Heat Stroke in Dogs 101: Common Signs & Treatment

White Kuvasz Dog sitting in the shade of centenary olive trees

Pet Parents and dogs alike love to enjoy the outdoors together, especially on a beautiful sunny day! Whether it is taking walks around the neighborhood, going for a drive in the car, or checking out a new hiking trail, getting out of the house is good for the physical and mental health of all involved. While veterinarians recommend enjoying these activities as often as possible with your pup, there are some hazards to be aware of and precautions to take while out and about in order to avoid dangerous health situations during warm weather conditions, like heat stroke.

There are no specific parameters or guidelines for appropriate temperature and humidity ranges for exercising dogs outdoors, simply because it is not a “one size fits all” situation. Some dogs that are anatomically predisposed to heat stroke in dogs include dog breeds with the smushed faces (Pugs, English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, I’m talking about you!). These brachycephalic breeds (smush-faced) are extremely sensitive to heat due to their inability to pant efficiently, which is the main route that dogs use to dissipate body heat. These dogs can experience heat stress even on days that are not considered extremely warm or humid!

Other dogs with long noses and who are in excellent physical condition, and are also given ample water and rest breaks while exercising, can endure much more activity on warmer days. Knowing your dog’s limitations and ability to adapt to warm weather and watching for symptoms of heat stress and heat stroke, can not only ensure maximal enjoyment of the outdoors together, but it can also save your dog’s life!

Internal Body Temperature Regulation in Dogs

“Heat stress” (sometimes referred to as “Heat Exhaustion”), and its big brother “Heat Stroke” occurs when a dog cannot cool their internal body temperature down to a safe level that is healthy for its internal organs to function. When dogs are exercising or exposed to excessive heat, the thermoregulatory zone in their brain constantly senses their body temperature. As it begins to rise, the brain sends a signal to the dog to pant and dissipate that excess heat through evaporation in order to keep their temperature in a healthy range. Normal dogs maintain their temperature at 100.5-102.5℉. Hyperthermia occurs when the dog’s temperature rises over 103℉. If their internal temperature rises above 105℉, dogs will start to experience heat stroke. An internal core temperature of 107-109℉ will lead to organ failure and, unfortunately, is not compatible with life.

While exercising outdoors on warm days, or during times of extreme temperatures, pet parents should pay careful attention to their dog’s physical, mental, and behavioral signals to detect when the heat may be affecting them negatively.

Heat Stress/Exhaustion signs include excessive panting and drinking large amounts of water. At this stage, dogs will also appear to be restless or agitated. 

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Signs of Heat Stroke in Dogs

Heat exhaustion can lead to full-fledged heat stroke in dogs without the proper intervention, cooling, and rest. Dogs may exhibit the following signs that can indicate heat stroke: 

  • Uncontrolled panting even after the activity has stopped
  • Restlessness and agitation, OR in more advanced stages, dogs can appear lethargic
  • Heavy drooling with thick saliva, and also tacky, sticky gums if dehydrated
  • Gums will appear anywhere from bright red to a blue/purple or appear to have bruising due to a lack of oxygenation
  • Weakness, mental dullness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (possibly with blood)
  • Racing, OR weak pulse
  • Disorientation or seizures
  • High rectal temperature (>105 degrees F)  

First Aid Measures for Heat stroke in Dogs

Pet parents should remain calm but jump into action if they suspect their dog may be experiencing a heat injury. The sooner that cooling measures are taken and support is received, the better the outcome! Dogs showing clinical signs of heat stroke need to high-tail it to their veterinarian immediately for life-saving treatment!


Remove an overheated dog from any direct sun and keep them calm.

Cooling Measures

The most rapid method to cool an overheated dog is to apply cool or tepid water (or wet towels) to the neck, armpits, abdomen, and between their legs. Gentle application of water is recommended, as opposed to spraying with a hose, as all efforts to keep the dog calm should be taken. Replace towels frequently as they can retain heat if left in place.

AskVet Tip: Do not use ice water, ice baths, or apply ice to the skin of an overheated dog. This will cause the blood vessels in their skin to constrict, which will hold the heat in and inhibit cooling. 

Offering Water and Drinking

Offer cool drinking water, but do not force a dog experiencing a heat injury to drink water. This is especially true for pups that are not in a mental state to be able to drink and swallow safely. You may be wondering how much water should my dog drink in an event of a heat stroke. Do not allow large breed deep-chested dogs to gulp too much water, as this can lead to Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or “bloat”). 


Apply a fan to the affected dog for increased airflow or bring them into an air-conditioned building. If in the car, opening windows or turning on the A/C can also enhance cooling through evaporation.


If a standard digital thermometer and some water-based lube are handy, taking the dog’s temperature (via a rectal thermometer) and then rechecking it every 2-3 minutes is beneficial to assess cooling progress and gauge the level of danger that the dog may be in. If the temperature decreases to 103℉, discontinue active cooling measures so they do not fall below the normal core temperature range and become hypothermic. Continue to monitor the dog closely, and head to the veterinary clinic or emergency hospital for further evaluation and care. Having a pet savings account for instances like this can be a great idea to help cover costs.

Veterinary Care for Heat Stroke

Any dog showing clinical signs of heat stroke should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately as it can result in severe organ and permanent damage and can be life-threatening. The earlier that supportive care is initiated, the better the recovery. Dogs can suffer from brain swelling, kidney failure, abnormal blood clotting, and bleeding. The veterinarian will perform a series of blood and urine tests to assess the situation, provide oxygen support, start intravenous (IV) fluids to correct electrolyte imbalances and dehydration in dogs, check blood pressure and cardiac function, and monitor the dog’s  body temperature in order to avoid hypothermia. Heat stroke complications can linger for hours to days, and sometimes organ damage is permanent. Dogs that have suffered from heat stroke once are likely to be susceptible to having difficulties regulating their body temperature and are predisposed to experiencing heat stroke again in their lives.

Preventing Heatstroke in Dogs

If a dog has recovered from heat stroke, the long-term prognosis varies based on the individual dog and situation – how long the dog was struggling, the severity of the organ stress, cooling methods used, and level of emergency care received will all feed into the overall big picture. Preventing dangerous heat injuries in the first place is really the best way to go! Achieving safe and successful outings are possible with knowing your dog’s weather and exercise tolerances, predisposing factors for heat sensitivity, checking the weather for warm temperatures prior to outings, supplying cool drinks and adequate shaded rest during outside trips on warm days, paying attention to your dog’s physical signs, and never ever leave a dog in a parked car (even with the windows cracked). Pet parents educated about the dangers of heat injuries are much better prepared to make good choices and decisively respond to potentially dangerous situations resulting in more enjoyment of the outdoors and a healthier outcome!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Heat Stroke in Dogs: Causes and Prevention

Warm sunny weather and outdoor activities with our pups bring some of the most joyous times as a pet parent. Hiking, playing at the beach, camping, and road trips are treasured activities for both humans and dogs. Armed with the knowledge of the dangers for dogs that can be encountered while out and about during warmer weather, you can ensure that these activities will be accomplished safely and devoid of canine health emergencies. Heat injuries and heat stroke are more common than pet parents may realize, and fun during warm, humid days needs to be approached with caution and planning.

Thermoregulation in Dogs

To avoid experiencing heat injuries in dogs, it is important to understand a few things. Just like with the regulation of fluids and electrolytes in the body, your dog’s internal temperature must be maintained in a specific range for the optimal function of his internal organs. If a dog’s body temperature becomes too high or low, disruption of cellular processes and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells will cause temporary or permanent organ damage. Your dog’s brain has a thermoregulatory center, which is constantly sensing and gathering information about her body temperature and ramping up heat exchange when necessary (through panting and other means!). The result is that your pup’s normal internal temperature remains at a steady 100.5-102.5℉ at all times, just where her internal organs like it.  

When that thermoregulatory center in the brain senses an increase in body temperature, the dog’s natural heat exchange processes are activated to release excess heat. Believe it or not, that does not include sweating–– dogs have few sweat glands located in their paw pads, but they are not very efficient for heat exchange. Instead, dogs will increase their breathing rate and pant heavily in order to dissipate heat. Each exhaled breath carries humid air out of the lungs to evaporate into the environment, cooling the body from the inside out. 

For most dogs, a large amount of water and heat can be removed through evaporation in a short period of time by panting. Panting is a normal and regulated process, and once the activity that has raised the dog’s temperature has concluded, panting should decrease within a reasonable period of time, especially with rest in a shady spot and drinking cool water. 

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Dangerous Body Temperatures for Dogs

Perhaps your dog’s least favorite part of any veterinary visit is the dreaded temperature check. To your dog’s displeasure, the most accurate way to measure a dog’s internal temperature is – you know it – rectally! You too can take your dog’s rectal temperature at home (unless they are aggressive about you doing so – please do not get bitten)! With the help of another adult assistant for restraint, a cheap digital thermometer, and some water-based lubrication purchased at the drug store and you are all set (make sure to label the thermometer too, so it does not get confused with the family thermometer!)!

As mentioned earlier, the normal body temperature for a dog is in the range of 100.5-102.5℉. A condition called “hyperthermia” occurs if the dog’s body temperature rises above 103℉, and “heat stroke” occurs when the body temperature rises to 105℉ or higher. Unfortunately, if core body temperatures reach 107-109℉, dogs will experience multiorgan or failure and death. Heat exposure can be a serious issue for dogs, but knowing the risks will help pet parents avoid dangerous situations. In an event of heatstroke, a visit to the vet might be in order. 

Dogs Predisposed to Heat Stroke

Brachycephalic Breeds

Some breeds, by nature of their cute, smushed faces, are especially prone to overheating. Any brachycephalic breed of dog (short, squished nose) is very vulnerable to suffering heat injuries. These dogs have a decreased ability to pant and exchange heat efficiently due to their anatomical features. Extra skin tissue in the back of their throat, narrow nasal passages, short respiratory tracts, large tongues, and abnormal windpipes all combine to make them extremely sensitive to ANY increase in temperature. These dogs are very poor at cooling themselves on warm days, and can even die of heat stroke when temperatures are in the 60’s! Breeds like English Bulldogs, Pugs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Mastiffs, Boxers, Pekingese, etc are all predisposed to heat injuries, and extra care should be taken to avoid exercise outdoors in the heat of the day or in very humid conditions. Special attention should always be paid to their condition while exercising and playing as well.

Other Predispositions to Heat Stroke

  Dogs that have previously suffered a heat injury are more prone to another due to damage to the thermoregulatory centers in the brain

  Dogs with thick hair coats will retain heat and have more trouble cooling down on warm days (Akitas, Huskies, German Shepherds)

  Dogs with dark or black fur coloring absorb and retain more heat (Dobermans, black colored dogs)

  Senior, overweight, or dogs with medical conditions have a more challenging time adapting to warmer temperatures

  Dogs wearing muzzles are unable to pant efficiently

  Dogs that have recently moved to warmer, more humid climates, or rapid changes in weather where dogs are not accustomed to the heat swings

Situational Causes of Heat Stroke

The overwhelming situational cause of heat stroke is dogs locked in parked cars, especially on warm days. Pet parents will even crack the windows while they run into the store, but unfortunately, that is not quite enough. The rapid increase in temperature, even in a couple of minutes, is often underestimated; for example, on a 75℉ day, the internal vehicle temperature can increase 40℉ within an hour even with the windows cracked. This means that a dog could potentially be sitting in 115℉, which is incredibly dangerous and often deadly.  

