moisture than dry kibble. Naturally, this will cause a dog to feel less thirsty since they’re getting so much water supplied through their food. 

Check your dog’s water bowl and make sure it is clean! Dogs like nice fresh and cool drinking water, just like us. Dogs who are accustomed to a specific water source that is changed to another may find the taste unappetizing at first. If you’ve moved to a new neighborhood recently, the mineral content in your water supply may have changed, affecting the way it tastes to your dog.  Bottled or filtered water is not necessary for dogs unless the tap water source is not clean or if your dog refuses to drink the tap water. 

It may sound silly, but sometimes the dog’s water bowl itself matters, too! Occasionally, the location of the bowl or the sound that your dog’s collar makes clinking on the rim of the bowl deters them from sipping. You can do a trial of bowl locations and materials to identify your dog’s personal preference. Also, be on the lookout for alternative water sources your dog may be utilizing to hydrate instead of their bowl (outside, hoses, puddles, and even toilets!). 

If you have multiple dogs, sometimes one may be a victim of a housemate who engages in “resource guarding” by preventing another dog from getting to the bowl as often as desired. If your dog seems to be healthy otherwise, but you would like them to expand their time at the water bowl, experiment with different bowls, multiple locations, and be sure the water source is clean too. 

Some medical conditions can also cause a dog to drink less water, and as a result, become dehydrated and urinate less too. Typically, these dogs are not feeling good or showing other signs of illness as well. If your dog is sick, experiencing nausea and vomiting, or having some gastrointestinal difficulties, the pain that they are feeling may deter them from wanting to put anything in their stomach–water included.

Nausea from kidney disease, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal inflammation, and bacterial and viral infections can ALL cause your dog to drink less water. Pain from an oral issue, tooth pain, or dental disease can also cause dogs to not want to drink due to tooth sensitivity. And much less commonly but worth mentioning, brain diseases and rabies will also cause a dog to drink less, too (along with other notable symptoms of course).

If Your Dog Needs to See the Veterinarian…

If you are worried that your dog is drinking more water than usual without an obvious cause, or if your dog is vomiting and acting sick, he should be evaluated in person by a veterinarian. A physical examination can provide clues as to why your dog’s drinking habits have changed.  In some cases, a visit to the emergency room may be in order. Having a pet savings account to help cover costs in these scenarios can allow you to feel confident in seeking medical treatment.

Because there are so many possible causes of changes in your dog’s drinking habits, your veterinarian is likely to recommend some basic screening tests to find out why your dog is sick. 

These tests typically include blood and urine testing, as well as radiographs (x-rays) to look for bladder stones and changes in the size of internal organs. Your family veterinarian can investigate the cause of these symptoms and most importantly,  start appropriate treatment as soon as possible to get your favorite pooch back to his normal self.

Monitoring and Maintaining Good Hydration

Keeping that water bowl clean and a fresh water source available all day every day is vital for the health of dogs. Having a general idea of your dog’s average water consumption and urination habits will help you gauge those times when he might be a little off, and help with the early detection of medical conditions should your dog start to behave abnormally. Water habits and hydration levels give veterinarians big clues as to where to look for the root cause of any health issues, as well as how to guide treatments. Identifying and treating medical problems before they have a chance to cause permanent damage can be lifesaving!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need, such as tips on dehydration or heat stroke in dogs, or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required! We can point you in the direction of dehydration or dog heat stroke treatment.


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Heat Stroke in Dogs 101: Common Signs & Treatment

White Kuvasz Dog sitting in the shade of centenary olive trees

Pet Parents and dogs alike love to enjoy the outdoors together, especially on a beautiful sunny day! Whether it is taking walks around the neighborhood, going for a drive in the car, or checking out a new hiking trail, getting out of the house is good for the physical and mental health of all involved. While veterinarians recommend enjoying these activities as often as possible with your pup, there are some hazards to be aware of and precautions to take while out and about in order to avoid dangerous health situations during warm weather conditions, like heat stroke.

There are no specific parameters or guidelines for appropriate temperature and humidity ranges for exercising dogs outdoors, simply because it is not a “one size fits all” situation. Some dogs that are anatomically predisposed to heat stroke in dogs include dog breeds with the smushed faces (Pugs, English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, I’m talking about you!). These brachycephalic breeds (smush-faced) are extremely sensitive to heat due to their inability to pant efficiently, which is the main route that dogs use to dissipate body heat. These dogs can experience heat stress even on days that are not considered extremely warm or humid!

Other dogs with long noses and who are in excellent physical condition, and are also given ample water and rest breaks while exercising, can endure much more activity on warmer days. Knowing your dog’s limitations and ability to adapt to warm weather and watching for symptoms of heat stress and heat stroke, can not only ensure maximal enjoyment of the outdoors together, but it can also save your dog’s life!

Internal Body Temperature Regulation in Dogs

“Heat stress” (sometimes referred to as “Heat Exhaustion”), and its big brother “Heat Stroke” occurs when a dog cannot cool their internal body temperature down to a safe level that is healthy for its internal organs to function. When dogs are exercising or exposed to excessive heat, the thermoregulatory zone in their brain constantly senses their body temperature. As it begins to rise, the brain sends a signal to the dog to pant and dissipate that excess heat through evaporation in order to keep their temperature in a healthy range. Normal dogs maintain their temperature at 100.5-102.5℉. Hyperthermia occurs when the dog’s temperature rises over 103℉. If their internal temperature rises above 105℉, dogs will start to experience heat stroke. An internal core temperature of 107-109℉ will lead to organ failure and, unfortunately, is not compatible with life.

While exercising outdoors on warm days, or during times of extreme temperatures, pet parents should pay careful attention to their dog’s physical, mental, and behavioral signals to detect when the heat may be affecting them negatively.

Heat Stress/Exhaustion signs include excessive panting and drinking large amounts of water. At this stage, dogs will also appear to be restless or agitated. 

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Signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs

Heat exhaustion can lead to full-fledged heat stroke in dogs without the proper intervention, cooling, and rest. Dogs may exhibit the following signs that can indicate heat stroke: 

  • Uncontrolled panting even after the activity has stopped
  • Restlessness and agitation, OR in more advanced stages, dogs can appear lethargic
  • Heavy drooling with thick saliva, and also tacky, sticky gums if dehydrated
  • Gums will appear anywhere from bright red to a blue/purple or appear to have bruising due to a lack of oxygenation
  • Weakness, mental dullness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (possibly with blood)
  • Racing, OR weak pulse
  • Disorientation or seizures
  • High rectal temperature (>105 degrees F)  

First Aid Measures for Heat stroke in Dogs

Pet parents should remain calm but jump into action if they suspect their dog may be experiencing a heat injury. The sooner that cooling measures are taken and support is received, the better the outcome! Dogs showing clinical signs of heat stroke need to high-tail it to their veterinarian immediately for life-saving treatment!


Remove an overheated dog from any direct sun and keep them calm.

Cooling Measures

The most rapid method to cool an overheated dog is to apply cool or tepid water (or wet towels) to the neck, armpits, abdomen, and between their legs. Gentle application of water is recommended, as opposed to spraying with a hose, as all efforts to keep the dog calm should be taken. Replace towels frequently as they can retain heat if left in place.

AskVet Tip: Do not use ice water, ice baths, or apply ice to the skin of an overheated dog. This will cause the blood vessels in their skin to constrict, which will hold the heat in and inhibit cooling. 

Offering Water and Drinking

Offer cool drinking water, but do not force a dog experiencing a heat injury to drink water. This is especially true for pups that are not in a mental state to be able to drink and swallow safely. You may be wondering how much water should my dog drink in an event of a heat stroke. Do not allow large breed deep-chested dogs to gulp too much water, as this can lead to Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or “bloat”). 


Apply a fan to the affected dog for increased airflow or bring them into an air-conditioned building. If in the car, opening windows or turning on the A/C can also enhance cooling through evaporation.


If a standard digital thermometer and some water-based lube are handy, taking the dog’s temperature (via a rectal thermometer) and then rechecking it every 2-3 minutes is beneficial to assess cooling progress and gauge the level of danger that the dog may be in. If the temperature decreases to 103℉, discontinue active cooling measures so they do not fall below the normal core temperature range and become hypothermic. Continue to monitor the dog closely, and head to the veterinary clinic or emergency hospital for further evaluation and care. Having a pet savings account for instances like this can be a great idea to help cover costs.

Veterinary Care for Heat Stroke

Any dog showing clinical signs of heat stroke should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately as it can result in severe organ and permanent damage and can be life-threatening. The earlier that supportive care is initiated, the better the recovery. Dogs can suffer from brain swelling, kidney failure, abnormal blood clotting, and bleeding. The veterinarian will perform a series of blood and urine tests to assess the situation, provide oxygen support, start intravenous (IV) fluids to correct electrolyte imbalances and dehydration in dogs, check blood pressure and cardiac function, and monitor the dog’s  body temperature in order to avoid hypothermia. Heat stroke complications can linger for hours to days, and sometimes organ damage is permanent. Dogs that have suffered from heat stroke once are likely to be susceptible to having difficulties regulating their body temperature and are predisposed to experiencing heat stroke again in their lives.

