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You’re leaving money on the table and staff in the dust.

Overwhelmed staff and frustrated pet parents leads to high churn all around.
as seen on

The challenge

Your clinics...

the goal is clear

Clinics could create a win-win if...

If they could monetize on-demand wellness and client support without overwhelming  their staff.

the goal is clear

Clinics could create a win-win if...

If they could monetize on-demand wellness and client support without killing their staff.

You need a scalable solution.

Clinics need to bridge the gap between supporting clients and making money with virtual care that delivers relevant, on-demand information, builds customer satisfaction, and escalates the right cases into the clinic.

the goal is clear

The road to burnout in vet clinics.

Make staff do one more thing

Expecting limited staff to handle phone, email and in-clinic patients without automation and scalable tools, creates frustration and unhappy clients.

Leave pet parents in the wild

You could entrust pet parents to the Wild West of Google search, social media and advertising competition to get answers to their questions in an effort to reduce front desk pressure. But you’ll force them into the hands of dubious resources and other vet loyalties. Plus, you’ll miss profitable cases that should have been served by your clinic.

Keep attempting the impossible

You may continue to fight for the brand promise “we’re here for you” in the effort to serve the needs and questions of an entire community. However, pushing the front desk to provide as every type of support isn’t sustainable and drives customers to look for other resources as they become frustrated with their vet clinic.

creating the win-win

The Way Forward

Today, both staff and customers require an evolved approach to customer care. Focus veterinary expertise on profitable care and redirect front desk traffic to virtual care that meets clinic goals while it exceeds customer expectations.

But how?

How vet clinics are evolving.

How can you move your clinics to the center of the pet parent experience?