Another common cause of heatstroke is overexertion or heavy exercise on hot and humid days. Dogs that are not in good physical condition are especially vulnerable to these situations. Lack of breaks, shaded areas to rest, and clean water can also contribute to an inability to thermoregulate efficiently. It even happens with dogs at home on hot days lacking shade and cool water. Less common but still an occurrence to be aware of, exposure to a hot hair dryer for long periods of time, like the drying cage at the grooming salon, is also a known cause of heat stroke in dogs, so care must be taken to avoid extended periods of heat in the drying cages.

How To Prevent Heat Stroke

It is extremely important to NEVER LEAVE DOGS UNATTENDED IN PARKED CARS! Even with the windows cracked. Even if just for a few minutes. This can save your dog’s life and prevent heat injuries.

Being aware of your dog’s exercise abilities and limitations and taking into account the weather and duration of exercise are good places to start when looking to prevent heat stroke. Dogs with health issues, including obesity, should be monitored closely and use caution during exercise on warm days. Offering breaks, cool water access, and shade are also essential during time spent outdoors to prevent dehydration in dogs as well as heat injuries. Limiting exercise to the early morning or later evening, when the temperature is milder and humidity is low, can make exercise safer and more comfortable during periods of warm weather. Dog breeds with smushed faces and difficulty panting should not be exercised in the heat of the day, and careful attention should be given to their condition during time spent outside. After moving to new, warmer environments, or during times of weather swings, gradually introduce exercise until the dog is accustomed to the new climate and seems to tolerate it well.

Enjoying the Great Outdoors With Your Pup

Spending time outside is wonderful for both pup and pet parents, and warmer outdoor temperatures do not condemn anyone to a life of air conditioning indoors. It just means that consideration and careful planning should precede activities when the temperatures and humidity levels rise. Taking into account hydration needs, temperature exposures, fitness levels, and length of the day’s activities will ensure that you and your pup have a wonderful experience together. Monitoring your pup for signs of heat stroke in dogs throughout your outing is also essential to remain safe and healthy. At home, air-conditioned spaces, shaded outdoor areas, and access to fresh cool water will also ensure that your dog is comfortable at all times, no matter the temperature spikes!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need, desire assistance with a heat injury or heat stroke treatment, or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Dehydration in Dogs: 10 Signs & Common Causes

Happy 8 year old boy hugging his dog breed Jack Russell terrier at the seashore against a blue sky close up at sunset

For all animals, water quite literally is life! Although it creates quite a mess on the kitchen floor when your dog is slopping sips all over the place, seeing your pup visit the water bowl to quench their thirst appropriately is a satisfying sight. 

However, worry can set in when you detect a decrease in your dog’s water consumption, and especially when your pup may be rapidly losing water through increased urination, vomiting, or diarrhea. Using this guide, you will learn the most common causes of dehydration in dogs, how to recognize it, and how to treat and prevent it before permanent damage occurs. It is important that dogs consume a specific volume of water daily in order to maintain fluid and electrolyte balances for healthy organ function.  

Common Causes of Dehydration in Dogs

As dogs go through their day, water and electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, etc) are used and consumed by the body during normal processes like panting and breathing, heat exchange, urinating, defecating, and regular organ functions. When a dog eats and drinks, those fluids and electrolytes are replenished. Proper fluid balance within a dog’s body is SO important that they have multiple ways of regulating all of the variables that affect hydration. 

The brain, kidneys, and adrenal glands work together to regulate urine output, blood pressure, and volume to meet the needs of your dog’s entire body! If that very tightly regulated fluid and electrolyte balance is thrown off, animals can become dehydrated, taking a toll on organ function and putting the overall health of the animal in danger.

Humans and animals alike can become dehydrated in two simple ways: a decrease in water intake, or an increase in water loss from the body. Pretty basic and easy to avoid and identify, right? Actually, dehydration is very complicated and can happen fairly quickly and easily, right before your eyes.

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Decreased Fluid Intake

Anything that will prevent your dog from drinking water to replenish natural fluid losses will cause them to become dehydrated – exercising and long hikes without being offered a water source, water bowls that go empty for long periods of time, a dirty and unappealing water supply, and inability to access water for a variety of other reasons can all cause dehydration. 

Dogs should be offered access to clean water 24/7. When out for hikes and walks, bring a nice folding water bowl and a bottle with enough water for humans and pups to share several times every hour during the outing!

Even if there is plenty of clean water available, sometimes dogs will just not want to drink. This can happen any time a dog is feeling sick, especially if they are nauseous or have gastrointestinal pain. Ill or injured animals and animals that have recently had surgery often do not feel like getting up and eating or drinking. Since dogs also ingest water with their food, a lack of appetite and decreased food intake can also contribute to canine dehydration. To make matters worse, sick and injured animals often require MORE fluids than when they are feeling healthy––so becoming dehydrated occurs more quickly and makes them even LESS likely to want to eat and drink to help themselves. As you can see, a vicious cycle can occur when there is fluid and electrolyte depletion without replenishment.

Increased Fluid Loss

If you think about all of the ways that water can exit the body, the most common abnormal sources of fluid loss are persistent vomiting and diarrhea. In these situations, water and electrolytes are rapidly leaving the dog’s body, and likely will not be replenished without medical intervention. Other common causes of increased fluid loss can occur with anything causing the kidneys to be unable to fulfill their normal function of concentrating urine and conserving water – kidney failure, diabetes mellitus, toxin exposure, diabetes insipidus, Addison’s disease, and tumors/cancer, to name a few. Other causes of excessive fluid loss include fevers, excessive panting from increased body temperature or heat stroke in dogs, and lactation for female dogs nursing puppies.

Signs of Dehydration in Dogs

If you think your dog may be experiencing dehydration, here are some physical signs to look for at home. If your pet needs to be examined by your local veterinarian, these same physical signs will be assessed and considered along with the results from a Complete Blood Panel and Chemistry Panel (blood tests), as well as a Urinalysis (urine test). Each of these tests gives more clues as to the original cause of the dehydration, how aggressively treatment should be pursued, the current extent of your dog’s illness, and prognosis for long-term management and recovery.

Outward Physical Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration in Dogs

  • Pale gums
  • Panting
  • Dry nose and mouth, lack of saliva
  • “Tacky” (sticky and dry) mucus membranes
  • Sunken-appearing eyeballs
  • Weight loss
  • Acting lethargic and weak, loss of balance
  • Fast heart rate, weak pulses
  • Decreased “Capillary Refill Time” – press on the gums and blanch the color. Upon release of your finger, the pink color should return in 3 seconds or less in a hydrated dog.
  • Prolonged “Skin Tent” – gently pinch and pull up on the skin between the shoulder blades and release it. If hydrated, the dog’s skin should fall back into place quickly, but it will stay tented or slowly return in a dehydrated dog.

How to Treat Dehydration in Dogs

If you suspect your pup may be dehydrated, check those water bowls first and make sure that the symptoms you are seeing are not due to something simple, like lack of access to drinking water. If your dog is panting but otherwise acting normally, offering a clean water source is appropriate and monitoring their consumption and urine frequency is important as well. We do not want a dog experiencing excessive thirst to engorge themselves with water too quickly, as this can cause vomiting or may be related to Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV or “bloat”) in large breed deep-chested dogs.

If vomiting, diarrhea, changes in urinary habits, lethargy, low energy, or decreased appetite are observed in a dog, a visit to the veterinarian is vital. The physical exam, blood, and urine testing, and any additional tests recommended by the veterinarian to further explore the issue will determine the original cause of the illness, and dictate the appropriate treatment for any medical condition identified. A hospital stay may be warranted with correction of the dehydration using intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolyte supplementation to expand the blood volume and ensure that the vital organ function is maintained before any irreversible damage occurs. Some diet changes and supportive care may be appropriate too, depending on the situation. Treatment of the underlying cause, if there is one, of the dehydration will also be addressed if needed.

Many pet parents ask about giving Pedialyte to dogs who are vomiting or are possibly dehydrated. Veterinarians do not usually recommend giving Pedialyte to dogs for the reasons that it can make vomiting worse, can have serious issues if diabetes is the root cause (due to the sugar content), and the product was developed and balanced based on humans and not dogs. Veterinarians DO recommend a clean and cool source of water offered or combined with meals in order to increase the water consumption. Any dog that is showing signs of dehydration should be evaluated by a veterinarian immediately.

How to Prevent Dehydration in Dogs

If dehydration originated from a lack of access to water, the fix is easy … take water breaks on hikes, exercise during cooler parts of the day and at the appropriate fitness level for all involved, provide 24/7 access to clean water in an accessible area, and experiment with different types of water bowls and locations around the house to zero in on your dog’s drinking preferences. If you suspect that your dog may be drinking less, monitor their daily intake over 24 hours, and then discuss your findings with your veterinarian.

If the dehydration is due to an illness, diagnosis and management of that health condition and monitoring changes in your dog’s water intake and urine output will help prevent issues with dehydration in the future. Any future changes in drinking and urine habits for dogs with illnesses is crucial information that you should share with your veterinarian as it is noted.

Putting It All Together

Maintaining their hydration level is one of the most important jobs for a dog every day, and they may not even realize it! Not drinking enough or losing water due to illnesses or medical conditions can create serious internal issues for your dog. If dehydration is suspected, your dog should be evaluated immediately by your veterinarian so that any fluid and electrolyte deficits can be rebalanced, and underlying conditions can be treated to get your pup back on track and feeling their best! 

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available via our vet app to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, or looking to learn about proper dog heat stroke treatment and how much water should a dog drink just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

COVID-19 and Your Pets

The research and studies regarding COVID-19 are constantly evolving. We recommend everyone please follow the CDC guidelines found here as our understanding of this disease improves. 


What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a novel virus caused by a coronavirus that spread into a global pandemic in 2020. While scientists are still working to understand this illness, it does appear to cause mild symptoms for most humans. Some individuals are at higher risk for severe disease or death. 

Can I get COVID-19 from my pet?

According to the CDC, the risk of contracting COVID-19 from your dogs or cats is low. This includes any potential risk of carrying the illness on their skin or fur.

Precautionary measures are recommended by extending basic hygiene practices to include your pets. This would include washing your hands routinely after handling animals and limiting your pet’s exposure to other persons or pets that have had exposure to the illness. 

The use of face masks in pets is strongly discouraged as it can cause your dog or cat a lot of harm and distress.  

Can my pet get sick from COVID-19?

Domestic animals have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, but the research does not indicate that this is a highly likely scenario. 

Most pets that have tested positive for COVID-19 have not been symptomatic and likely contracted the illness by living in close proximity with a COVID-19 positive human. Cats and ferrets are more at risk than dogs for contracting the illness and developing symptoms. Spread from human to animal and animal to animal has been suspected. The bottom line is that, based on our current understanding of the virus, your pets are more at risk of getting covid from you than you are of getting covid from your pets.

I have been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19, what should I do for my pets?

If you have been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 you should treat the animals under your care as you would any other person. Wear a face mask when around your pets, wash your hands frequently, and minimize exposure as much as possible while continuing to care for your pets. Keep your pets at home unless emergency situations arise or if your pet needs immediate healthcare. 

Can my pet go to daycare, boarding or be around other pets?

The CDC recommends we protect our pets as if they are another human person in our family. This means limiting your pet’s exposure to others outside your immediate family as much as possible. If you choose to take your pet to a grooming, boarding, or daycare facility then follow that businesses health and safety protocols to limit risk for all involved. 

You can reduce this risk by limiting items brought from your home and disinfecting returned items with an EPA-registered disinfectant. 