Preventing Heatstroke in Dogs

If a dog has recovered from heat stroke, the long-term prognosis varies based on the individual dog and situation – how long the dog was struggling, the severity of the organ stress, cooling methods used, and level of emergency care received will all feed into the overall big picture. Preventing dangerous heat injuries in the first place is really the best way to go! Achieving safe and successful outings are possible with knowing your dog’s weather and exercise tolerances, predisposing factors for heat sensitivity, checking the weather for warm temperatures prior to outings, supplying cool drinks and adequate shaded rest during outside trips on warm days, paying attention to your dog’s physical signs, and never ever leave a dog in a parked car (even with the windows cracked). Pet parents educated about the dangers of heat injuries are much better prepared to make good choices and decisively respond to potentially dangerous situations resulting in more enjoyment of the outdoors and a healthier outcome!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Heat Stroke in Dogs: Causes and Prevention

Warm sunny weather and outdoor activities with our pups bring some of the most joyous times as a pet parent. Hiking, playing at the beach, camping, and road trips are treasured activities for both humans and dogs. Armed with the knowledge of the dangers for dogs that can be encountered while out and about during warmer weather, you can ensure that these activities will be accomplished safely and devoid of canine health emergencies. Heat injuries and heat stroke are more common than pet parents may realize, and fun during warm, humid days needs to be approached with caution and planning.

Thermoregulation in Dogs

To avoid experiencing heat injuries in dogs, it is important to understand a few things. Just like with the regulation of fluids and electrolytes in the body, your dog’s internal temperature must be maintained in a specific range for the optimal function of his internal organs. If a dog’s body temperature becomes too high or low, disruption of cellular processes and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells will cause temporary or permanent organ damage. Your dog’s brain has a thermoregulatory center, which is constantly sensing and gathering information about her body temperature and ramping up heat exchange when necessary (through panting and other means!). The result is that your pup’s normal internal temperature remains at a steady 100.5-102.5℉ at all times, just where her internal organs like it.  

When that thermoregulatory center in the brain senses an increase in body temperature, the dog’s natural heat exchange processes are activated to release excess heat. Believe it or not, that does not include sweating–– dogs have few sweat glands located in their paw pads, but they are not very efficient for heat exchange. Instead, dogs will increase their breathing rate and pant heavily in order to dissipate heat. Each exhaled breath carries humid air out of the lungs to evaporate into the environment, cooling the body from the inside out. 

For most dogs, a large amount of water and heat can be removed through evaporation in a short period of time by panting. Panting is a normal and regulated process, and once the activity that has raised the dog’s temperature has concluded, panting should decrease within a reasonable period of time, especially with rest in a shady spot and drinking cool water. 

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Dangerous Body Temperatures for Dogs

Perhaps your dog’s least favorite part of any veterinary visit is the dreaded temperature check. To your dog’s displeasure, the most accurate way to measure a dog’s internal temperature is – you know it – rectally! You too can take your dog’s rectal temperature at home (unless they are aggressive about you doing so – please do not get bitten)! With the help of another adult assistant for restraint, a cheap digital thermometer, and some water-based lubrication purchased at the drug store and you are all set (make sure to label the thermometer too, so it does not get confused with the family thermometer!)!

As mentioned earlier, the normal body temperature for a dog is in the range of 100.5-102.5℉. A condition called “hyperthermia” occurs if the dog’s body temperature rises above 103℉, and “heat stroke” occurs when the body temperature rises to 105℉ or higher. Unfortunately, if core body temperatures reach 107-109℉, dogs will experience multiorgan or failure and death. Heat exposure can be a serious issue for dogs, but knowing the risks will help pet parents avoid dangerous situations. In an event of heatstroke, a visit to the vet might be in order. 

Dogs Predisposed to Heat Stroke

Brachycephalic Breeds

Some breeds, by nature of their cute, smushed faces, are especially prone to overheating. Any brachycephalic breed of dog (short, squished nose) is very vulnerable to suffering heat injuries. These dogs have a decreased ability to pant and exchange heat efficiently due to their anatomical features. Extra skin tissue in the back of their throat, narrow nasal passages, short respiratory tracts, large tongues, and abnormal windpipes all combine to make them extremely sensitive to ANY increase in temperature. These dogs are very poor at cooling themselves on warm days, and can even die of heat stroke when temperatures are in the 60’s! Breeds like English Bulldogs, Pugs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Mastiffs, Boxers, Pekingese, etc are all predisposed to heat injuries, and extra care should be taken to avoid exercise outdoors in the heat of the day or in very humid conditions. Special attention should always be paid to their condition while exercising and playing as well.

Other Predispositions to Heat Stroke

  Dogs that have previously suffered a heat injury are more prone to another due to damage to the thermoregulatory centers in the brain

  Dogs with thick hair coats will retain heat and have more trouble cooling down on warm days (Akitas, Huskies, German Shepherds)

  Dogs with dark or black fur coloring absorb and retain more heat (Dobermans, black colored dogs)

  Senior, overweight, or dogs with medical conditions have a more challenging time adapting to warmer temperatures

  Dogs wearing muzzles are unable to pant efficiently

  Dogs that have recently moved to warmer, more humid climates, or rapid changes in weather where dogs are not accustomed to the heat swings

Situational Causes of Heat Stroke

The overwhelming situational cause of heat stroke is dogs locked in parked cars, especially on warm days. Pet parents will even crack the windows while they run into the store, but unfortunately, that is not quite enough. The rapid increase in temperature, even in a couple of minutes, is often underestimated; for example, on a 75℉ day, the internal vehicle temperature can increase 40℉ within an hour even with the windows cracked. This means that a dog could potentially be sitting in 115℉, which is incredibly dangerous and often deadly.  

Another common cause of heatstroke is overexertion or heavy exercise on hot and humid days. Dogs that are not in good physical condition are especially vulnerable to these situations. Lack of breaks, shaded areas to rest, and clean water can also contribute to an inability to thermoregulate efficiently. It even happens with dogs at home on hot days lacking shade and cool water. Less common but still an occurrence to be aware of, exposure to a hot hair dryer for long periods of time, like the drying cage at the grooming salon, is also a known cause of heat stroke in dogs, so care must be taken to avoid extended periods of heat in the drying cages.

How To Prevent Heat Stroke

It is extremely important to NEVER LEAVE DOGS UNATTENDED IN PARKED CARS! Even with the windows cracked. Even if just for a few minutes. This can save your dog’s life and prevent heat injuries.

Being aware of your dog’s exercise abilities and limitations and taking into account the weather and duration of exercise are good places to start when looking to prevent heat stroke. Dogs with health issues, including obesity, should be monitored closely and use caution during exercise on warm days. Offering breaks, cool water access, and shade are also essential during time spent outdoors to prevent dehydration in dogs as well as heat injuries. Limiting exercise to the early morning or later evening, when the temperature is milder and humidity is low, can make exercise safer and more comfortable during periods of warm weather. Dog breeds with smushed faces and difficulty panting should not be exercised in the heat of the day, and careful attention should be given to their condition during time spent outside. After moving to new, warmer environments, or during times of weather swings, gradually introduce exercise until the dog is accustomed to the new climate and seems to tolerate it well.

Enjoying the Great Outdoors With Your Pup

Spending time outside is wonderful for both pup and pet parents, and warmer outdoor temperatures do not condemn anyone to a life of air conditioning indoors. It just means that consideration and careful planning should precede activities when the temperatures and humidity levels rise. Taking into account hydration needs, temperature exposures, fitness levels, and length of the day’s activities will ensure that you and your pup have a wonderful experience together. Monitoring your pup for signs of heat stroke in dogs throughout your outing is also essential to remain safe and healthy. At home, air-conditioned spaces, shaded outdoor areas, and access to fresh cool water will also ensure that your dog is comfortable at all times, no matter the temperature spikes!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need, desire assistance with a heat injury or heat stroke treatment, or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Dehydration in Dogs: 10 Signs & Common Causes

Happy 8 year old boy hugging his dog breed Jack Russell terrier at the seashore against a blue sky close up at sunset

For all animals, water quite literally is life! Although it creates quite a mess on the kitchen floor when your dog is slopping sips all over the place, seeing your pup visit the water bowl to quench their thirst appropriately is a satisfying sight. 

However, worry can set in when you detect a decrease in your dog’s water consumption, and especially when your pup may be rapidly losing water through increased urination, vomiting, or diarrhea. Using this guide, you will learn the most common causes of dehydration in dogs, how to recognize it, and how to treat and prevent it before permanent damage occurs. It is important that dogs consume a specific volume of water daily in order to maintain fluid and electrolyte balances for healthy organ function.  

Common Causes of Dehydration in Dogs

As dogs go through their day, water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, etc) are used and consumed by the body during normal processes like panting and breathing, heat exchange, urinating, defecating, and regular organ functions. When a dog eats and drinks, those fluids and electrolytes are replenished. Proper fluid balance within a dog’s body is SO important that they have multiple ways of regulating all of the variables that affect hydration. 

The brain, kidneys, and adrenal glands work together to regulate urine output, blood pressure, and volume to meet the needs of your dog’s entire body! If that very tightly regulated fluid and electrolyte balance is thrown off, animals can become dehydrated, taking a toll on organ function and putting the overall health of the animal in danger.

Humans and animals alike can become dehydrated in two simple ways: a decrease in water intake, or an increase in water loss from the body. Pretty basic and easy to avoid and identify, right? Actually, dehydration is very complicated and can happen fairly quickly and easily, right before your eyes.

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Decreased Fluid Intake

Anything that will prevent your dog from drinking water to replenish natural fluid losses will cause them to become dehydrated – exercising and long hikes without being offered a water source, water bowls that go empty for long periods of time, a dirty and unappealing water supply, and inability to access water for a variety of other reasons can all cause dehydration. 

