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Brands want to be the center of the pet parent journey

How can pet brands win the fight for loyalty and become the center of the pet experience?
as seen on

The challenge

Pet brands are...

the goal is clear

You need to become the go-to resource for the pet parent journey

The keys to becoming the trusted advisor to pet parents are relevant answers, expertise, and personalization 24/7.

the goal is clear

You need to become the go-to resource for the pet parent journey

The keys to becoming the trusted advisor to pet parents are relevant answers, expertise, and personalization 24/7.

Current Strategy

Your current strategies don’t focus on the pet parents' needs

Relying on veterinary referrals

Brands have historically relied on veterinary recommendations to sell products. Yet, with increasing costs and decreasing availability of appointments, pet parents are looking elsewhere for trusted advice.

Dependence on Dr. Google and social media

They’re hoping to win visibility online but lose the battle as customers get lost in an impossible maze of solutions that lead them away from your brand.

Investment in people, not technology

Another option is to staff up and invest in customer service. This gives pet parents personalized help and controls the relationship and information flow, but brands are hit with escalating costs, reliance on employees with high turnover and still don’t set a direct purchase outcome.

Full reliance on channel partnerships

Still others cede full control of the market to channel partnerships, with the hope of expanded market access, but simply further commoditize their brand instead of moving it to the center of the pet experience.

How to Get Real Answers

Offer personalized help to every customer, at scale

Leading pet brands must embody a more complete pet care service delivery model in the most convenient way for the consumer.

But how?

Get to the Center

How can you move your brand to the center of the pet parent experience?