Do not use any chemical disinfectants on your pet including but not limited to hydrogen peroxide, hand sanitizer or counter-cleaning wipes. 

Face masks should not be put on household pets. 

To learn more about this illness and pets, your ASKVET Care Squad team and licensed veterinarians are standing by to help answer your questions!

What Causes Diarrhea In Dogs?

sick dog

If you have a dog, you’ve likely had experience with diarrhea — it comes with the territory of pet ownership, unfortunately! The list of causes for diarrhea in dogs is seemingly endless, and the treatment and prognosis are highly dependent on the underlying cause of the diarrhea, and the severity of your dog’s symptoms. Thankfully, some episodes of diarrhea resolve quickly and don’t need any treatment at all! Some are more serious and do need in-depth testing and veterinary support to decipher the cause and form a treatment plan to make that upset stomach happy again. Check out this link for more about what to do if your dog has diarrhea.

Specific Causes of Diarrhea

It seems like almost anything can cause a dog to have diarrhea! There are so many causes that we can’t possibly list them all here, but the following are some of the more common instigators of diarrhea in dogs that we see as veterinarians.  

Dietary Indiscretion

By far, one of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs is “dietary indiscretion” or eating something new or different than normal. Dogs are not the garbage disposals that we tend to think they are! Even though some dogs seem to be blessed with stomachs of steel regardless of what they may consume, most dogs are very sensitive to food changes and ingesting unfamiliar things. This poses problems for a species who also will put almost anything in their mouths–and then swallow it! 

Potential stomach and intestinal irritants range from people food, new treats, garbage, plants, a piece of pizza off the street, the cat’s food … the list goes on and on, as dogs will eat some crazy things! When consulting with your AskVet or family veterinarian, providing a list of everything your dog may have consumed in the days preceding the diarrhea is helpful in determining if something your pup ate might have led to their soft or watery stool. Keep in mind that sometimes dogs sneak things without us knowing, especially if your guy is quick and always on the hunt! Depending on what your pup consumed, these episodes can be self-limiting (meaning they resolve without any help), and other times sustained diarrhea requires veterinary intervention. 

Intestinal Parasites

Especially for young puppies, an intestinal parasite is a super common culprit of diarrhea. Roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, giardia, and coccidia are all common causes of intestinal problems. Seeing a few white worms wiggling around in the stool are a pretty good indication to get your pup into the vet. If you are not “fortunate” enough to see the actual adult worms, a fecal test may reveal the presence of microscopic eggs within the dog’s feces, and treatment with deworming medications can take care of parasite infections. Since parasite eggs can be found in the dirt of dog parks and water sources outdoors, it is recommended that an adult dog receives a monthly dewormer, too. These monthly dewormers are usually included in your dog’s heartworm prevention, so it’s yet another reason to keep your pup on schedule with their monthly tablets. Fortunately, this type of preventative helps keep any ingested parasite eggs from causing an infection–and diarrhea! 

Food Allergy

Some dogs will have an immune reaction within the lining of the intestines to certain proteins or ingredients in the dog’s diet. This immune reaction causes difficulty in absorbing nutrients from food and promotes fluid secretion into the lining of the intestines — leading to diarrhea. 

The most common dietary allergens for dogs are chicken, beef, dairy, and egg — simply because those are the most common ingredients dogs are exposed to in their daily diet. Keep in mind that dogs who are sensitive to certain foods may have diarrhea from intestinal inflammation, but they may also have itchy skin and ear infections, or even exhibit both types of reactions! If your dog’s diarrhea is also accompanied by itchy skin, make sure to tell your veterinarian so that a food sensitivity can be investigated. 

At this time, there are no accurate tests to diagnose a food allergy (those salivary/cheek swab tests in pet stores are not accurate, unfortunately!). Instead, your veterinarian may recommend a food elimination trial for a period of 2-3 months using a hypoallergenic or limited ingredient/novel protein prescription diet. If the diarrhea improves or resolves during this food trial, a food allergy is the likely culprit. Note that this type of food trial is usually recommended only if your dog has repeated episodes of diarrhea over time, and other common causes (like intestinal parasites) have been eliminated as a possibility. Therefore, there’s no need to rotate your dog’s food and try different types in hopes of solving your dog’s diarrhea problem — in fact, feeding multiple new types of dog food can make diarrhea even worse.

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Diarrhea is listed as a common side effect of many medications available today. For example, antibiotics are a common cause of diarrhea due to their ability to throw off that delicate balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. In order to avoid this problem, many veterinarians will often recommend the use of canine probiotics along with any prescribed antibiotics to support the good bacteria. 

Some medications, like anti-inflammatories, are more likely to be associated with gastrointestinal irritation, and even stomach ulcer formation. However, ANY medication has the potential to cause gastrointestinal upset, so close monitoring when starting new medications and reporting any abnormalities to your vet is also very important.

Intestinal Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Infections

The naïve immune systems of puppies and dogs that have not been vaccinated are vulnerable to viruses that attack the intestinal tract. Parvovirus and Distemper Virus are the most common and concerning viruses that cause diarrhea in unvaccinated dogs. Vaccinating puppies and using caution to limit potential virus exposure to youngsters is important, as these viruses are very hard on the small body of a young pup and sadly can even be life-threatening. ANY puppy with vomiting, diarrhea, and low energy needs to be examined by their veterinarian immediately due to their little bodies’ inability to regulate their fluids and blood sugar, as well as test for these dangerous infections.

Depending on what your dog is eating and being exposed to in her environment, your dog may ingest bacteria that could cause diarrhea too. Clostridium, E. Coli, and Salmonella are some of the culprits, especially if your dog eats things outside (dead animals, feces, dirt, etc) or consumes a diet containing raw meat products. 

In certain parts of the country, fungal diseases can make their way into the intestinal tract too (like histoplasmosis in the Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi River valleys), causing diarrhea and intestinal issues. In the southeast, dogs can become infected with “swamp fungus” (pythiosis) by standing or swimming in warm, stagnant water. Specialized fecal, blood, and urine tests can help to diagnose the presence of a fungal or bacterial infection, and sometimes a biopsy of the intestines is needed for diagnosis. If your dog has developed diarrhea after traveling to a different part of the country, swimming in a lake, or has recently romped through the countryside, please remember to tell your veterinarian so they can be mindful of these potential pathogens.

Stress and Anxiety

Stressful situations like boarding, travel, visitors, thunderstorms, and vet visits could cause diarrhea from stress colitis in some dogs. Symptoms range from a couple of episodes of soft stool to full-blown bloody diarrhea (with vomiting) lasting multiple days. Sometimes these episodes are self-limiting (meaning they resolve without any help), and other times, sustained diarrhea requires veterinary intervention. A pattern of diarrhea after exciting or stressful events may call for an exam and blood testing with your veterinarian, and a possible trial of anxiety supplements or medication. Also, if stress colitis is suspected in your pooch, try to make alternate plans to minimize stressful situations for your pup whenever possible.

Disease Processes Involving Internal Organs (Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys, Adrenal Glands)

Internal organs contributing to digestion and intestinal health all have the ability to cause diarrhea if they are not functioning properly. Through different mechanisms, malfunction of the pancreas can result in pancreatitis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Both types of pancreatic dysfunction can cause diarrhea and cause symptoms severe enough to need veterinary support. 

A variety of diseases involving the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder can also affect your dog’s stool. Addison’s Disease, when the adrenal glands do not produce the necessary hormones, can also cause serious illness in dogs, including diarrhea with or without blood. Evaluating your dog’s internal organ health by testing her blood and urine, and possibly performing an abdominal ultrasound, will help diagnose these conditions so they can be appropriately treated.

Chronic Intestinal Inflammation (“Enteropathies”), Inflammatory Bowel Disease

These conditions are typically chronic, meaning the diarrhea has lasted quite some time, and the dog may be losing weight due to its long-term inability to absorb nutrients properly. This is where all the big words come in … lymphangiectasia, protein-losing enteropathy, lymphocytic plasmacytic enteropathy, granulomatous colitis, immunoproliferative enteropathy, histiocytic ulcerative colitis, etc etc. It’s helpful to think of these conditions as a group of chronic diseases that may cause diarrhea–and let your veterinarian worry about the specific classification!

Certain breeds of dogs are more commonly affected by these conditions due to a genetic inheritance — German Shepherds, Boxers, and Yorkies to name a few. These diseases are typically diagnosed with a biopsy of the intestines and treated with various food and medication trials, as well as vitamin supplementation to help calm and control the inflammation. With help from your family veterinarian, your dog’s intestines are again able to do their job and absorb nutrients properly.


There are far more common causes of diarrhea than cancer, so please do not panic! Unfortunately, though, we can’t talk about diarrhea without including cancer as a possible cause. Tumors of the intestines like lymphoma, leiomyosarcomas, and adenocarcinomas and also tumors of organs within the abdomen, like the liver, kidney, and spleen can all be causes of diarrhea. Veterinarians are always on the lookout for “the big C”, especially for those patients who are not responding as expected to initial treatments. Usually, blood and urine testing, abdominal x-rays, abdominal ultrasound, and intestinal biopsies are helpful in the diagnosis of these tumors. Stay calm though, and rule out everything else first — cancer remains a very uncommon cause of diarrhea in dogs.

Getting The Gut Back On Track

Although the vast majority of cases of diarrhea in dogs do resolve with some temporary treatment and the passage of time, the prognosis is highly dependent on the original cause of the diarrhea and how the pup is feeling. Hopefully, they show improvement within a couple of days and respond quickly to any treatments. For the pups who aren’t faring as well, swift action and veterinary care will give your pup the best chance at stabilization and return to comfort. As always, your AskVet veterinarians are ready to field all of your questions about diarrhea in dogs and offer some recommendations for steps to take in their care. Getting your pup back to feeling their best is our top priority!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professions Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

What to do if Your Dog Has Diarrhea?

dog at vet

The dirty truth about pet ownership is that it is, unfortunately, not always about snuggles, outings, and dog parks! Being the living and breathing animals that they are, sometimes dogs will have a little stomach and intestinal upset – and sometimes they will have A LOT, all over the house! While discussing your dog’s bowel movements may seem a bit embarrassing and gross, have no fear, your veterinarian is ready to receive the down-and-dirty details in order to help get your pup’s intestines back on track! 

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues affecting dogs and prompting a visit to their veterinarian. At AskVet, we are constantly fielding questions about feces! Upset tummies are a messy and worrisome issue to have, creating challenges for both dog and pet parent. There are numerous causes of less-than-perfect poops and many things to consider when you find your poor pup struggling with diarrhea.  

Why The Diarrhea? 

Just like in humans, the digestive tract can get upset occasionally, and for a wide variety of reasons. Scientifically speaking, diarrhea itself is the production of loose and frequent stools due to the rapid movement of ingesta (food, or whatever the dog may have eaten) through the stomach, intestines, and colon. In a nutshell, on a regular day the intestinal contents will take about 8-10 hours to mosey on through the GI tract from one end to the other. Along the way special cells that line the interior of the GI tract absorb nutrients, electrolytes, and water. 

If something upsets the intestines or causes them to malfunction, ingesta moves through much more rapidly, resulting in less absorption of water and nutrients and leading to the production of–you guessed it–diarrhea! Quite often, this rapid transit of ingesta through the intestines is also accompanied by some cramping, abdominal pain, decrease in appetite, vomiting, and feeling tired … as well as an urgency to seek their outdoor bathroom again and again!