Dogs should be offered access to clean water 24/7. When out for hikes and walks, bring a nice folding water bowl and a bottle with enough water for humans and pups to share several times every hour during the outing!

Even if there is plenty of clean water available, sometimes dogs will just not want to drink. This can happen any time a dog is feeling sick, especially if they are nauseous or have gastrointestinal pain. Ill or injured animals and animals that have recently had surgery often do not feel like getting up and eating or drinking. Since dogs also ingest water with their food, a lack of appetite and decreased food intake can also contribute to canine dehydration. To make matters worse, sick and injured animals often require MORE fluids than when they are feeling healthy––so becoming dehydrated occurs more quickly and makes them even LESS likely to want to eat and drink to help themselves. As you can see, a vicious cycle can occur when there is fluid and electrolyte depletion without replenishment.

Increased Fluid Loss

If you think about all of the ways that water can exit the body, the most common abnormal sources of fluid loss are persistent vomiting and diarrhea. In these situations, water and electrolytes are rapidly leaving the dog’s body, and likely will not be replenished without medical intervention. Other common causes of increased fluid loss can occur with anything causing the kidneys to be unable to fulfill their normal function of concentrating urine and conserving water – kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, toxin exposure, diabetes insipidus, Addison’s disease, and tumors/cancer, to name a few. Other causes of excessive fluid loss include fevers, excessive panting from increased body temperature or heat stroke in dogs, and lactation for female dogs nursing puppies.

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

If you think your dog may be experiencing dehydration, here are some physical signs to look for at home. If your pet needs to be examined by your local veterinarian, these same physical signs will be assessed and considered along with the results from a Complete Blood Panel and Chemistry Panel (blood tests), as well as a Urinalysis (urine test). Each of these tests gives more clues as to the original cause of the dehydration, how aggressively treatment should be pursued, the current extent of your dog’s illness, and prognosis for long-term management and recovery.

Outward Physical Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration in Dogs

  • Pale gums
  • Panting
  • Dry nose and mouth, lack of saliva
  • “Tacky” (sticky and dry) mucus membranes
  • Sunken-appearing eyeballs
  • Weight loss
  • Acting lethargic and weak, loss of balance
  • Fast heart rate, weak pulses
  • Decreased “Capillary Refill Time” – press on the gums and blanch the color. Upon release of your finger, the pink color should return in 3 seconds or less in a hydrated dog.
  • Prolonged “Skin Tent” – gently pinch and pull up on the skin between the shoulder blades and release it. If hydrated, the dog’s skin should fall back into place quickly, but it will stay tented or slowly return in a dehydrated dog.

How to Treat Dehydration in Dogs

If you suspect your pup may be dehydrated, check those water bowls first and make sure that the symptoms you are seeing are not due to something simple, like lack of access to drinking water. If your dog is panting but otherwise acting normally, offering a clean water source is appropriate and monitoring their consumption and urine frequency is important as well. We do not want a dog experiencing excessive thirst to engorge themselves with water too quickly, as this can cause vomiting or may be related to Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or “bloat”) in large breed deep-chested dogs.

If vomiting, diarrhea, changes in urinary habits, lethargy, low energy, or decreased appetite are observed in a dog, a visit to the veterinarian is vital. The physical exam, blood, and urine testing, and any additional tests recommended by the veterinarian to further explore the issue will determine the original cause of the illness, and dictate the appropriate treatment for any medical condition identified. A hospital stay may be warranted with correction of the dehydration using intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolyte supplementation to expand the blood volume and ensure that the vital organ function is maintained before any irreversible damage occurs. Some diet changes and supportive care may be appropriate too, depending on the situation. Treatment of the underlying cause, if there is one, of the dehydration will also be addressed if needed.

Many pet parents ask about giving Pedialyte to dogs who are vomiting or are possibly dehydrated. Veterinarians do not usually recommend giving Pedialyte to dogs for the reasons that it can make vomiting worse, can have serious issues if diabetes is the root cause (due to the sugar content), and the product was developed and balanced based on humans and not dogs. Veterinarians DO recommend a clean and cool source of water offered or combined with meals in order to increase the water consumption. Any dog that is showing signs of dehydration should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately.

How to Prevent Dehydration in Dogs

If dehydration originated from a lack of access to water, the fix is easy … take water breaks on hikes, exercise during cooler parts of the day and at the appropriate fitness level for all involved, provide 24/7 access to clean water in an accessible area, and experiment with different types of water bowls and locations around the house to zero in on your dog’s drinking preferences. If you suspect that your dog may be drinking less, monitor their daily intake over 24 hours, and then discuss your findings with your veterinarian.

If the dehydration is due to an illness, diagnosis and management of that health condition and monitoring changes in your dog’s water intake and urine output will help prevent issues with dehydration in the future. Any future changes in drinking and urine habits for dogs with illnesses is crucial information that you should share with your veterinarian as it is noted.

Putting It All Together

Maintaining their hydration level is one of the most important jobs for a dog every day, and they may not even realize it! Not drinking enough or losing water due to illnesses or medical conditions can create serious internal issues for your dog. If dehydration is suspected, your dog should be evaluated immediately by your veterinarian so that any fluid and electrolyte deficits can be rebalanced, and underlying conditions can be treated to get your pup back on track and feeling their best! 

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available via our vet app to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, or looking to learn about proper dog heat stroke treatment and how much water should a dog drink just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

COVID-19 and Your Pets

The research and studies regarding COVID-19 are constantly evolving. We recommend everyone please follow the CDC guidelines found here as our understanding of this disease improves.

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a novel virus caused by a coronavirus that spread into a global pandemic in 2020. While scientists are still working to understand this illness, it does appear to cause mild symptoms for most humans. Some individuals are at higher risk for severe disease or death. 

Can I get COVID-19 from my pet?

According to the CDC, the risk of contracting COVID-19 from your dogs or cats is low. This includes any potential risk of carrying the illness on their skin or fur.

Precautionary measures are recommended by extending basic hygiene practices to include your pets. This would include washing your hands routinely after handling animals and limiting your pet’s exposure to other persons or pets that have had exposure to the illness. 

The use of face masks in pets is strongly discouraged as it can cause your dog or cat a lot of harm and distress.  

Can my pet get sick from COVID-19?

Domestic animals have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, but the research does not indicate that this is a highly likely scenario. 

Most pets that have tested positive for COVID-19 have not been symptomatic and likely contracted the illness by living in close proximity with a COVID-19 positive human. Cats and ferrets are more at risk than dogs for contracting the illness and developing symptoms. Spread from human to animal and animal to animal has been suspected. The bottom line is that, based on our current understanding of the virus, your pets are more at risk of getting covid from you than you are of getting covid from your pets.

I have been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19, what should I do for my pets?

If you have been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 you should treat the animals under your care as you would any other person. Wear a face mask when around your pets, wash your hands frequently, and minimize exposure as much as possible while continuing to care for your pets. Keep your pets at home unless emergency situations arise or if your pet needs immediate healthcare. 

Can my pet go to daycare, boarding or be around other pets?

The CDC recommends we protect our pets as if they are another human person in our family. This means limiting your pet’s exposure to others outside your immediate family as much as possible. If you choose to take your pet to a grooming, boarding, or daycare facility then follow that businesses health and safety protocols to limit risk for all involved. 

You can reduce this risk by limiting items brought from your home and disinfecting returned items with an EPA-registered disinfectant. 

Do not use any chemical disinfectants on your pet including but not limited to hydrogen peroxide, hand sanitizer or counter-cleaning wipes. 

Face masks should not be put on household pets. 

To learn more about this illness and pets, your ASKVET Care Squad team and licensed veterinarians are standing by to help answer your questions!

What Causes Diarrhea In Dogs?

sick dog

If you have a dog, you’ve likely had experience with diarrhea — it comes with the territory of pet ownership, unfortunately! The list of causes for diarrhea in dogs is seemingly endless, and the treatment and prognosis are highly dependent on the underlying cause of the diarrhea, and the severity of your dog’s symptoms. Thankfully, some episodes of diarrhea resolve quickly and don’t need any treatment at all! Some are more serious and do need in-depth testing and veterinary support to decipher the cause and form a treatment plan to make that upset stomach happy again. Check out this link for more about what to do if your dog has diarrhea.

Specific Causes of Diarrhea

It seems like almost anything can cause a dog to have diarrhea! There are so many causes that we can’t possibly list them all here, but the following are some of the more common instigators of diarrhea in dogs that we see as veterinarians.  

Dietary Indiscretion

By far, one of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs is “dietary indiscretion” or eating something new or different than normal. Dogs are not the garbage disposals that we tend to think they are! Even though some dogs seem to be blessed with stomachs of steel regardless of what they may consume, most dogs are very sensitive to food changes and ingesting unfamiliar things. This poses problems for a species who also will put almost anything in their mouths–and then swallow it! 

Potential stomach and intestinal irritants range from people food, new treats, garbage, plants, a piece of pizza off the street, the cat’s food … the list goes on and on, as dogs will eat some crazy things! When consulting with your AskVet or family veterinarian, providing a list of everything your dog may have consumed in the days preceding the diarrhea is helpful in determining if something your pup ate might have led to their soft or watery stool. Keep in mind that sometimes dogs sneak things without us knowing, especially if your guy is quick and always on the hunt! Depending on what your pup consumed, these episodes can be self-limiting (meaning they resolve without any help), and other times sustained diarrhea requires veterinary intervention. 

