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Husky Shedding 101: 7 Tips & Helpful Facts

Husky Shedding 101: 7 Tips & Helpful Facts 

As a husky lover, you’ve likely seen the viral videos on social media of huskies at the groomers with what looks like an explosion of fur all around them. The husky in question looks extremely pleased with themselves, with tufts of fur floating all around them.

We love our huskies for their vibrant personalities, ability to be very vocal, and lovely appearance. Who can resist those beautiful eyes and lush, thick coats? You may not be able to resist those eyes, but that coat can be the bane of your existence from time to time.

Husky Coat 101

Huskies were the canine companions of nomadic peoples living in the Arctic. A thick coat is a means of survival in those bitterly cold temperatures, and a husky was absolutely made for winter weather with their built-in insulation.

Huskies have a thick, double coat of fur that keeps them warm. The outercoat is made of long, straight hairs that help to repel moisture from rain and snow. The undercoat is made up of short, thick hairs that trap heat close to the body. This undercoat is especially protective against the cold, hard ground of the Arctic.

Wind protection is critical, as it can be a significant source of heat loss. You are probably well aware of those blustery days when it can feel almost nice when the wind isn’t blowing. The Arctic can be a windy place, and a huskies coat keeps them feeling nice and cozy even on the most blustery of days.

In fact, huskies love the cold, and you may have to do some serious bribing to get your husky inside when there is snow on the ground.

Why Does My Husky Shed So Much?

During the fall and winter months, your husky will go through the process of “blowing their coat.” What this essentially means is that their undercoat will shed at a more rapid pace for new, healthy growth to come in.

You won’t ever have to ask yourself if your husky is blowing their coat or not. You’ll find clumps of hair all over the house, on clothing, and on furniture. You’ll literally be living in a cloud of your husky’s fur.

This shedding is a natural process, and there isn’t too much you can do to prevent your husky from blowing their coat. It is also a long process as your husky will not blow their coat all at one time.

This process usually covers a span of anywhere from two to four weeks. However, there are some ways that you can proactively get control of the crazy amount of fur that your husky will shed.

Brush, Brush, Brush

Devote some time each day to grooming your husky’s coat. Routinely brushing their coat will help remove loose hair before it has a chance to fall out on its own. (Slicker brushes are perfect for removing dead hair (and freeing tangles) from the undercoat.)

As you brush, you’ll probably wonder if you’ll end up with a bald husky as the pile of hair grows bigger and bigger every time you clean out the brush. Don’t worry! There is plenty of fluff left, and your furbaby won’t be left shivering. Seeing the massive pile of hair really gives you the idea of how insulated and well-prepared they are for the colder months.

When grooming your pup, brush in the direction of hair growth to avoid damaging the coat or causing skin irritation. If your husky’s skin becomes irritated, they may scratch and cause more fur to fly everywhere.

Make Time for Bath Time

Bathing more frequently during the spring and the fall can help to loosen up any dead hair from your husky’s coat. Make sure you use dog-specific products to keep their coat looking shiny and healthy. Give your husky a thorough brushing so you can remove as much hair as possible. This will help to keep your drains clear of any fur clogs.

If your husky is not a huge fan of baths, make it positive with plenty of treats and praise. Some pet parents find it helpful to slather Xylitol-free peanut butter on the shower wall to keep their dogs distracted. Lastly, since huskies are larger dogs, make sure they feel safe in the tub by placing a rubber mat so that they don’t slip.

Use a Blower

A hair dryer or even a specially designed pet blower can help loosen up loose fur. This is especially useful if you can do this process outside, so you don’t end up with husky hair flying around your home.

If you are using a hair dryer, turn on the low-heat or no-heat setting. Don’t concentrate the hair dryer on a single spot; keep the dryer moving. If you have never used a hair dryer on your husky before, give them a chance to sniff the dryer while it is off and feed them plenty of treats during the introduction so that things start on a positive note.