Believe it or not, veterinarians can gather many useful clues from pet parents’ descriptions of when, where, how often, duration, and the appearance of your dog’s latest defecations. We even like to classify the poop using this convenient Purina Fecal Scoring Chart. Also, a rundown of any new changes in food, treats, exposure or ingestion of toxins or non-food items, medications, and any “dumpster diving” or potential scavenging around the yard lately is extremely helpful to zero in on the root cause of the intestinal issues. There are many things that can rev up and irritate those intestines causing diarrhea in dogs, so veterinarians will consider the details provided by pet parents, compile physical exam findings, and interpret diagnostic test results in order to build a treatment plan and calm those intestines back down.

When To Worry

Diarrhea, quite literally, comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and consistencies – it can be acute (start quickly) or chronic (recur or persist for a long time). It can be a reaction to something small (stressful event or eating a new treat), or it could be a symptom of something big (Parvovirus). It can range from just a softer poop consistency to a full-on “waterfall” of liquid poop, and it may contain mucous or even blood (red fresh blood or black digested blood). Sometimes with diarrhea, your dog will still feel totally fine, and sometimes they are feeling lousy and acting very sick. Diarrhea can often be accompanied by additional symptoms like vomiting, decreased energy, not wanting to eat or drink, accidents in the house, increased frequency and urgency to poop, posturing and straining with nothing coming out, and licking the rear end area.

An important thing to remember is that not all diarrhea is created equal! Putting all of your pooch’s signs together will help pet parents to decide if the diarrhea may be temporary and self-limiting (go away on its own), or if it needs some veterinary intervention. Dogs that are experiencing a couple of episodes of loose stool, but are otherwise feeling fine, eating, drinking, and acting normally may see their issue resolve on its own after a day or so. Sometimes the original cause of the diarrhea is known (like eating plants outside), and other times it remains a mystery. If this is the case, a virtual consultation with your AskVet veterinarian, monitoring at home, watching their diet closely, and keeping track of bowel movements can be appropriate actions for a pet parent to take.

However, dogs with diarrhea lasting multiple days and exhibiting additional symptoms is always more concerning. Dogs that are not eating, drinking less, vomiting, losing weight, have decreased energy, have abdominal pain, are not acting like themselves, or have red blood or black tarry colors in the diarrhea need to be examined by their vet as soon as possible. 

These symptoms indicate that something more serious may be occurring. Supplying as much information to your veterinarian about your dog’s recent diet, timeline of the diarrhea and other symptoms, recent activities, changes in environment, and possible new food or non-food item ingestions and toxin exposures, is very helpful. Your veterinarian will likely move to the next step of gathering more biological information via fecal testing (to rule out parasites, giardia, and viruses), and blood and urine testing (to look for signs of infection, inflammation, organ damage, and dehydration). Further specialized tests, including abdominal x-rays, special blood tests, ultrasounds, food trials, or even intestinal biopsies may be recommended too, in order to narrow down causes and form treatment plans. 

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Treatments For Diarrhea

Especially for those dogs that were normal the day before and then suddenly started experiencing diarrhea, there are some things you can try at home to see if the event is one of those self-limiting transient gastroenteritis episodes (i.e., something that will get better on its own). However, if your dog is vomiting, has blood in the stool, is not feeling well or stopped eating, or has had diarrhea for multiple days, a visit to the vet is best!

How diarrhea is treated is highly dependent on what the suspected cause may be, how persistent it is, and the current condition of the patient. During a vet visit, your veterinarian may recommend initial treatment with fluids (under the skin or in the vein), probiotics, a special food, antacids, nausea medication, and more.

Short Term Care at Home

If you and your AskVet veterinarian both agree that a specific case of diarrhea may be mild, what can you do at home? And what should your feed your dog who is having diarrhea? 

Upset intestines tend to respond well to a low fat “bland diet” as this allows their GI tract to rest a bit while only processing simple proteins and carbs. There are two options for a bland diet: home preparation of plain unseasoned boiled chicken breast and white rice (or a variation of this recipe using lean ground beef, pasta, etc), or a veterinarian-prescribed low fat/low residue gastrointestinal diet. Often, a short stint of these gentle diets will result in the return of the fecal consistency to normal over a period of days, and at that time you can then slowly transfer your pup back to their regular food and see how they do. 

Some diarrheas will also respond well to fiber supplements (canned pumpkin, high fiber diets, or psyllium), or a diet change to a different protein source at your veterinarian’s recommendation. Also, the addition of canine-specific probiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, or antibiotics targeting bacterial or fungal infections may be required. Since they are losing fluids through the diarrhea, encouraging water drinking to maintain hydration is recommended during this time, even by adding extra water into the food!

We do not recommend the use of antidiarrheals, Pedialyte, or Pepto Bismol products (human or animal), as those can mask or worsen signs and conditions. Our veterinarians at AskVet are ready to answer all of your questions and weigh in on your pup’s condition and possible ways to support him. 

AskVet Tip: Dogs that have been having diarrhea or vomiting may not have a bowel movement for several days, especially if they are on a highly digestible diet. They simply do not have any poop in there! As long as the pup is eating, drinking, peeing, and has good energy, it is normal to not see any poop for several days during the recovery period following diarrhea or vomiting, and it is not an indication of constipation. The poop will come again eventually!

If your pup is otherwise feeling healthy, trying a bland diet at home should yield some positive results in 24-48 hours, but could also take up to a week for the return to normalcy. If you are not seeing any improvement, or your pup is on the decline, an appointment with your vet is needed.

Long Term Care

Dogs diagnosed with chronic intestinal issues like food allergies, chronic enteropathies, chronic colitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, Addison’s Disease, liver disease, cancer, etc, will need therapeutic diets, dietary supplements, and medications for the length of their lives to keep their symptoms under control. Depending on their individual disease process, many of these dogs can live long happy lives once their medications and diets are balanced out, but they do require vigilance from their pet parents and regular check-ups with their veterinarian.

Prevention of Diarrhea

First, let’s go with the obvious – if the diarrhea was likely caused by food, a rapid change in diet, scavenging outdoors, or a new bag of treats, monitoring what your dog eats and avoiding irritants is very important. Feeding a high-quality diet as recommended by your veterinarian and appropriate for your dog’s age and breed, as well as approaching any diet changes gradually over a 1-2 week period will minimize digestive issues as well. And always, preventing your dog from eating random stuff, and limiting/eliminating people food and variation in dog treats will help your dog’s guts stay nice and calm. Keeping your dog’s diet as predictable and regular as possible is what their intestines prefer! Once you find a diet and a few treats they do well with, stick with those!

AskVet Tip: Any time you are changing your pup’s diet, It is important to gradually introduce the new food over a period of 1-2 weeks, instead of changing suddenly in 1 day. This allows them to get used to the new taste and for their intestines to adjust to the new diet. Dogs will often have diarrhea and vomiting with the swift introduction of new foods. On the first 2 days, consider serving 25% new diet and 75% old diet. Every 2 days, add 25% more new diet, taking away the same volume of the old diet. After about 7 days, they will be on the new diet 100% and hopefully, their intestines will be happy and settled! 

Also, preventive medicine saves lives! Vaccinating young puppies for Parvo, Distemper and Coronaviruses and avoiding high-risk areas where dogs congregate is recommended until pups have completed the series of vaccines (around 4 months of age). Also, treating intestinal parasites and avoiding infection by giving your pup a monthly dewormer (found in heartworm prevention products) is another way to ensure that parasites are not the culprit!

Getting The Gut Back On Track

Where the vast majority of cases of diarrhea in dogs do resolve with some temporary treatment and the passage of time, the prognosis is highly dependent on the original cause. Hopefully, for the sake of your pup’s comfort level – and the condition of the living room rug – they show improvement within a couple days, and respond quickly to any treatments. For the pups who aren’t faring as well, swift action and veterinary care will give your pup the best chance at stabilization and return to comfort. As always, your AskVet veterinarians are at the ready to field all of your questions about diarrhea in dogs and offer some recommendations for steps to take in their care. Getting your pup back to feeling their best is our top priority!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM
Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Is My Dog Sick?

One of the worst feelings a pet parent may have is when they suspect their sweet pup might be feeling sick. Since our dogs can’t explain to us how they are feeling, when they simply stray from their daily routine or we notice a change from their normal behavior, pet-parent-panic can set in. Seeing your dog exhibit some abnormal physical symptoms can really get your human heart racing, too! It can be difficult to decipher what is an emergency and what is less urgent, but here are some very common symptoms that dogs will display and hints as to what they may mean and how serious they could be.

What is Normal?

First things first, what are considered normal vital signs for a dog? Some astute pet parents are willing to assess some physical parameters at home in order to gauge if the changes they notice in their pooch may be accompanied by other, more subtle changes. Here are a list of “normals” for some physical exam parameters in dogs. 

Rectal Temperature: 101-102.5℉ 

Heart Rate/Pulse: 70-120 beats per minute at rest (lower for large dogs, higher for smaller dogs)

Respiratory Rate: Typically less than 30 breaths per minute while relaxed and resting, breaths should be easy, quiet, and smooth

Mucous Membranes: Your dog’s gums should be light pink in color (unless black pigment is present), slimy with saliva, and if you press on the gums with your finger the pink color should return within 1-2 seconds

Skin Tent: A gentle pull and release of the “scruff” with your fingers should be followed by the skin flattening quickly 

Eyes: The surface of the eye should be clear and shiny and the white of the eyes showing no sign of redness or swelling. Eyelids should be fully open and symmetrical between both eyes, and some clear to brown-tinged discharge or the occasional “eye crusty” can be normal (nothing yellow or green)

Gait: Walks with weight distributed evenly on all four legs, willing to walk/jog/sit/lay down freely and without hesitation, wagging tail

Skin: Full, shiny haircoat (normal to be thin over abdomen, inner thighs and armpits), minimal to no odor, skin should soft and a light shade of tan or white, no lumps or bumps (except elbow calluses, bony prominences, and nipples – a feature of both boys and girls!)  

Ears: Underside should be a light tan or white color, minimal or no debris or discharge, smooth to the touch, no odor, minimal itching/scratching/head shaking

If you are seeing some abnormalities in the above parameters, it is time to chat with an AskVet veterinarian or follow up with your family veterinarian. Some dogs may stray from the “normal” and not have a concerning issue, so being familiar with your pup’s personal “normal physical exam” is important!

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What Is Abnormal?

Not Eating

Other than spending time with you, often the highlight of a dog’s day is probably eating and treats. Dogs tend to enjoy their routine, so if your pooch misses a meal or declines the treats that she usually loves, it may indicate that she is not feeling well. While something as simple as a change in outdoor temperature (like a sudden heatwave!) may be responsible, refusing favorite foods can also indicate that she is experiencing an upset stomach and intestinal discomfort, pain, or a variety of other issues.  

One missed meal is likely not cause for concern unless you are noticing other symptoms too (discussed below). However, if you are noticing a pattern of eating less or rejecting meals, this could indicate that something might be bothering your pup. Keep in mind that young puppies less than six months old who are refusing to eat should be evaluated right away since their blood sugar can drop quickly and they become dehydrated very easily. 

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Occasionally dogs will have a single episode of vomiting or softer poop, and sometimes this is not a big deal. Dogs tend to eat random things off the ground frequently, and this often results in an episode of gastrointestinal upset. Introducing new treats and changing foods can also upset their sometimes-sensitive digestive tracts. Eating meals too quickly can cause a quick re-appearance of what they just ate in the form of regurgitation, too! 