Intestinal Parasites

Especially for young puppies, an intestinal parasite is a super common culprit of diarrhea. Roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, giardia, and coccidia are all common causes of intestinal problems. Seeing a few white worms wiggling around in the stool are a pretty good indication to get your pup into the vet. If you are not “fortunate” enough to see the actual adult worms, a fecal test may reveal the presence of microscopic eggs within the dog’s feces, and treatment with deworming medications can take care of parasite infections. Since parasite eggs can be found in the dirt of dog parks and water sources outdoors, it is recommended that an adult dog receives a monthly dewormer, too. These monthly dewormers are usually included in your dog’s heartworm prevention, so it’s yet another reason to keep your pup on schedule with their monthly tablets. Fortunately, this type of preventative helps keep any ingested parasite eggs from causing an infection–and diarrhea! 

Food Allergy

Some dogs will have an immune reaction within the lining of the intestines to certain proteins or ingredients in the dog’s diet. This immune reaction causes difficulty in absorbing nutrients from food and promotes fluid secretion into the lining of the intestines — leading to diarrhea. 

The most common dietary allergens for dogs are chicken, beef, dairy, and egg — simply because those are the most common ingredients dogs are exposed to in their daily diet. Keep in mind that dogs who are sensitive to certain foods may have diarrhea from intestinal inflammation, but they may also have itchy skin and ear infections, or even exhibit both types of reactions! If your dog’s diarrhea is also accompanied by itchy skin, make sure to tell your veterinarian so that a food sensitivity can be investigated. 

At this time, there are no accurate tests to diagnose a food allergy (those salivary/cheek swab tests in pet stores are not accurate, unfortunately!). Instead, your veterinarian may recommend a food elimination trial for a period of 2-3 months using a hypoallergenic or limited ingredient/novel protein prescription diet. If the diarrhea improves or resolves during this food trial, a food allergy is the likely culprit. Note that this type of food trial is usually recommended only if your dog has repeated episodes of diarrhea over time, and other common causes (like intestinal parasites) have been eliminated as a possibility. Therefore, there’s no need to rotate your dog’s food and try different types in hopes of solving your dog’s diarrhea problem — in fact, feeding multiple new types of dog food can make diarrhea even worse.

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Diarrhea is listed as a common side effect of many medications available today. For example, antibiotics are a common cause of diarrhea due to their ability to throw off that delicate balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In order to avoid this problem, many veterinarians will often recommend the use of canine probiotics along with any prescribed antibiotics to support the good bacteria. 

Some medications, like anti-inflammatories, are more likely to be associated with gastrointestinal irritation, and even stomach ulcer formation. However, ANY medication has the potential to cause gastrointestinal upset, so close monitoring when starting new medications and reporting any abnormalities to your vet is also very important.

Intestinal Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections

The naïve immune systems of puppies and dogs that have not been vaccinated are vulnerable to viruses that attack the intestinal tract. Parvovirus and Distemper Virus are the most common and concerning viruses that cause diarrhea in unvaccinated dogs. Vaccinating puppies and using caution to limit potential virus exposure to youngsters is important, as these viruses are very hard on the small body of a young pup and sadly can even be life-threatening. ANY puppy with vomiting, diarrhea, and low energy needs to be examined by their veterinarian immediately due to their little bodies’ inability to regulate their fluids and blood sugar, as well as test for these dangerous infections.

Depending on what your dog is eating and being exposed to in her environment, your dog may ingest bacteria that could cause diarrhea too. Clostridium, E. Coli, and Salmonella are some of the culprits, especially if your dog eats things outside (dead animals, feces, dirt, etc) or consumes a diet containing raw meat products. 

In certain parts of the country, fungal diseases can make their way into the intestinal tract too (like histoplasmosis in the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi River valleys), causing diarrhea and intestinal issues. In the southeast, dogs can become infected with “swamp fungus” (pythiosis) by standing or swimming in warm, stagnant water. Specialized fecal, blood, and urine tests can help to diagnose the presence of a fungal or bacterial infection, and sometimes a biopsy of the intestines is needed for diagnosis. If your dog has developed diarrhea after traveling to a different part of the country, swimming in a lake, or has recently romped through the countryside, please remember to tell your veterinarian so they can be mindful of these potential pathogens.

Stress and Anxiety

Stressful situations like boarding, travel, visitors, thunderstorms, and vet visits could cause diarrhea from stress colitis in some dogs. Symptoms range from a couple of episodes of soft stool to full-blown bloody diarrhea (with vomiting) lasting multiple days. Sometimes these episodes are self-limiting (meaning they resolve without any help), and other times, sustained diarrhea requires veterinary intervention. A pattern of diarrhea after exciting or stressful events may call for an exam and blood testing with your veterinarian, and a possible trial of anxiety supplements or medication. Also, if stress colitis is suspected in your pooch, try to make alternate plans to minimize stressful situations for your pup whenever possible.

Disease Processes Involving Internal Organs (Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Adrenal Glands)

Internal organs contributing to digestion and intestinal health all have the ability to cause diarrhea if they are not functioning properly. Through different mechanisms, malfunction of the pancreas can result in pancreatitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Both types of pancreatic dysfunction can cause diarrhea and cause symptoms severe enough to need veterinary support. 

A variety of diseases involving the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder can also affect your dog’s stool. Addison’s Disease, when the adrenal glands do not produce the necessary hormones, can also cause serious illness in dogs, including diarrhea with or without blood. Evaluating your dog’s internal organ health by testing her blood and urine, and possibly performing an abdominal ultrasound, will help diagnose these conditions so they can be appropriately treated.

Chronic Intestinal Inflammation (“Enteropathies”), Inflammatory Bowel Disease

These conditions are typically chronic, meaning the diarrhea has lasted quite some time, and the dog may be losing weight due to its long-term inability to absorb nutrients properly. This is where all the big words come in … lymphangiectasia, protein-losing enteropathy, lymphocytic plasmacytic enteropathy, granulomatous colitis, immunoproliferative enteropathy, histiocytic ulcerative colitis, etc etc. It’s helpful to think of these conditions as a group of chronic diseases that may cause diarrhea–and let your veterinarian worry about the specific classification!

Certain breeds of dogs are more commonly affected by these conditions due to a genetic inheritance — German Shepherds, Boxers, and Yorkies to name a few. These diseases are typically diagnosed with a biopsy of the intestines and treated with various food and medication trials, as well as vitamin supplementation to help calm and control the inflammation. With help from your family veterinarian, your dog’s intestines are again able to do their job and absorb nutrients properly.


There are far more common causes of diarrhea than cancer, so please do not panic! Unfortunately, though, we can’t talk about diarrhea without including cancer as a possible cause. Tumors of the intestines like lymphoma, leiomyosarcomas, and adenocarcinomas and also tumors of organs within the abdomen, like the liver, kidney, and spleen can all be causes of diarrhea. Veterinarians are always on the lookout for “the big C”, especially for those patients who are not responding as expected to initial treatments. Usually, blood and urine testing, abdominal x-rays, abdominal ultrasound, and intestinal biopsies are helpful in the diagnosis of these tumors. Stay calm though, and rule out everything else first — cancer remains a very uncommon cause of diarrhea in dogs.

Getting The Gut Back On Track

Although the vast majority of cases of diarrhea in dogs do resolve with some temporary treatment and the passage of time, the prognosis is highly dependent on the original cause of the diarrhea and how the pup is feeling. Hopefully, they show improvement within a couple of days and respond quickly to any treatments. For the pups who aren’t faring as well, swift action and veterinary care will give your pup the best chance at stabilization and return to comfort. As always, your AskVet veterinarians are ready to field all of your questions about diarrhea in dogs and offer some recommendations for steps to take in their care. Getting your pup back to feeling their best is our top priority!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professions Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

What to do if Your Dog Has Diarrhea?

dog at vet

The dirty truth about pet ownership is that it is, unfortunately, not always about snuggles, outings, and dog parks! Being the living and breathing animals that they are, sometimes dogs will have a little stomach and intestinal upset – and sometimes they will have A LOT, all over the house! While discussing your dog’s bowel movements may seem a bit embarrassing and gross, have no fear, your veterinarian is ready to receive the down-and-dirty details in order to help get your pup’s intestines back on track! 

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues affecting dogs and prompting a visit to their veterinarian. At AskVet, we are constantly fielding questions about feces! Upset tummies are a messy and worrisome issue to have, creating challenges for both dog and pet parent. There are numerous causes of less-than-perfect poops and many things to consider when you find your poor pup struggling with diarrhea.  

Why The Diarrhea? 

Just like in humans, the digestive tract can get upset occasionally, and for a wide variety of reasons. Scientifically speaking, diarrhea itself is the production of loose and frequent stools due to the rapid movement of ingesta (food, or whatever the dog may have eaten) through the stomach, intestines, and colon. In a nutshell, on a regular day the intestinal contents will take about 8-10 hours to mosey on through the GI tract from one end to the other. Along the way special cells that line the interior of the GI tract absorb nutrients, electrolytes, and water. 

If something upsets the intestines or causes them to malfunction, ingesta moves through much more rapidly, resulting in less absorption of water and nutrients and leading to the production of–you guessed it–diarrhea! Quite often, this rapid transit of ingesta through the intestines is also accompanied by some cramping, abdominal pain, decrease in appetite, vomiting, and feeling tired … as well as an urgency to seek their outdoor bathroom again and again!