Introduce your husky to the noise by having them in the bathroom with you while you use the hair dryer on yourself. As long as your husky is calm and relaxed, slowly start to blow some of the air their way to see their reaction.

Vacuum Regularly

Part of being a pet parent is investing in a great vacuum cleaner. It’s a fact of life that things are just a little furrier with our dogs around. Vacuuming regularly keeps the hair in your home more of a subtle accent feature rather than an attention-grabbing statement piece.

Not everyone has time to vacuum every single day. In this case, a robot vacuum helps keep things a little less hairy between your big vacuuming days. You also get to spend more time with your husky while your robot vacuum does the work for you.

We have a pro tip when picking out a vacuum to deal with pet hair: Select a vacuum with anti-wrap technology, which saves you from having to untangle pet hair from the rolling brush.

Another crucial tip when using a robot vacuum is to avoid the auto-vacuum function if your dog is not house-trained. We’ll spare you the details, but if your dog has an accident while the robot vacuum is on auto, you will have quite the mess waiting for you when you get home.

Invest In an Air Purifier

It can be beneficial to have an air purifier with any pet in the household, but especially with a high-shedding dog. Air purifiers help to trap pet hair, dander, and other allergens non-pet related like dust and pollen.

Air purifiers are even beneficial for your dog, too, especially if your dog has any underlying respiratory conditions. They are a valuable addition to any home as they can help to improve the air quality for everyone in the household, whether they have two legs or four.

Play Outside 

Huskies are energetic, high-energy animals who need plenty of physical exercise. They were bred to pull sleds, after all! All of this pent-up energy needs somewhere to go, and if your husky is not getting enough physical stimulation, they may become bored, which can lead to destructive behaviors (including howling endlessly).

Remember that huskies absolutely adore cold weather, so make sure you are okay with getting bundled up and heading outside with your dog. They will love, play fetch, and play tug of war with you.

An advantage to getting outside is while your husky is running around and playing, all of that loose fur has a chance to get blown away outside and not in your house. Both of you will be happy and healthy, and you’ll love not having to clean up the extra fur.

Don’t Be Tempted To Shave

It is a temptation to want to get all the shedding over with and just shave your husky’s coat. You may think they will be more comfortable during the warmer months without their thick coat. However, this double coat helps your husky to regulate their body temperature.

Although they have a thick coat, the undercoat also works to keep cool air close to the skin during warmer months. The outer coat helps to prevent sunburn by blocking UV rays. Think of a huskies coat like a well-insulated house. Warm air is kept in during the winter, and cool air is kept in during the summer.

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Your Husky Loves You, and You Love AskVet

Being a husky parent means putting a lot of care and energy into raising the cutest and best husky out there. Their vocal and fun personalities will fill your day with happiness and laughter. Their love for you will be evident in all the fur-covered clothing you’ll wear. (Invest in a reliable lint roller!)

Whenever you have questions about huskies, head over to AskVet to chat with experts and other husky parents so you can share in the love of having a high-energy dog. You can get tips and tricks for new games, toys, and even more helpful ways to deal with the biannual “coat blowout.” It is also nice to have someone share in the feeling of emptying out your vacuum canister for the third time in a day.

Set up a time for a virtual chat with a Certified Pet Lifestyle Coach™ and discuss everything from wellness to behavior to nutrition to exercise to behavior and much more. We’re here to make your lifestyle with your pet the best that it can be. No matter what the time — day or night — we are here 24/7 when you need quick and convenient answers for every non-human member of your family.


Genome Sequencing Highlights the Dynamic Early History of Dogs | PLOS Genetics

Ask the Vet: Why Does My Dog Shed? | Sunset Veterinary Clinic

Double Coat Dos and Don’ts | Merryfield School of Pet Grooming

Are air purifiers safe for pets? | Live Science

How to Groom a Dog at Home | American Kennel Club

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter? | American Kennel Club


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