Vomiting and diarrhea become concerning if it is known that your dog ate something toxic or a non-food item like a sock or toy, and/or your dog has repeated vomiting episodes. Dogs showing additional symptoms such as diarrhea, not wanting to eat, repeatedly vomiting food and water, acting restless or panicked – or the opposite, being lethargic and having less energy — or any blood seen in the vomitus or stool is very concerning and should be evaluated by a veterinarian right away.

Drinking More Water

This can be a tough one to spot! Sometimes your pup may seem to be feeling fine, but perhaps you’re noticing that you are filling their water bowl more often than usual, or that he is drinking from odd places like puddles outside, and even the toilet bowl (EW!). You may notice that your dog just can’t seem to drink enough to satisfy his excessive thirst! 

Unfortunately, drinking more water may hint at several fairly common metabolic issues like Cushing’s disease, kidney disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, or bladder/urinary issues. Sometimes the most noticeable symptom is your pup’s increased urination and accidents in the house before you realize that he is actually drinking a lot more too. Keep on the lookout for changes in your dog’s drinking and urinating, and follow up with your veterinarian if you have any concerns. 

Changes in Urinary Habits

Changes in your dog’s urinary habits can sometimes be the first clue that your pup has a health condition. Your dog might be having a urinary tract issue, if he is:

–Producing more, less, or no urine at all 

–Straining to urinate 

–Having uncharacteristic accidents in the house 

–Asking to go outside more often 

–Peeing smaller amounts 

–Dripping urine while walking around

–Passing visible blood in the urine (pink tinge to the urine color or bright red blood)

Any of these symptoms may indicate an issue with your pooch’s urinary tract. Common causes of these symptoms include bladder infections, bladder stones, kidney issues, urinary incontinence, dehydration, or metabolic problems. 

Urinary issues can be very uncomfortable and do need to be evaluated in a timely manner by your veterinarian. Often, testing your dog’s urine (urinalysis), taking x-rays (radiographs) to look for bladder stones, and bloodwork to evaluate for kidney, blood sugar, or possible internal organ abnormalities are common recommendations to get to the source of your pup’s peeing problem.

Weight Loss and Gain

When we see our pups daily, changes in their body weight can be difficult to detect, especially if it happens slowly over time with no other worrisome symptoms. If your pup is looking thinner, or you are feeling ribs, hip bones, or the spine where you could not previously, this may be an indication that your dog has lost weight. 

On the contrary, if your pup is looking rounder, seems to have a bigger belly, has lost some body contours, is moving slower, or feeling heavier than before they may also have put on some weight. While diet quality, exercise level, and treats may contribute to both weight loss and weight gain in dogs, they can also be a symptom of an internal problem that warrants further investigation by your veterinarian.

Sleeping More or Less

Don’t worry too much because most dogs sleep A LOT! Sleeping 12-18 hours a day and then lounging in bed for a few hours on top of that can be normal for a dog depending on their age, breed, size, and activity level. However, when dogs don’t feel well, sleeping more and acting tired are one of the first things pet parents pick up on. Skipping meals due to sleeping, having trouble laying down or getting up from bed, laying in bed more than normal, lagging behind on walks, and/or acting lethargic, might mean that a health issue is causing a decrease in energy.

On the flip side, if your pup seems restless, uncharacteristically wakes up during the night, is pacing or acting uncomfortable during times that they typically sleep; these are also significant signs. Dogs with fear/anxiety, arthritis or neurologic pain, discomfort from an internal issue, and senior dogs with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome may sleep less, change their sleep cycles, pace through the night, or not want to lay down.

Bad Breath

While doggie breath can seem endearing, it is often the sign of potentially severe issues going on inside your dog’s mouth. Gingivitis, rotten teeth, and tooth root abscesses in the jaw bones are very painful for dogs and can all carry a distinctive gag-inducing odor. Your vet will check the condition of your dog’s mouth, teeth and gums at their annual appointments and make recommendations for dental cleanings under anesthesia. If any teeth are infected or broken, oral surgery will be recommended as well.  If your pup’s breath can clear a room, or if their eating patterns have changed, an oral exam is recommended.


Just like us, the occasional “food or water down the wrong tube” may result in a gag-cough or cough-vomit. Single episodes of coughing or reverse sneezing (a funny sound often confused with coughing and breathing problems) are usually not a big deal–although they always seem to catch our attention!

When pet parents notice coughing bouts overnight or repeatedly during the day, especially for multiple days in a row – this can indicate that there could be a health issue causing the cough. Common ones include upper respiratory infections like kennel cough, tracheal issues,  pneumonia, heart problems, and lung problems too. Dogs that are coughing but otherwise feeling well are less urgent than dogs that are struggling to breathe, not wanting to eat, and have decreased energy. Any time a dog is struggling to breathe, this is an emergency and needs immediate veterinary care.


Limping is another issue that can cause alarm and panic with pet parents. Sometimes the cause of the limp is apparent: an injury during playtime, an accidental roll off the bed, or an ambitious jump that resulted in a yelp. Occasionally, pups will come up limping seemingly out of the blue too, without a known obvious cause. If a dog is limping, keeping them rested and restricted from running, stair climbing, and jumping will help give the body a chance to heal itself or prevent further injury before the vet visit.

Any limping that lasts more than a few days without improvement, or that seems to be worsening, would benefit from a physical exam and maybe even some X-rays to check the health of those bones, joints, and soft tissues. Pups experiencing intense pain, are not putting any weight on a leg, or cannot stand and walk should be examined urgently due to the possibility of a fracture or spinal issue. 

Itching and Scratching

Grooming their luscious coats and keeping themselves pretty are considered normal dog behavior. However, when scratching and licking become noticeable, a foul odor is detected, the coat appears thin and patchy, the skin is pink, inflamed, bleeding or scabby, normal grooming has crossed into the realm of abnormal. 

Excessive scratching, licking, and itching is a strong indicator for skin allergies in dogs, a flea infestation, a bacterial or yeast infection, and possibly other parasites too. If you are noticing your dog licking, itching, scratching or shaking their head more often than normal, and/or you see changes in her ears, coat and skin, this is a strong indication that there is a skin condition that needs to be addressed.

Eye Goop and Squinting Eyes

Eye problems in dogs are common and range from mild chronic tearing (“epiphora”), to severe corneal ulcers and conditions endangering eyesight. Eyes are complicated and the consequences of an untreated eye issue can have long-lasting, painful effects. Any time a dog is exhibiting any squinting, discharge from the eye, redness in the eyelids or eyeballs, or a cloudy/blue appearance of the eye, a veterinary exam is recommended. 

In order to accurately assess the severity of your dog’s eye symptoms, your veterinarian may require several tests to assess their ocular health. These include measuring your dog’s ability to produce tears, measuring the pressures within each eyeball, and checking for stain uptake on the surface of the eye indicating ulcers and scratches. Of course, your veterinarian will also examine each internal structure of your dog’s eye for abnormalities and the presence or absence of normal reflexes. Checking your dog’s upper, lower, and 3rd eyelids for swelling, stray hair growth, and the occasional trapped piece of plant or grass awn is also very important. 

Some eye problems can be less urgent than others, but unfortunately ruling out more severe issues is necessary first before settling on a lesser cause. 

Waiting it Out Versus Seeking Veterinary Care

Don’t we wish our pups could talk us through their issues? Since they can’t, your AskVet veterinarians are here to help you decode the signs and decide whether the changes you observe in your dog are indicators of illness! We can also assist you in figuring out how concerned we should be about the changes you may be noticing in your favorite pooch. The veterinarians at AskVet are poised 24/7 to field your questions, listen to descriptions for what you are seeing, check photos and videos, and provide a kind and professional opinion for what may need to happen next, whether that be seeking emergency care immediately, monitoring at home, or a routine follow-up appointment with your vet. AskVet is standing by to help during your time of need!

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.


Reasons For Runny Eyes In Dogs

You give your pooch everything she could want—plenty of playtime, love and snuggles; her favorite treats; nutritionally-balanced food; and quality medical care. Why, then, does she look as though she is crying?! 

At AskVet, many dog parents come to us asking questions about their pup’s runny eyes. In some cases, this symptom is nothing to worry about—but in others, runny eyes can indicate a significant medical problem. We’re here to help you figure out what is normal, and when to see your veterinarian. 

Epiphora and Tear-Staining

If your dog has streaks of reddish-brown, moist fur that start at the inner corner of her eye and form a line under her eye or alongside her nose, then she may have something called “epiphora”—the medical term for excess tears. This does NOT mean that your dog is sad or crying—instead, it’s likely due to the shape of her face and structures around the eye, or chronic irritation of the surface of the eye. 

Her fur is stained by a non-harmful molecule in the tears called porphyrin, which changes color to reddish-brown when it comes in contact with the fur. Porphyrins are not harmful and they do not have any adverse effects, so that’s good news! Why, then, would your pup have tear staining in the first place?

Normal Eyelid Anatomy

First, let’s talk about normal eyelid anatomy. You know that the eyes produce tears to lubricate the surface of the eye, and to help clear out any irritating particles from the air (like dust or pollen). Tears are being produced by the tear glands around the eye, and as they are produced, the tear film is drained into the nose through holes called puncta. 

Puncta are located in the corners of the eyes, within the soft pink tissue that surrounds the eyeball. These little holes open into a long skinny tube, called the nasolacrimal duct, that carries tears down the inside of the nose and back of the throat. These structures involved in draining tears are why we experience a runny nose when crying—and can even taste our own tears!

However, If your pup’s eyeballs are not set deeply enough in the sockets for the puncta to “catch” the tears (think of a cute Pug with bulging eyes), her tears will spill over onto her face. Eventually, gravity takes the tear film either under her eye socket or down the sides of her nose. This form of tear staining is common in breeds with prominent eyes and shallow eye sockets, like Pugs, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs of all types, and Chihuahuas. Both eyes will be affected, and the pup is usually not painful—unless there are complications (see below). 

Occasionally, a dog will have a clog in one or both puncta—the drainage holes in the corner of the eye. This clog can be congenital (meaning the pup was born with puncta that are sealed shut), or can happen due to inflammation and debris clogging the system. Sometimes your veterinarian can clear out a clog by flushing the duct under general anesthesia. 

Chronic Eye Irritation

We all know the miserable feeling of something stuck in our eye—it feels like a piece of sand on the surface, and our eye immediately starts producing tons of tears! Dogs have the same natural response to something irritating the surface of the eye, and this can lead to a runny eye and tear staining. 

What could possibly be causing irritation to the surface of your dog’s eyes, resulting in too many tears? 

Eyelashes in the Wrong PlaceSome dogs are born with or develop teeny tiny extra hairs that grow on the inside of the eyelid instead of the outside. These little hairs cause irritation to your pup’s eye with every blink until they can be removed by your veterinarian or an eye specialist (ophthalmologist).

Eyelids that Roll Inwards (Entropion)You can imagine that if your eyelids rolled inwards towards your eyeball, this would cause major irritation! When the eyelids roll far enough towards the surface of the eye, eyelashes and hairs on the face can actually start rubbing the surface of the eye. This eye condition is called entropion, and it is more common in some dog breeds than others. English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and Shar-Peis are known to be born with this problem more frequently than other breeds. Fortunately, a minor surgery can be performed to remove the roll and restore your pup to comfortable vision. 

Facial Hair Contacting the Eye SurfaceIn many dogs, hair growing from the bridge of the nose and near the corners of the eyes can sprout in unfortunate directions. If the hair is not kept very short, the tips of these hairs can rub the surface of the eye, causing continuous excess tear production. As you can imagine, this condition (called “trichiasis”) is more common in breeds whose eyes are located closer to the bridge of the nose—like Shih-Tzus, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, Boston Terriers, and other small breeds like Maltese and Yorkies.