Believe it or not, veterinarians can gather many useful clues from pet parents’ descriptions of when, where, how often, duration, and the appearance of your dog’s latest defecations. We even like to classify the poop using this convenient Purina Fecal Scoring Chart. Also, a rundown of any new changes in food, treats, exposure or ingestion of toxins or non-food items, medications, and any “dumpster diving” or potential scavenging around the yard lately is extremely helpful to zero in on the root cause of the intestinal issues. There are many things that can rev up and irritate those intestines causing diarrhea in dogs, so veterinarians will consider the details provided by pet parents, compile physical exam findings, and interpret diagnostic test results in order to build a treatment plan and calm those intestines back down.

When To Worry

Diarrhea, quite literally, comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and consistencies – it can be acute (start quickly) or chronic (recur or persist for a long time). It can be a reaction to something small (stressful event or eating a new treat), or it could be a symptom of something big (Parvovirus). It can range from just a softer poop consistency to a full-on “waterfall” of liquid poop, and it may contain mucous or even blood (red fresh blood or black digested blood). Sometimes with diarrhea, your dog will still feel totally fine, and sometimes they are feeling lousy and acting very sick. Diarrhea can often be accompanied by additional symptoms like vomiting, decreased energy, not wanting to eat or drink, accidents in the house, increased frequency and urgency to poop, posturing and straining with nothing coming out, and licking the rear end area.

An important thing to remember is that not all diarrhea is created equal! Putting all of your pooch’s signs together will help pet parents to decide if the diarrhea may be temporary and self-limiting (go away on its own), or if it needs some veterinary intervention. Dogs that are experiencing a couple of episodes of loose stool, but are otherwise feeling fine, eating, drinking, and acting normally may see their issue resolve on its own after a day or so. Sometimes the original cause of the diarrhea is known (like eating plants outside), and other times it remains a mystery. If this is the case, a virtual consultation with your AskVet veterinarian, monitoring at home, watching their diet closely, and keeping track of bowel movements can be appropriate actions for a pet parent to take.

However, dogs with diarrhea lasting multiple days and exhibiting additional symptoms is always more concerning. Dogs that are not eating, drinking less, vomiting, losing weight, have decreased energy, have abdominal pain, are not acting like themselves, or have red blood or black tarry colors in the diarrhea need to be examined by their vet as soon as possible. 

These symptoms indicate that something more serious may be occurring. Supplying as much information to your veterinarian about your dog’s recent diet, timeline of the diarrhea and other symptoms, recent activities, changes in environment, and possible new food or non-food item ingestions and toxin exposures, is very helpful. Your veterinarian will likely move to the next step of gathering more biological information via fecal testing (to rule out parasites, giardia, and viruses), and blood and urine testing (to look for signs of infection, inflammation, organ damage, and dehydration). Further specialized tests, including abdominal x-rays, special blood tests, ultrasounds, food trials, or even intestinal biopsies may be recommended too, in order to narrow down causes and form treatment plans. 

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Treatments For Diarrhea

Especially for those dogs that were normal the day before and then suddenly started experiencing diarrhea, there are some things you can try at home to see if the event is one of those self-limiting transient gastroenteritis episodes (i.e., something that will get better on its own). However, if your dog is vomiting, has blood in the stool, is not feeling well or stopped eating, or has had diarrhea for multiple days, a visit to the vet is best!

How diarrhea is treated is highly dependent on what the suspected cause may be, how persistent it is, and the current condition of the patient. During a vet visit, your veterinarian may recommend initial treatment with fluids (under the skin or in the vein), probiotics, a special food, antacids, nausea medication, and more.

Short Term Care at Home

If you and your AskVet veterinarian both agree that a specific case of diarrhea may be mild, what can you do at home? And what should your feed your dog who is having diarrhea? 

Upset intestines tend to respond well to a low fat “bland diet” as this allows their GI tract to rest a bit while only processing simple proteins and carbs. There are two options for a bland diet: home preparation of plain unseasoned boiled chicken breast and white rice (or a variation of this recipe using lean ground beef, pasta, etc), or a veterinarian-prescribed low fat/low residue gastrointestinal diet. Often, a short stint of these gentle diets will result in the return of the fecal consistency to normal over a period of days, and at that time you can then slowly transfer your pup back to their regular food and see how they do. 

Some diarrheas will also respond well to fiber supplements (canned pumpkin, high fiber diets, or psyllium), or a diet change to a different protein source at your veterinarian’s recommendation. Also, the addition of canine-specific probiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, or antibiotics targeting bacterial or fungal infections may be required. Since they are losing fluids through the diarrhea, encouraging water drinking to maintain hydration is recommended during this time, even by adding extra water into the food!

We do not recommend the use of antidiarrheals, Pedialyte, or Pepto Bismol products (human or animal), as those can mask or worsen signs and conditions. Our veterinarians at AskVet are ready to answer all of your questions and weigh in on your pup’s condition and possible ways to support him. 

AskVet Tip: Dogs that have been having diarrhea or vomiting may not have a bowel movement for several days, especially if they are on a highly digestible diet. They simply do not have any poop in there! As long as the pup is eating, drinking, peeing, and has good energy, it is normal to not see any poop for several days during the recovery period following diarrhea or vomiting, and it is not an indication of constipation. The poop will come again eventually!

If your pup is otherwise feeling healthy, trying a bland diet at home should yield some positive results in 24-48 hours, but could also take up to a week for the return to normalcy. If you are not seeing any improvement, or your pup is on the decline, an appointment with your vet is needed.

Long Term Care

Dogs diagnosed with chronic intestinal issues like food allergies, chronic enteropathies, chronic colitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Addison’s Disease, liver disease, cancer, etc, will need therapeutic diets, dietary supplements, and medications for the length of their lives to keep their symptoms under control. Depending on their individual disease process, many of these dogs can live long happy lives once their medications and diets are balanced out, but they do require vigilance from their pet parents and regular check-ups with their veterinarian.

Prevention of Diarrhea

First, let’s go with the obvious – if the diarrhea was likely caused by food, a rapid change in diet, scavenging outdoors, or a new bag of treats, monitoring what your dog eats and avoiding irritants is very important. Feeding a high-quality diet as recommended by your veterinarian and appropriate for your dog’s age and breed, as well as approaching any diet changes gradually over a 1-2 week period will minimize digestive issues as well. And always, preventing your dog from eating random stuff, and limiting/eliminating people food and variation in dog treats will help your dog’s guts stay nice and calm. Keeping your dog’s diet as predictable and regular as possible is what their intestines prefer! Once you find a diet and a few treats they do well with, stick with those!

AskVet Tip: Any time you are changing your pup’s diet, It is important to gradually introduce the new food over a period of 1-2 weeks, instead of changing suddenly in 1 day. This allows them to get used to the new taste and for their intestines to adjust to the new diet. Dogs will often have diarrhea and vomiting with the swift introduction of new foods. On the first 2 days, consider serving 25% new diet and 75% old diet. Every 2 days, add 25% more new diet, taking away the same volume of the old diet. After about 7 days, they will be on the new diet 100% and hopefully, their intestines will be happy and settled! 

Also, preventive medicine saves lives! Vaccinating young puppies for Parvo, Distemper and Coronaviruses and avoiding high-risk areas where dogs congregate is recommended until pups have completed the series of vaccines (around 4 months of age). Also, treating intestinal parasites and avoiding infection by giving your pup a monthly dewormer (found in heartworm prevention products) is another way to ensure that parasites are not the culprit!

Getting The Gut Back On Track

Where the vast majority of cases of diarrhea in dogs do resolve with some temporary treatment and the passage of time, the prognosis is highly dependent on the original cause. Hopefully, for the sake of your pup’s comfort level – and the condition of the living room rug – they show improvement within a couple days, and respond quickly to any treatments. For the pups who aren’t faring as well, swift action and veterinary care will give your pup the best chance at stabilization and return to comfort. As always, your AskVet veterinarians are at the ready to field all of your questions about diarrhea in dogs and offer some recommendations for steps to take in their care. Getting your pup back to feeling their best is our top priority!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Is My Dog Sick?

One of the worst feelings a pet parent may have is when they suspect their sweet pup might be feeling sick. Since our dogs can’t explain to us how they are feeling, when they simply stray from their daily routine or we notice a change from their normal behavior, pet-parent-panic can set in. Seeing your dog exhibit some abnormal physical symptoms can really get your human heart racing, too! It can be difficult to decipher what is an emergency and what is less urgent, but here are some very common symptoms that dogs will display and hints as to what they may mean and how serious they could be.

What is Normal?

First things first, what are considered normal vital signs for a dog? Some astute pet parents are willing to assess some physical parameters at home in order to gauge if the changes they notice in their pooch may be accompanied by other, more subtle changes. Here are a list of “normals” for some physical exam parameters in dogs. 

Rectal Temperature: 101-102.5℉ 

Heart Rate/Pulse: 70-120 beats per minute at rest (lower for large dogs, higher for smaller dogs)

Respiratory Rate: Typically less than 30 breaths per minute while relaxed and resting, breaths should be easy, quiet, and smooth

Mucous Membranes: Your dog’s gums should be light pink in color (unless black pigment is present), slimy with saliva, and if you press on the gums with your finger the pink color should return within 1-2 seconds

Skin Tent: A gentle pull and release of the “scruff” with your fingers should be followed by the skin flattening quickly 

Eyes: The surface of the eye should be clear and shiny and the white of the eyes showing no sign of redness or swelling. Eyelids should be fully open and symmetrical between both eyes, and some clear to brown-tinged discharge or the occasional “eye crusty” can be normal (nothing yellow or green)

Gait: Walks with weight distributed evenly on all four legs, willing to walk/jog/sit/lay down freely and without hesitation, wagging tail

Skin: Full, shiny haircoat (normal to be thin over abdomen, inner thighs and armpits), minimal to no odor, skin should soft and a light shade of tan or white, no lumps or bumps (except elbow calluses, bony prominences, and nipples – a feature of both boys and girls!)  

Ears: Underside should be a light tan or white color, minimal or no debris or discharge, smooth to the touch, no odor, minimal itching/scratching/head shaking

If you are seeing some abnormalities in the above parameters, it is time to chat with an AskVet veterinarian or follow up with your family veterinarian. Some dogs may stray from the “normal” and not have a concerning issue, so being familiar with your pup’s personal “normal physical exam” is important!

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What Is Abnormal?

Not Eating

Other than spending time with you, often the highlight of a dog’s day is probably eating and treats. Dogs tend to enjoy their routine, so if your pooch misses a meal or declines the treats that she usually loves, it may indicate that she is not feeling well. While something as simple as a change in outdoor temperature (like a sudden heatwave!) may be responsible, refusing favorite foods can also indicate that she is experiencing an upset stomach and intestinal discomfort, pain, or a variety of other issues.  

One missed meal is likely not cause for concern unless you are noticing other symptoms too (discussed below). However, if you are noticing a pattern of eating less or rejecting meals, this could indicate that something might be bothering your pup. Keep in mind that young puppies less than six months old who are refusing to eat should be evaluated right away since their blood sugar can drop quickly and they become dehydrated very easily. 

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Occasionally dogs will have a single episode of vomiting or softer poop, and sometimes this is not a big deal. Dogs tend to eat random things off the ground frequently, and this often results in an episode of gastrointestinal upset. Introducing new treats and changing foods can also upset their sometimes-sensitive digestive tracts. Eating meals too quickly can cause a quick re-appearance of what they just ate in the form of regurgitation, too! 

Vomiting and diarrhea become concerning if it is known that your dog ate something toxic or a non-food item like a sock or toy, and/or your dog has repeated vomiting episodes. Dogs showing additional symptoms such as diarrhea, not wanting to eat, repeatedly vomiting food and water, acting restless or panicked – or the opposite, being lethargic and having less energy — or any blood seen in the vomitus or stool is very concerning and should be evaluated by a veterinarian right away.

Drinking More Water

This can be a tough one to spot! Sometimes your pup may seem to be feeling fine, but perhaps you’re noticing that you are filling their water bowl more often than usual, or that he is drinking from odd places like puddles outside, and even the toilet bowl (EW!). You may notice that your dog just can’t seem to drink enough to satisfy his excessive thirst! 

Unfortunately, drinking more water may hint at several fairly common metabolic issues like Cushing’s disease, kidney disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, or bladder/urinary issues. Sometimes the most noticeable symptom is your pup’s increased urination and accidents in the house before you realize that he is actually drinking a lot more too. Keep on the lookout for changes in your dog’s drinking and urinating, and follow up with your veterinarian if you have any concerns. 

Changes in Urinary Habits

Changes in your dog’s urinary habits can sometimes be the first clue that your pup has a health condition. Your dog might be having a urinary tract issue, if he is:

–Producing more, less, or no urine at all 

–Straining to urinate 

–Having uncharacteristic accidents in the house 

–Asking to go outside more often 

–Peeing smaller amounts 

–Dripping urine while walking around

–Passing visible blood in the urine (pink tinge to the urine color or bright red blood)

Any of these symptoms may indicate an issue with your pooch’s urinary tract. Common causes of these symptoms include bladder infections, bladder stones, kidney issues, urinary incontinence, dehydration, or metabolic problems. 

Urinary issues can be very uncomfortable and do need to be evaluated in a timely manner by your veterinarian. Often, testing your dog’s urine (urinalysis), taking x-rays (radiographs) to look for bladder stones, and bloodwork to evaluate for kidney, blood sugar, or possible internal organ abnormalities are common recommendations to get to the source of your pup’s peeing problem.

Weight Loss and Gain

When we see our pups daily, changes in their body weight can be difficult to detect, especially if it happens slowly over time with no other worrisome symptoms. If your pup is looking thinner, or you are feeling ribs, hip bones, or the spine where you could not previously, this may be an indication that your dog has lost weight. 

On the contrary, if your pup is looking rounder, seems to have a bigger belly, has lost some body contours, is moving slower, or feeling heavier than before they may also have put on some weight. While diet quality, exercise level, and treats may contribute to both weight loss and weight gain in dogs, they can also be a symptom of an internal problem that warrants further investigation by your veterinarian.

Sleeping More or Less

Don’t worry too much because most dogs sleep A LOT! Sleeping 12-18 hours a day and then lounging in bed for a few hours on top of that can be normal for a dog depending on their age, breed, size, and activity level. However, when dogs don’t feel well, sleeping more and acting tired are one of the first things pet parents pick up on. Skipping meals due to sleeping, having trouble laying down or getting up from bed, laying in bed more than normal, lagging behind on walks, and/or acting lethargic, might mean that a health issue is causing a decrease in energy.

On the flip side, if your pup seems restless, uncharacteristically wakes up during the night, is pacing or acting uncomfortable during times that they typically sleep; these are also significant signs. Dogs with fear/anxiety, arthritis or neurologic pain, discomfort from an internal issue, and senior dogs with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome may sleep less, change their sleep cycles, pace through the night, or not want to lay down.

Bad Breath

While doggie breath can seem endearing, it is often the sign of potentially severe issues going on inside your dog’s mouth. Gingivitis, rotten teeth, and tooth root abscesses in the jaw bones are very painful for dogs and can all carry a distinctive gag-inducing odor. Your vet will check the condition of your dog’s mouth, teeth and gums at their annual appointments and make recommendations for dental cleanings under anesthesia. If any teeth are infected or broken, oral surgery will be recommended as well.  If your pup’s breath can clear a room, or if their eating patterns have changed, an oral exam is recommended.


Just like us, the occasional “food or water down the wrong tube” may result in a gag-cough or cough-vomit. Single episodes of coughing or reverse sneezing (a funny sound often confused with coughing and breathing problems) are usually not a big deal–although they always seem to catch our attention!

When pet parents notice coughing bouts overnight or repeatedly during the day, especially for multiple days in a row – this can indicate that there could be a health issue causing the cough. Common ones include upper respiratory infections like kennel cough, tracheal issues,  pneumonia, heart problems, and lung problems too. Dogs that are coughing but otherwise feeling well are less urgent than dogs that are struggling to breathe, not wanting to eat, and have decreased energy. Any time a dog is struggling to breathe, this is an emergency and needs immediate veterinary care.


Limping is another issue that can cause alarm and panic with pet parents. Sometimes the cause of the limp is apparent: an injury during playtime, an accidental roll off the bed, or an ambitious jump that resulted in a yelp. Occasionally, pups will come up limping seemingly out of the blue too, without a known obvious cause. If a dog is limping, keeping them rested and restricted from running, stair climbing, and jumping will help give the body a chance to heal itself or prevent further injury before the vet visit.

Any limping that lasts more than a few days without improvement, or that seems to be worsening, would benefit from a physical exam and maybe even some X-rays to check the health of those bones, joints, and soft tissues. Pups experiencing intense pain, are not putting any weight on a leg, or cannot stand and walk should be examined urgently due to the possibility of a fracture or spinal issue. 

Itching and Scratching

Grooming their luscious coats and keeping themselves pretty are considered normal dog behavior. However, when scratching and licking become noticeable, a foul odor is detected, the coat appears thin and patchy, the skin is pink, inflamed, bleeding or scabby, normal grooming has crossed into the realm of abnormal. 

Excessive scratching, licking, and itching is a strong indicator for skin allergies in dogs, a flea infestation, a bacterial or yeast infection, and possibly other parasites too. If you are noticing your dog licking, itching, scratching or shaking their head more often than normal, and/or you see changes in her ears, coat and skin, this is a strong indication that there is a skin condition that needs to be addressed.

Eye Goop and Squinting Eyes

Eye problems in dogs are common and range from mild chronic tearing (“epiphora”), to severe corneal ulcers and conditions endangering eyesight. Eyes are complicated and the consequences of an untreated eye issue can have long-lasting, painful effects. Any time a dog is exhibiting any squinting, discharge from the eye, redness in the eyelids or eyeballs, or a cloudy/blue appearance of the eye, a veterinary exam is recommended. 

In order to accurately assess the severity of your dog’s eye symptoms, your veterinarian may require several tests to assess their ocular health. These include measuring your dog’s ability to produce tears, measuring the pressures within each eyeball, and checking for stain uptake on the surface of the eye indicating ulcers and scratches. Of course, your veterinarian will also examine each internal structure of your dog’s eye for abnormalities and the presence or absence of normal reflexes. Checking your dog’s upper, lower, and 3rd eyelids for swelling, stray hair growth, and the occasional trapped piece of plant or grass awn is also very important. 

Some eye problems can be less urgent than others, but unfortunately ruling out more severe issues is necessary first before settling on a lesser cause. 