Sudden Eye Irritation

If your pup has never had an eye problem in the past, but you are noticing that he looks like he is crying from one or both eyes all of a sudden, then he could be experiencing sudden irritation. This can happen if a piece of dust or plant material is blown by the wind into his eye, if he has an eye infection or has scratched the surface of his eye, if a tear duct has suddenly become clogged, or if there is a painful eye condition that has not been assessed. 

Since all of these issues can potentially be serious threats to your dog’s vision,  it’s essential to see a veterinarian right away if you notice a sudden change in your dog’s tear production.

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So, what happens when excessive tears run down your pup’s face over a long period of time? The moisture from the tears can eventually soak through the fur and reach your dog’s skin. Since your pup can’t dab his face with a towel, this moisture eventually seeps down through the fur to the surface of his skin. Normal bacteria and yeast on the surface of your dog’s skin LOVE this warm, damp environment and start reproducing at a faster rate, causing a skin infection.  You may start to see some redness or smell an odor when infection has set in. This is called dermatitis, and it can be irritating, itchy, and sometimes even painful for your pup. Dogs with cute smooshed noses and little skin folds on their faces are especially prone to this condition, so checking those folds and keeping them clean is very important.

In cases of chronic eye irritation from entropion, trichiasis, or eyelashes that are rubbing the surface of your dog’s eye, the body will try to protect the eye from further irritation. How does your pup’s body do this? The same way our bodies try to protect our skin from chronic irritation—by depositing pigment on the surface! (Think of a suntan or sudden explosion of freckles after a day in the sunshine.) You may see a thin black patchy film forming on the surface of the eyeball if you look very closely. 

Unfortunately, pigment on the surface of the eye does not go away with time, and it will eventually cause vision loss, since your pup is looking through the equivalent of a dirty windshield. For this reason, it’s important to see your veterinarian if there is an irritating issue that can be solved with medication or a minor procedure.

When to Worry

If runny eyes are so common, when should you worry about them? Here is a handy list of symptoms to watch for that may indicate a more serious issue might be affecting your dog’s eye. Seeing any of these signs should prompt an immediate consultation  with an AskVet veterinarian, or scheduling an appointment with your pup’s family vet: 

–Any sudden increase in your dog’s tears

–Squinting or holding the eye closed, due to pain in the eye

–Redness to the eye or the pink part of the eye (conjunctiva) 

–Rubbing face on the floor, or rubbing the eye with paws

–Yellow or green eye discharge

–Change in color of the surface of your dog’s eyeball (cloudy, blue, white, green) 

–Change in size of the eyeball or swelling of the eyelids 

–Third eyelid raised or more visible than normal

How to Prevent Tear-Staining

Since tear-staining is such a common problem, and epiphora (runny eyes) affects so many dogs, there are many options on the market to prevent tear staining. Oral supplements are designed to reduce the amount of pigment (porphyrin) in the tear film, and can be given as a powder sprinkled on your pup’s food every day or in a tasty chew. 

Some of these products contain low doses of an antibiotic called tylosin, and for this reason they can be a bit controversial. By exposing your dog to chronic low doses of an antibiotic, it is theoretically possible that a resistant infection could develop somewhere in her body. For this reason, we recommend discussing any supplement options with your AskVet or family veterinarian. 

If your dog has hairs that are rubbing against the surface of the eyes, eliminating the hair should eliminate (or greatly reduce) the problem. Surgery can be done for eyelids that roll inwards, and hairs growing in abnormal places (such as the inside of the eyelids) can be removed. Also, hairs on the bridge of your dog’s nose that are rubbing the inside corner of her eyes should be kept as short as possible to prevent rubbing. 

How to Clean Runny Eyes

The best way to prevent staining caused by excessive tears is to keep your dog’s face clean. (Easier said than done!) If you have a new puppy, now is the time to train him that having his face cleaned is a positive and happy experience (accompanied by lots of treats!) so that he tolerates it in the future. For more helpful information on things you need for a puppy contact our team of experts today. 

If you have an adult dog, it will take some time for him to welcome face-cleaning, but if it is accompanied by treats, playtime with a favorite toy, or cuddles—he will grow to tolerate it over time, so don’t give up! Keeping your dog’s face clean is an important part of his overall health and well-being. Just by wiping your dog’s face with a damp washcloth every day, you can dilute the pigment (porphyrin) and decrease the amount of time it sits on your dog’s fur and cause staining. Dogs with skin folds on their faces may benefit from daily cleaning with medicated wipes too, as recommended from your veterinarian.

There are several different wipes on the market that purportedly reduce tear staining. If you are using one of these products, remember: it’s very important to NEVER allow any chemicals, from wipes or soap/shampoo, to touch your dog’s eyes! These materials can cause a chemical burn on your dog’s eyes and create an even worse eye problem. For this reason, it’s probably best to clean with plain water! 

With any product, remember that the tear staining will take several months to fade and for new, unstained hair to grow in place of the darkened fur. 

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM

Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

8 Dog Allergy Symptoms

dog allergy symptoms

**If your dog is experiencing facial swelling, sudden hives or raised red welts on their skin, or difficulty breathing, please have a veterinarian evaluate your dog in person immediately, as this can be due to a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.**


Is your dog licking, chewing, scratching, or shaking their head more often than usual? Does your dog suddenly have areas of thinning hair, excessive shedding, baldness, or spots of rust-colored staining to his fur? Is your dog constantly scooting his rear end on the floor and licking beneath his tail? These concerns are some of the most common your AskVet veterinarians hear from pet parents. Many times, these signs are the tip of the iceberg, and that iceberg is dog allergies!

Now, you may be asking, can dogs have allergies? The short answer is yes. Allergies and their related symptoms are frequently encountered in our furry friends. In this article, we’ll teach you what your AskVet veterinarians want you to know about pet allergy symptoms, and why your veterinarian may recommend multiple avenues of testing and various methods of treating dog allergies. 

In some cases, a dog’s allergy symptoms will consist of watery eyes and sneezing —but this is definitely the exception rather than the rule! In this article, we’ll focus on the most common manifestations of dog allergies and signs of allergies in dogs: how dogs express allergies through their skin. Itchiness, redness, inflammation, and infections are all skin conditions that are often caused by underlying allergies. 

Why Would My Dog’s Skin Become Itchy?

Picture your dog’s skin like a brick wall. In healthy skin, the brick wall is sealed tightly between the bricks with cement, and nothing can get through. Bacteria and yeast are on the surface of the “brick wall,” along with pollen, dust mites, grass residue, floor cleaners, and everything else your dog encounters in their daily life. However, nothing can get through the tough cement of the brick wall–which is actually the skin’s natural healthy barrier. 

In dogs with allergies, however, the “cement” between the bricks has gaps—imagine a brick wall that is poorly sealed, with holes in between the bricks! These microscopic gaps allow particles of pollen, dust, and other allergens to get through the outer defenses of your dog’s skin and cause trouble. Once under the surface of the skin, allergens cause your dog’s immune system to go into overdrive, leading to redness, itchiness, and sometimes swelling. 

When your dog feels itchy, what do they do? Well, if they can reach the spot by scratching, then, of course, they will! If it’s more convenient for your dog to lick, chew, or rub the body part that is itchy, you might see them do any or all of these, too. We commonly see dogs with allergies rub their face on the floor, chew their paws, and lick under their arms. Dogs have glands that are located just inside the rectum and open on the surface of the skin—so you might even see frequent “butt scooting” in allergic dogs, too. 

How to Treat Allergies in Dogs | AskVet

Areas of your dog’s itchy skin may develop red spots, pimples, brown/yellow crusts, or little bumps as a result of the skin allergy. Sometimes rashes like this indicate that an infection has also taken hold in your dog’s skin—from microbes getting in between the “gaps between the cement” of your dog’s skin, or due to their overgrowth on the skin surface. Bacteria and yeast will gladly multiply with help from the warmth and moisture of your dog’s natural licking, chewing, and scratching. All of that scratching and chewing opens up more holes in your dog’s skin barrier, allowing bacteria and yeast under the surface. Once under the skin, bacteria and yeast flourish, and cause even MORE itchiness, redness, and discomfort–and the cycle of misery continues.

If your dog has been licking, chewing, scratching, rubbing, or biting an itchy area, you might see hairs broken off (called “barbering”), or even bald patches. Rust-colored staining to the fur is also a common finding. Veterinarians sometimes feel like forensic scientists, since sometimes we can look at this staining and immediately know what areas are bothering your dog the most! The red color comes from a pigment in your dog’s saliva (called porphyrin) that changes color when it is in prolonged contact with the fur. Therefore, any area that has this red staining is undoubtedly being licked/chewed at by your dog—even if they are waiting until you aren’t around to see them! 

What About Ears?

Pet parents frequently reach out to us about their dog’s itchy and stinky ears. Your dog might be frequently shaking their head, holding their head to one side like their ear is painful, and/or frequently scratching at their ears. You might see red, brown, or even yellow goop inside your dog’s ears when you lift the ear flap. 

Many times these symptoms are due to ear infections, with or without the presence of other common dog allergies. Interestingly, allergies to certain food proteins, as well as environmental allergens, can actually cause repeated episodes of itchy, infected ears. 

Why would allergies, even a dog food allergy, cause an ear infection? It’s actually pretty simple! The lining of the ear canal is part of your dog’s skin—and just like skin covering the rest of your dog’s body, allergens, yeast, and bacteria, in addition to a damaged “brick wall” can cause inflammation and itchiness. The inside of your dog’s ear is warm, moist, and dark—which is the PERFECT environment for yeast and bacteria to thrive! Your family veterinarian can diagnose which organisms are causing an ear infection by taking a non-painful sample from the inside of the ear and looking at it under a microscope. 

What Can My Dog’s Itch Tell Me About His Allergies? 

Plenty! While allergy testing and/or a hypoallergenic food trial are the only ways to know with certainty what your dog might be allergic to, you can actually deduce a lot of information based on when and where your dog is the itchiest. 

For example, if your dog is frequently getting rashes on their belly, but never seems to have any problems on the top of their back, then your dog might be allergic to something their tummy is frequently in contact with. If your dog likes to lay in a certain patch of grass, or on a favorite blanket, then pollen or detergent residue may be an allergen to your dog.

If your dog is only itchy on the top of their rump and base of their tail—but your dog’s skin is calm and comfortable everywhere else–then your dog may be suffering from flea allergies. 

Itchy paws and repeated ear infections might make a food allergy more likely in your dog’s case, especially if these symptoms are present throughout the calendar year. After all, we typically feed our dogs the same thing year-round, so your dog would be constantly exposed to their allergy trigger.

Many dogs have long periods of the year without skin or ear problems, and instead seem to have problems “like clockwork” during certain seasons. In these dogs, environmental allergens (pollens, grasses) are more likely than a food allergy, since they tend to appear seasonally in your dog’s environment.

Just to add to the fun, some dogs have both a food AND environmental allergy—and in warm climates where plant life flourishes year-round, it can be even harder to detect a pattern to your dog’s itchiness! 

Talk to a Trusted Vet

Your AskVet veterinarian can give you tools for determining your own dog’s personal itch history, which can help your family veterinarian optimize your dog’s treatment. Reach out to AskVet any time if you have questions about your dog’s allergies, or if you want to better understand your veterinarian’s recommendations or allergy medication prescription. Allergies are a lifelong exercise in management, observation and patience, but working as a team with your AskVet Veterinarians and your family veterinarian can help your dog live a long happy life with comfortable skin!