Waiting it Out Versus Seeking Veterinary Care

Don’t we wish our pups could talk us through their issues? Since they can’t, your AskVet veterinarians are here to help you decode the signs and decide whether the changes you observe in your dog are indicators of illness! We can also assist you in figuring out how concerned we should be about the changes you may be noticing in your favorite pooch. The veterinarians at AskVet are poised 24/7 to field your questions, listen to descriptions for what you are seeing, check photos and videos, and provide a kind and professional opinion for what may need to happen next, whether that be seeking emergency care immediately, monitoring at home, or a routine follow-up appointment with your vet. AskVet is standing by to help during your time of need!

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.


Reasons For Runny Eyes In Dogs

You give your pooch everything she could want—plenty of playtime, love and snuggles; her favorite treats; nutritionally-balanced food; and quality medical care. Why, then, does she look as though she is crying?! 

At AskVet, many dog parents come to us asking questions about their pup’s runny eyes. In some cases, this symptom is nothing to worry about—but in others, runny eyes can indicate a significant medical problem. We’re here to help you figure out what is normal, and when to see your veterinarian. 

Epiphora and Tear-Staining

If your dog has streaks of reddish-brown, moist fur that start at the inner corner of her eye and form a line under her eye or alongside her nose, then she may have something called “epiphora”—the medical term for excess tears. This does NOT mean that your dog is sad or crying—instead, it’s likely due to the shape of her face and structures around the eye, or chronic irritation of the surface of the eye. 

Her fur is stained by a non-harmful molecule in the tears called porphyrin, which changes color to reddish-brown when it comes in contact with the fur. Porphyrins are not harmful and they do not have any adverse effects, so that’s good news! Why, then, would your pup have tear staining in the first place?

Normal Eyelid Anatomy

First, let’s talk about normal eyelid anatomy. You know that the eyes produce tears to lubricate the surface of the eye, and to help clear out any irritating particles from the air (like dust or pollen). Tears are being produced by the tear glands around the eye, and as they are produced, the tear film is drained into the nose through holes called puncta. 

Puncta are located in the corners of the eyes, within the soft pink tissue that surrounds the eyeball. These little holes open into a long skinny tube, called the nasolacrimal duct, that carries tears down the inside of the nose and back of the throat. These structures involved in draining tears are why we experience a runny nose when crying—and can even taste our own tears!

However, If your pup’s eyeballs are not set deeply enough in the sockets for the puncta to “catch” the tears (think of a cute Pug with bulging eyes), her tears will spill over onto her face. Eventually, gravity takes the tear film either under her eye socket or down the sides of her nose. This form of tear staining is common in breeds with prominent eyes and shallow eye sockets, like Pugs, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs of all types, and Chihuahuas. Both eyes will be affected, and the pup is usually not painful—unless there are complications (see below). 

Occasionally, a dog will have a clog in one or both puncta—the drainage holes in the corner of the eye. This clog can be congenital (meaning the pup was born with puncta that are sealed shut), or can happen due to inflammation and debris clogging the system. Sometimes your veterinarian can clear out a clog by flushing the duct under general anesthesia. 

Chronic Eye Irritation

We all know the miserable feeling of something stuck in our eye—it feels like a piece of sand on the surface, and our eye immediately starts producing tons of tears! Dogs have the same natural response to something irritating the surface of the eye, and this can lead to a runny eye and tear staining. 

What could possibly be causing irritation to the surface of your dog’s eyes, resulting in too many tears? 

Eyelashes in the Wrong PlaceSome dogs are born with or develop teeny tiny extra hairs that grow on the inside of the eyelid instead of the outside. These little hairs cause irritation to your pup’s eye with every blink until they can be removed by your veterinarian or an eye specialist (ophthalmologist).

Eyelids that Roll Inwards (Entropion)You can imagine that if your eyelids rolled inwards towards your eyeball, this would cause major irritation! When the eyelids roll far enough towards the surface of the eye, eyelashes and hairs on the face can actually start rubbing the surface of the eye. This eye condition is called entropion, and it is more common in some dog breeds than others. English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and Shar-Peis are known to be born with this problem more frequently than other breeds. Fortunately, a minor surgery can be performed to remove the roll and restore your pup to comfortable vision. 

Facial Hair Contacting the Eye SurfaceIn many dogs, hair growing from the bridge of the nose and near the corners of the eyes can sprout in unfortunate directions. If the hair is not kept very short, the tips of these hairs can rub the surface of the eye, causing continuous excess tear production. As you can imagine, this condition (called “trichiasis”) is more common in breeds whose eyes are located closer to the bridge of the nose—like Shih-Tzus, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other small breeds like Maltese and Yorkies.

Sudden Eye Irritation

If your pup has never had an eye problem in the past, but you are noticing that he looks like he is crying from one or both eyes all of a sudden, then he could be experiencing sudden irritation. This can happen if a piece of dust or plant material is blown by the wind into his eye, if he has an eye infection or has scratched the surface of his eye, if a tear duct has suddenly become clogged, or if there is a painful eye condition that has not been assessed. 

Since all of these issues can potentially be serious threats to your dog’s vision,  it’s essential to see a veterinarian right away if you notice a sudden change in your dog’s tear production.

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So, what happens when excessive tears run down your pup’s face over a long period of time? The moisture from the tears can eventually soak through the fur and reach your dog’s skin. Since your pup can’t dab his face with a towel, this moisture eventually seeps down through the fur to the surface of his skin. Normal bacteria and yeast on the surface of your dog’s skin LOVE this warm, damp environment and start reproducing at a faster rate, causing a skin infection.  You may start to see some redness or smell an odor when infection has set in. This is called dermatitis, and it can be irritating, itchy, and sometimes even painful for your pup. Dogs with cute smooshed noses and little skin folds on their faces are especially prone to this condition, so checking those folds and keeping them clean is very important.

In cases of chronic eye irritation from entropion, trichiasis, or eyelashes that are rubbing the surface of your dog’s eye, the body will try to protect the eye from further irritation. How does your pup’s body do this? The same way our bodies try to protect our skin from chronic irritation—by depositing pigment on the surface! (Think of a suntan or sudden explosion of freckles after a day in the sunshine.) You may see a thin black patchy film forming on the surface of the eyeball if you look very closely. 

Unfortunately, pigment on the surface of the eye does not go away with time, and it will eventually cause vision loss, since your pup is looking through the equivalent of a dirty windshield. For this reason, it’s important to see your veterinarian if there is an irritating issue that can be solved with medication or a minor procedure.

When to Worry

If runny eyes are so common, when should you worry about them? Here is a handy list of symptoms to watch for that may indicate a more serious issue might be affecting your dog’s eye. Seeing any of these signs should prompt an immediate consultation  with an AskVet veterinarian, or scheduling an appointment with your pup’s family vet: 

–Any sudden increase in your dog’s tears

–Squinting or holding the eye closed, due to pain in the eye

–Redness to the eye or the pink part of the eye (conjunctiva) 

–Rubbing face on the floor, or rubbing the eye with paws

–Yellow or green eye discharge

–Change in color of the surface of your dog’s eyeball (cloudy, blue, white, green) 

–Change in size of the eyeball or swelling of the eyelids 

–Third eyelid raised or more visible than normal

How to Prevent Tear-Staining

Since tear-staining is such a common problem, and epiphora (runny eyes) affects so many dogs, there are many options on the market to prevent tear staining. Oral supplements are designed to reduce the amount of pigment (porphyrin) in the tear film, and can be given as a powder sprinkled on your pup’s food every day or in a tasty chew. 

Some of these products contain low doses of an antibiotic called tylosin, and for this reason they can be a bit controversial. By exposing your dog to chronic low doses of an antibiotic, it is theoretically possible that a resistant infection could develop somewhere in her body. For this reason, we recommend discussing any supplement options with your AskVet or family veterinarian. 

If your dog has hairs that are rubbing against the surface of the eyes, eliminating the hair should eliminate (or greatly reduce) the problem. Surgery can be done for eyelids that roll inwards, and hairs growing in abnormal places (such as the inside of the eyelids) can be removed. Also, hairs on the bridge of your dog’s nose that are rubbing the inside corner of her eyes should be kept as short as possible to prevent rubbing. 

How to Clean Runny Eyes

The best way to prevent staining caused by excessive tears is to keep your dog’s face clean. (Easier said than done!) If you have a new puppy, now is the time to train him that having his face cleaned is a positive and happy experience (accompanied by lots of treats!) so that he tolerates it in the future. For more helpful information on things you need for a puppy contact our team of experts today. 

If you have an adult dog, it will take some time for him to welcome face-cleaning, but if it is accompanied by treats, playtime with a favorite toy, or cuddles—he will grow to tolerate it over time, so don’t give up! Keeping your dog’s face clean is an important part of his overall health and well-being. Just by wiping your dog’s face with a damp washcloth every day, you can dilute the pigment (porphyrin) and decrease the amount of time it sits on your dog’s fur and cause staining. Dogs with skin folds on their faces may benefit from daily cleaning with medicated wipes too, as recommended from your veterinarian.

There are several different wipes on the market that purportedly reduce tear staining. If you are using one of these products, remember: it’s very important to NEVER allow any chemicals, from wipes or soap/shampoo, to touch your dog’s eyes! These materials can cause a chemical burn on your dog’s eyes and create an even worse eye problem. For this reason, it’s probably best to clean with plain water! 

With any product, remember that the tear staining will take several months to fade and for new, unstained hair to grow in place of the darkened fur. 

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Tips For Road Trips With Pets

Traveling with our furry buddies can be fun and memorable! Before you hit the road there is much to consider to prepare for anything unexpected while away from home. Here are some tips for making preparation and travel smooth and pleasant.