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

How to Treat Allergies in Dogs

treating dog allergies

A big part of owning a dog is learning how to speak their language. You know that a tap on the door means they need to be let out, and a light bark at the treat jar means they think they deserve a reward (probably for being so smart). But what does it mean when your pup is excessively itching and biting at their skin, licking their paws and shaking their head? 

These are common signs of dog allergies. 

Allergies are an abnormal excessive response by the immune system to pollens, food proteins, flea saliva, molds or house dust and storage mites. So if you’re asking, “can dogs have allergies?” the answer is yes. In fact, just like humans, dogs can even inherit their allergies from their parents. 

So what do I do if my dog has allergies? 

In this post, we’ll discuss how your veterinarian treats common allergies in dogs and how to diagnose the cause of your precious pup’s symptoms.  While canine allergies are not curable, there are steps you can take to manage your dog’s symptoms so that they can get back to what’s really important—using those puppy eyes to get more treats from you. 

Diagnosing Allergies in Dogs

Unlike humans, most dogs will not experience sneezing and coughing due to allergies. Instead, their skin is usually affected. 

That’s why common symptoms of dog skin allergies include:

  • Itchy skin
  • Rashes
  • Ear problems and infections
  • Foot licking
  • Anal gland problems
  • Hives

If your pup is exhibiting any of these symptoms, you should take them to your vet for an accurate diagnosis of the cause of their symptoms.

How to Treat Allergies in Dogs | AskVet


Allergies or a Skin Infection?

If your precious pup is extremely itchy, their excessive scratching and licking may lead to hair loss, bumps, red spots and flaky skin. However,  allergies aren’t always the culprit for these symptoms. To determine whether your dog’s itchiness and hair loss are due to a skin infection, your veterinarian will perform a skin scrape and cytology. While these procedures might sound intimidating, don’t worry—they’re quick, non-invasive and relatively painless for your furry friend. 

Your vet will take into account the changes noted on your dog’s physical exam, along with the results of these (and possibly other) tests. You may be sent home with pills and/or topical medications to provide relief for your dog.  Sometimes, medicated shampoos are also prescribed to help speed up your dog’s recovery.

How to Treat Dog Allergy Symptoms

Now, you’re probably wondering how to treat dog allergies? Your veterinarian may recommend several medications to alleviate your pup’s painful symptoms. Depending on your dog’s unique situation, some of these medications may be used in combination with each other.

Since an allergy flare-up often will cause a skin infection due to yeast or bacteria, your veterinarian will first treat any infection that is identified on the skin cytology and/or skin scrape test. As long as the infection is present, your pup will continue to feel itchy and continue to itch/scratch/lick the uncomfortable area—prolonging the time it takes to get them healthy again! 

Treating skin infections can involve oral medications (like antibiotics or antifungal medications), topical treatments that you apply directly on the skin (such as a medicated “foam,” mousse, or ointment), medicated shampoos—or even all three at the same time. Treatment of skin infections can last up to six or eight weeks, so it’s important to follow up with your veterinarian’s recommended recheck appointments and to finish all prescriptions as directed.

Sometimes topical products, such as a medicated shampoo, will also be used for long-term control of allergy symptoms. Prescription-strength shampoos are designed to be used frequently, unlike over-the-counter options, which can dry out your dog’s skin if used too often. 

When you frequently bathe your dog using a medicated shampoo,  the amount of yeast and bacteria on the surface of your dog’s skin is reduced. This means fewer irritating microbes are able to make their way through the “holes in the cement” of your dog’s natural skin barrier (see our blog post on “Can Dogs Have Allergies?” for more on this concept!). You can begin to see how important it is for some dogs with allergies to receive frequent medicated baths!

The second step in treating your dog’s allergies is to stop the itch! Not only does this help your dog feel better right away, but stopping the itch means stopping the damage your dog is doing to their skin barrier by licking, scratching or chewing. Overall, this leads to faster healing—and more comfort for your pup! 

Many pet owners ask about using antihistamines for their dogs. While your veterinarian may recommend these medications for mild cases of itchiness, they are often not sufficient to give relief during a significant allergy flare-up. Instead, your veterinarian will likely turn to prescription medications. 

Some commonly prescribed medications include:

  • Flea PreventionWhy in the world are we talking about fleas? Well, because flea allergy is far and away the most common allergy in dogs! For this reason, veterinarians typically recommend year-round prescription-strength flea control in ANY dog with repeated skin infections and allergies. Some prescription flea preventatives need to be given once a month, and some last for up to three months at a time. Ask your veterinarian which choices are most effective for your local area. 
  • Oclacitinib or Apoquel® – This versatile, highly-effective medication is used in many cases of dog allergies. It works by stopping the chain reaction that occurs when a dog is exposed to an allergen—directly reducing the pathway towards inflammation and itchiness, as well as relieving the sensation of itch. 

During an allergy flare-up or itchy skin infection, your veterinarian may prescribe Apoquel twice daily to control your dog’s itch or to resolve a skin/ear infection more quickly. In dogs with chronic allergies and frequent flare-ups, it can be used once a day as needed—during your dog’s itchy season (if they suffer from environmental allergies), during a flare-up, or—for dogs with severe allergies—all year round. 

While side effects are very rare, they can include an upset stomach (vomiting or diarrhea), and your veterinarian may want to monitor your pup’s bloodwork if they are on it for months at a time. Apoquel is for use in dogs one year of age and older and is not intended to be used in dogs who have been diagnosed with cancer.

  • Cytopoint® – We’ve all had plenty of experiences with dogs who refuse to take pills—and for those pets, Cytopoint is a great option! Cytopoint is an injection administered by your veterinarian under the skin (just like a vaccine). This “allergy shot” works by blocking the sensation of itchiness from reaching your dog’s brain. What does this mean? Less licking, scratching, chewing and scooting! 

Its anti-itch effects last an average of four weeks, but in some lucky dogs, it can last up to two months. This means effectively breaking the itch cycle. In some dogs, this medication can start working in as little as 24 hours. Many dogs will receive this injection every 4 weeks during their allergy season or during a bad allergy flare-up. Few side effects have been reported, and it is safe for dogs of all ages. 

  • Corticosteroids – This type of medication is used in patients who have a significant amount of swelling, inflammation or pain associated with their allergy symptoms. Steroids remain the quickest way to relieve the symptoms associated with severe allergies, but they are not used for long-term control due to their side effects. Each patient is different, but many times, pups will have increased thirst, urination, appetite and panting while on steroids. With long-term use, problems with the liver and joints can occur, too. 

However, this type of medication is less expensive than Apoquel and Cytopoint, so it remains a good choice for short-term use in those patients for whom the more expensive options are cost-prohibitive. Most dogs usually need a tapering dosage, so always ask your veterinarian before discontinuing any type of medication. 

  • Atopica® (cyclosporine)– This medication is more of a long-term solution to your pup’s allergy problems. It works by targeting a very specific portion of the immune system that is responsible for your dog’s allergies and takes about four weeks to take effect once you start giving it to your pup daily. It is often prescribed in conjunction with some of the shorter-acting allergy medications (such as Cytopoint) to give your dog relief until Atopica can start being effective. Atopica can cause vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Your veterinarian may recommend monitoring your dog’s bloodwork while on this medication to make sure there are no effects on your dog’s liver or kidneys. 
  • Fatty Acid Supplements—While not very helpful in the midst of a severe allergy flare, fatty acid supplements can help your dog’s allergies if used daily for a long period of time. These fatty acids seal up the “cracks” in your dog’s skin barrier from the inside—creating a more healthy skin surface and minimizing the chance that allergens and microbes sneak beneath the surface of the skin! This leads to less inflammation and less severe episodes of itching and skin infections when your dog is exposed to an allergen. Your veterinarian can provide the most well-tested and specific fatty acid supplements designed for dogs. Sometimes, your veterinarian may recommend that fatty acids are provided by a prescription dog food specifically formulated and tested to maximize the health of your dog’s skin.

How Can Allergies Be Cured?

Of all the available allergy treatment methods, immunotherapy is the only treatment that can actually CURE your dog’s allergies. Immunotherapy is started AFTER performing allergy testing (see below), and a vaccine is formulated specifically for your dog—and ONLY your dog! By exposing your dog to tiny amounts of their allergens over time and slowly increasing their dosage, immunotherapy trains your dog’s immune system to NOT react to these allergens when they are encountered in your dog’s daily life. Immunotherapy is successful in about 70-80% of patients, and it takes a year of treatment to determine whether your pup will be one of those lucky dogs. You should be prepared for this financial and time commitment before pursuing this option with your veterinarian. 

Immunotherapy can either be given orally or by injection. Since the treatment works by exposing your dog to the allergen, your pup may experience a reaction to the vaccine during the process—but this is usually temporary and easily treated. Some dogs can actually stop immunotherapy treatment after 2-3 years because their symptoms have abated. 

If your veterinarian suspects your dog’s allergies may benefit from immunotherapy, they’ll need to figure out exactly which allergens your pet is allergic to. 

This is done in one of two ways: 

  • Intradermal skin testing – For this allergy test, your dog will be given a sedative, and the hair on their side and abdomen will be shaved. A veterinary dermatologist will then inject small amounts of different allergens under your dog’s skin and monitor the response (such as raised welts in the spot of the injections). This test is considered the “gold standard” of allergy testing. It usually requires referral to a veterinary dermatologist, since very few general practitioner veterinarians have the equipment and training to administer this test. Intradermal skin testing is the most accurate way to test for environmental allergens.
  • Serum allergy testing – This test is less invasive than intradermal skin testing, since it requires only a simple blood draw that any veterinarian can do. Your dog’s blood is analyzed by a special laboratory, and their individual allergens are identified. It is highly accurate but can occasionally miss a few of your dog’s specific allergies. 

Once these tests are performed, your vet will be able to recommend the best allergen-specific immunotherapy for your dog, order a vaccine formulated specifically for your pup and discuss a schedule with you to provide the immunizations. 

How to Prevent and Minimize Your Dog’s Allergy Flare-Ups:

In addition to any allergy treatments recommended by your veterinarian, there is a lot that YOU can do as a pet owner to help your allergic pup! These strategies can reduce how frequently your dog’s flare-ups occur and how severe they become. 

Sometimes, the best way to treat allergies in dogs is to avoid the offending allergens altogether. 

Keeping allergens away from your pup is easy if you do the following:

  • Use human house dust mite preventatives on mattresses and pillows
  • Wash dog bedding once a week
  • Wash dog food bowls in hot water
  • Keep grains, pasta, and pet food in their original packaging in an airtight container
  • Limit your dog’s outside exposure when pollen counts are high
  • Limit exposure after grass is mowed (as this kicks up pollen)
  • Change your clothing and shoes after mowing 
  • Wipe your dog’s paws with a wet washcloth when they come inside, or rinse their feet and pat dry
  • Bathe your dog often, following it with a cool water rinse. Let them air dry, or pat them down with a towel. (Do not use a hairdryer. Avoid aggressively rubbing your dog during and after the bath.) Note: your veterinarian may recommend a specific prescription shampoo and bathing frequency to help your pup.
  • Make sure your dog is up to date on prescription-strength flea prevention to prevent exposure to flea saliva

Treat the Allergies to Treat Your Dog

Dog allergies are nothing to sneeze at. They can be incredibly uncomfortable for your furry friend. If you notice excessive itching, licking, biting or head shaking, it may mean your dog is trying to tell you—help; I have allergies! 