Preparation for Your Trip

  • Prior to the trip, check that your pet is current on vaccinations and parasite prevention and has a plentiful supply of any necessary medications. Prepare for the unexpected and bring a copy of the vaccine paperwork, rabies certificate, and medication prescriptions with you too, just in case!
  • Confirm that your pet’s collar or harness fit well so no one wiggles out if they get nervous. Ensure the identification tags and microchip registration are up to date with your cell phone number and address.  
  • Confirm your hotel is pet-friendly and has a copy of any required paperwork.
  • Weeks prior to the trip, start taking your pet for short car rides and consider a refresh on crate training. This helps to decrease anxiety associated with traveling or being confined. Treats and positive reinforcement can make your pup much happier about this process too!
  • If your pet shows signs of anxiety/stress or becomes car sick during rides, be sure to chat with a veterinarian several weeks in advance of your trip so that we can help customize a plan for stress-free travel. Any potential medications prescribed should be tested at home first to see how your pet reacts and minimize surprises on the road.
  • Pack your pet’s favorite bedding, blankets, toys, and supplies for comfort and familiar scents from home.
  • Be sure to pack enough food and treats to last the entire trip (and then some)! Running out and needing to change foods on the road can cause stomach and intestinal upset, especially if your pet is also experiencing any stress and anxiety due to travel. Bring plenty of waste bags as well.

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Keeping Your Pet Safe and Comfortable on the Road

  • The safest spot for your small dog or cat is in a crate or secured with a leash/harness system to ensure a comfortable ride. A pet loose in the car may be distracting, potentially interfere with the driver, and can escape during stops!
  • Pack portable food and water bowls and plenty of accessible food and treats for the road. Plan to stop every few hours to give your pet some water and a snack. 
  • Take potty breaks every couple of hours so your dog can stretch their legs and relieve themselves. Be sure your waste bags are accessible! For cats, it is not recommended to remove them from their kennel as they are likely nervous and may attempt to flee. Small disposable litter trays can be brought along for cats and kept in a corner of their crate.
  • Using calming sprays and collars like Adaptil (for dogs) or Feliway (for cats) can help your pet feel more comfortable in the car. If supplements and/or medications are used for anxiety, take care to adhere to your veterinarian’s dosing guidelines.
  • Never leave your pet in the car unattended! Inside temperatures can rise to dangerous levels in just a few minutes, even if the windows are cracked and temperatures seem mild. 
  • Upon arrival to new locations take care to leash dogs and closely monitor cats who may be nervous in unfamiliar surroundings and may try to flee. Taking dogs for walks to expend some of that pent-up energy can help them settle in.

Enjoy that trip! Always remember that AskVet is at the ready to answer your questions and help with any issues while you are out on the open road with your favorite furry friends!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

8 Dog Allergy Symptoms

dog allergy symptoms

**If your dog is experiencing facial swelling, sudden hives or raised red welts on their skin, or difficulty breathing, please have a veterinarian evaluate your dog in person immediately, as this can be due to a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.**


Is your dog licking, chewing, scratching, or shaking their head more often than usual? Does your dog suddenly have areas of thinning hair, excessive shedding, baldness, or spots of rust-colored staining to his fur? Is your dog constantly scooting his rear end on the floor and licking beneath his tail? These concerns are some of the most common your AskVet veterinarians hear from pet parents. Many times, these signs are the tip of the iceberg, and that iceberg is dog allergies!

Now, you may be asking, can dogs have allergies? The short answer is yes. Allergies and their related symptoms are frequently encountered in our furry friends. In this article, we’ll teach you what your AskVet veterinarians want you to know about pet allergy symptoms, and why your veterinarian may recommend multiple avenues of testing and various methods of treating dog allergies. 

In some cases, a dog’s allergy symptoms will consist of watery eyes and sneezing —but this is definitely the exception rather than the rule! In this article, we’ll focus on the most common manifestations of dog allergies and signs of allergies in dogs: how dogs express allergies through their skin. Itchiness, redness, inflammation, and infections are all skin conditions that are often caused by underlying allergies. 

Why Would My Dog’s Skin Become Itchy?

Picture your dog’s skin like a brick wall. In healthy skin, the brick wall is sealed tightly between the bricks with cement, and nothing can get through. Bacteria and yeast are on the surface of the “brick wall,” along with pollen, dust mites, grass residue, floor cleaners, and everything else your dog encounters in their daily life. However, nothing can get through the tough cement of the brick wall–which is actually the skin’s natural healthy barrier. 

In dogs with allergies, however, the “cement” between the bricks has gaps—imagine a brick wall that is poorly sealed, with holes in between the bricks! These microscopic gaps allow particles of pollen, dust, and other allergens to get through the outer defenses of your dog’s skin and cause trouble. Once under the surface of the skin, allergens cause your dog’s immune system to go into overdrive, leading to redness, itchiness, and sometimes swelling. 

When your dog feels itchy, what do they do? Well, if they can reach the spot by scratching, then, of course, they will! If it’s more convenient for your dog to lick, chew, or rub the body part that is itchy, you might see them do any or all of these, too. We commonly see dogs with allergies rub their face on the floor, chew their paws, and lick under their arms. Dogs have glands that are located just inside the rectum and open on the surface of the skin—so you might even see frequent “butt scooting” in allergic dogs, too. 

How to Treat Allergies in Dogs | AskVet

Areas of your dog’s itchy skin may develop red spots, pimples, brown/yellow crusts, or little bumps as a result of the skin allergy. Sometimes rashes like this indicate that an infection has also taken hold in your dog’s skin—from microbes getting in between the “gaps between the cement” of your dog’s skin, or due to their overgrowth on the skin surface. Bacteria and yeast will gladly multiply with help from the warmth and moisture of your dog’s natural licking, chewing, and scratching. All of that scratching and chewing opens up more holes in your dog’s skin barrier, allowing bacteria and yeast under the surface. Once under the skin, bacteria and yeast flourish, and cause even MORE itchiness, redness, and discomfort–and the cycle of misery continues.

If your dog has been licking, chewing, scratching, rubbing, or biting an itchy area, you might see hairs broken off (called “barbering”), or even bald patches. Rust-colored staining to the fur is also a common finding. Veterinarians sometimes feel like forensic scientists, since sometimes we can look at this staining and immediately know what areas are bothering your dog the most! The red color comes from a pigment in your dog’s saliva (called porphyrin) that changes color when it is in prolonged contact with the fur. Therefore, any area that has this red staining is undoubtedly being licked/chewed at by your dog—even if they are waiting until you aren’t around to see them! 

What About Ears?

Pet parents frequently reach out to us about their dog’s itchy and stinky ears. Your dog might be frequently shaking their head, holding their head to one side like their ear is painful, and/or frequently scratching at their ears. You might see red, brown, or even yellow goop inside your dog’s ears when you lift the ear flap. 

Many times these symptoms are due to ear infections, with or without the presence of other common dog allergies. Interestingly, allergies to certain food proteins, as well as environmental allergens, can actually cause repeated episodes of itchy, infected ears. 

Why would allergies, even a dog food allergy, cause an ear infection? It’s actually pretty simple! The lining of the ear canal is part of your dog’s skin—and just like skin covering the rest of your dog’s body, allergens, yeast, and bacteria, in addition to a damaged “brick wall” can cause inflammation and itchiness. The inside of your dog’s ear is warm, moist, and dark—which is the PERFECT environment for yeast and bacteria to thrive! Your family veterinarian can diagnose which organisms are causing an ear infection by taking a non-painful sample from the inside of the ear and looking at it under a microscope. 

What Can My Dog’s Itch Tell Me About His Allergies? 

Plenty! While allergy testing and/or a hypoallergenic food trial are the only ways to know with certainty what your dog might be allergic to, you can actually deduce a lot of information based on when and where your dog is the itchiest. 

For example, if your dog is frequently getting rashes on their belly, but never seems to have any problems on the top of their back, then your dog might be allergic to something their tummy is frequently in contact with. If your dog likes to lay in a certain patch of grass, or on a favorite blanket, then pollen or detergent residue may be an allergen to your dog.

If your dog is only itchy on the top of their rump and base of their tail—but your dog’s skin is calm and comfortable everywhere else–then your dog may be suffering from flea allergies. 

Itchy paws and repeated ear infections might make a food allergy more likely in your dog’s case, especially if these symptoms are present throughout the calendar year. After all, we typically feed our dogs the same thing year-round, so your dog would be constantly exposed to their allergy trigger.

Many dogs have long periods of the year without skin or ear problems, and instead seem to have problems “like clockwork” during certain seasons. In these dogs, environmental allergens (pollens, grasses) are more likely than a food allergy, since they tend to appear seasonally in your dog’s environment.

Just to add to the fun, some dogs have both a food AND environmental allergy—and in warm climates where plant life flourishes year-round, it can be even harder to detect a pattern to your dog’s itchiness! 

Talk to a Trusted Vet

Your AskVet veterinarian can give you tools for determining your own dog’s personal itch history, which can help your family veterinarian optimize your dog’s treatment. Reach out to AskVet any time if you have questions about your dog’s allergies, or if you want to better understand your veterinarian’s recommendations or allergy medication prescription. Allergies are a lifelong exercise in management, observation and patience, but working as a team with your AskVet Veterinarians and your family veterinarian can help your dog live a long happy life with comfortable skin!

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.