Properly diagnosing your dog’s allergies is the first step to providing them some much-needed relief. With avoidance and vet-prescribed treatment geared to your dog’s individual needs, you can effectively manage their symptoms. This means they can get back to cuddling, playing, exploring and of course, begging for those well-deserved treats. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your pup’s allergies, chat with one of the vets from AskVet today! We’re here 24/7 for all your puppy needs to help your pup live a long, healthy, allergy-free life.

Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Most Common Dog Allergies

allergies and dogs

You might be wondering, Can dogs get allergies?” and the answer is yes! We’ve already discussed that dog allergies are a common cause of concern for pet owners. After all, allergies in dogs can cause itchy, uncomfortable skin, hair loss, skin or ear infections and more! If you notice that your dog is scratching more than usual, shaking their head a lot, or chewing on their skin rather than their chew toy, he or she may be combating allergies. As vets, we receive questions about dog allergies every day, and one of the most common is, “what is my dog allergic to?”  

The short answer: dogs can be allergic to anything you can be allergic to, too! From insect bites to ragweed pollen, household cleaners to something in their diet, your dog’s immune system can develop a sensitivity to anything they encounter and have an allergic reaction. Since we can’t place your sweet little pooch in a bubble for their entire life, read on for the most common dog allergens—and how to minimize your pet’s exposure to whatever has your furry friend itching up a storm.  

#1 Fleas

Fun fact: a flea allergy is far and away the most common allergy in dogs. Over 50% of dogs with allergies will be allergic to flea saliva—and when a flea bites an allergic dog, severe itchiness ensues. How do dogs get fleas? Unfortunately, fleas are extremely common in environments all around the country (see our blog post about fleas for more). However, this is one of the few allergens that pet owners can effectively eliminate from causing your dog to be itchy and miserable.  

To help keep your dog and home free of fleas, you need two lines of defense:

  • Prescription-strength flea prevention – Although over-the-counter flea preventatives work fairly well in most parts of the country, they are usually not effective enough for pups suffering from flea allergy. Just one flea bite can leave an allergic pup itchy for two whole weeks—so it’s important to protect them with reliable and effective prescription-strength flea control. These products are tested to be safe, and are available in chewable tablets or topical drops that are administered once a month or every three months. Ask your veterinarian what products work best for your local area’s flea population.  
  • A clean home and yard – Fleas love to hide in overgrown grass and shrubs. By maintaining your yard, you’ll lessen the chance of a flea infestation.  

If fleas do get inside, they can quickly establish a lovely environment to create…more fleas! The best way to prevent this from occurring is to frequently vacuum your carpets and upholstered furniture, and make sure to wash your bedding every other week. Surprise—once your dog is on prescription-strength flea prevention, they will also serve as a “living flea vacuum” to help prevent a true flea infestation in your home. That’s a win-win for both you and your pup! 

#2 Pollen/Grass

Just like with people, pollens and grasses are common dog allergens. Unfortunately, pollens can be especially troublesome if they are directly inhaled or contacted by your dog. Be on the lookout for dog allergy symptoms to identify clues that your dog has allergies to things they come in contact with.

How would your beloved pooch come in contact with pollen? The same way your car is covered with pollen during certain times of the year! It falls from trees and even gets blown down the street. Once your dog walks through grass coated with pollen, or lays down for a good roll, they may be exposed to an environmental allergen that causes itchiness, skin rashes, and more.

To that end, these plants are the biggest culprits for pollen allergies:

  • Trees – Trees generally start to bloom in the early spring. That’s when their pollen levels are peaking. Plus, some trees naturally have higher pollen levels than others. These include cedar, juniper, birch, elm, oak, walnut, and willow trees. In the southeastern United States, veterinarians know that mango trees are a common culprit for dog allergies!
  • Grasses – Pollens for grasses can be bi-seasonal. While grass begins to bloom in the spring, it can sometimes drop off in the hottest months of the summer before surging again in the early fall. The types of grass that most often cause allergies are Bermuda, Bahia, brome, bluegrass, meadow fescues, and timothy grass. 
  • Weeds – Weed pollen typically reaches its peak in the fall. In the winter, freezing temperatures kill annual weeds and reduce pollen count. Ragweeds and Chenopods can be major sources of allergens. 

Since pollen can be carried over long distances by the wind, it’s impossible to entirely eliminate the presence of this allergen around your home. Instead, try limiting your dog’s outdoor time when pollen counts are high. 

Here are some other tips to minimize your dog’s exposure to pollens or grasses: 

  • Keep your dog off of your lawn for at least an hour after mowing
  • Bathe your dog regularly to remove any pollen from the fur and skin
  • Wipe your dog’s feet, groin, and armpit areas with a damp cloth when they come in from outside. This physically removes many of the residues from grass and pollen that might otherwise stay on the surface of their skin, and breaks the cycle of inflammation and itchiness. 

#3 Dust Mites and Storage Mites 

You might be familiar with dust mites and storage mites when evaluating your own allergies. Many people are already aware that mites are plentiful in all homes—and just like you (are you noticing the theme?), your dog can be allergic to them, too. But if you can’t even see dust and storage mites, how do you get rid of them? 

Dealing with Dust Mites

While you may not be able to see dust mites, you can follow these steps to ensure they don’t wreak havoc on your home:

  • Use mattress and pillow barriers
  • Wash your dog’s bedding in hot water
  • Dry your dog’s bedding in the dryer on high for at least 20 minutes
  • Vacuum and replace your furnace or air conditioning filters often

Dealing with Storage Mites

Storage mites feed on the mold that grows on food. They’re most frequently found in foods made with grains like flour, cereals, and dry pet foods. 

Here are some ways to keep storage mites at bay:

  • Keep these types of food stored in airtight containers 
  • Buy your dog food in smaller quantities (about enough to last you 30 days). This prevents storage mites from having the time to reproduce and infest the food.

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#4 Molds

We all know that breathing in mold is bad for our health, and the health of our dogs. Not only can molds cause sneezing and watery eyes, but if your dog is allergic to molds, they can also lead to the classic symptoms associated with dog allergies. 

Indoor mold growth most commonly occurs in warm, dark, humid environments—which means that bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements are common offenders. Mold can also contaminate air conditioning filters and ducts, as well as evaporative coolers. 

To minimize the risk of this allergen in your home:

  • Make sure bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements are properly ventilated with exhaust fans
  • Change your filters and evaporative cooler pads frequently 
  • Use a HEPA filter or air-purifying filter to improve your home’s air quality 

Mold can also grow in outdoor areas. Since mold usually collects near the ground, it can be dispersed into the air when you mow your lawn. To keep your dog from inhaling or coming into contact with this pesky fungus, make sure you wipe your dog’s paws off when they come inside. It’s also a good idea to limit your dog’s access to freshly mowed lawns.

#5 Cleaners and Detergents 

Many household products—like cleaners and detergents—can cause sensitivities in canines. Again, just like people, dogs can be allergic to any of the common substances we use to keep our homes clean and fresh. In addition to cleaners and detergents, other products that may lead to allergy or respiratory symptoms in your dog are:

  • Air fresheners 
  • Floor cleaners (just think of how much time your dog is in contact with the floor!)
  • Detergents and fabric softeners
  • Shampoos and conditioners 
  • Scented candles
  • Essential oils
  • Cigarette smoke

Limiting your use of these products inside will have a huge impact on your dog’s skin and respiratory health. Better yet, REPLACE these products with hypoallergenic products when possible. Using hypoallergenic laundry detergents and fabric softener when you wash any of your dog’s bedding, and using hypoallergenic floor cleaners are two easy ways to minimize your dog’s exposure to something they might be allergic to!

#6 Food 

Finally, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite allergen…FOOD! While many pet owners assume that food is the cause of their dog’s allergies, only ten to twenty percent of dogs with allergies are allergic to something in their diet or have a food intolerance. Shocking, right? It’s not nearly as common as your local pet store employee might want you to think! 

Even more surprising, dogs are very rarely allergic to fillers, corn, or grains in their diet. If a dog has a food allergy, it is almost certainly an allergy to a protein source. Chicken is the most common dog food allergen, for the simple reason that it is the most common protein that dogs eat in today’s commercial diets. 

Other possible protein allergens in your dog’s diet include beef, lamb, venison, salmon, or turkey. Dogs who have a food allergy typically experience some level of itchiness all year round. If they are also allergic to anything in their environment, then they can have seasonal flare-ups, too! 

Some dogs are so allergic to a particular protein that ANY residue of that protein can trigger their allergy symptoms—such as itchy paws, skin irritation, ear infections, or a skin infection. Over-the-counter limited ingredient diets have been found to have residues of other protein sources (in addition to the protein listed on the bag) about 80% of the time. 

For this reason, the ONLY way to diagnose your dog with a food allergy is to feed a special hypoallergenic diet or limited-ingredient prescription food to your dog for two to three months. These diets are made in facilities that are sterilized, cleaned, swabbed, and tested to ensure that NO other protein residues are present in the food. 

Performing a successful food trial is tougher than it sounds. During the trial, if ANYTHING else passes your dog’s lips (like table scraps from a well-meaning houseguest, or food dropped from a toddler’s high chair), the “clock” for the food trial starts over. Needless to say, a food trial is not possible in every household, and each member of the household has to be diligent about sticking to the rules of the food trial in order for it to be successful. 

However, if your dog DOES have a food allergy, then you can completely eliminate their exposure to an offending allergen. This means that food is the only allergen on our list, other than fleas, that you could have almost complete control over! 

If you think your dog might have a food allergy, talk to your vet about whether or not a food trial is right for your pup. Our veterinarians can also help you determine the likelihood of success with a food trial, or answer your questions about the logistics of performing one in your household

Combating Common Dog Allergies

While it’s impossible to completely avoid most of the common dog allergies, you can use these strategies to minimize how often your dog’s allergy flare-ups happen, and how severely they are affected when they do experience an episode. Our veterinarians are available around the clock 24/7 to help you address your dog’s allergy symptoms and learn how to treat dog allergies.

By taking these steps, you can help keep your furry friend comfortable, happy, and symptom-free. An allergy-free pup is a happy pup, and a happy pup is a happy you. 

All you have to do is AskVet


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Can Dogs Have Allergies?

dog have allergies

At AskVet, some of the most common questions we receive from pet owners are, “Why is my dog licking and scratching so much?” and “Does my dog have allergies?” While we can’t diagnose your dog with allergies over the internet, we’d like to share with you why the answers to both of these questions may be related and what may be causing your dog’s symptoms. What does your AskVet veterinarian want you to understand about dog allergies? Keep reading for the answer! 

So, can dogs have allergies? Many dogs DO suffer from allergies—however, their symptoms are different from what we humans typically experience, and it’s important to understand there are a wide variety of dog allergy symptoms! Put simply, while we humans usually associate watery eyes, sneezing, and coughing with allergies—our allergic dogs most often suffer from itchy skin instead.

A Peek into Dog’s Immune System

What does the term “allergy” even mean, anyway? Hold that thought! First, it’s important to understand a bit about your dog’s immune system. When your dog’s body is confronted with something that might be harmful—like a virus or bacteria—the immune system swoops into action to defend your pup. This involves the coordination of many different cells, and they communicate with each other via signals called “cytokines.” Most of the time, these cells are able to prevent skin and other infections using some incredibly coordinated biological teamwork to keep your dog healthy. 

In a dog with allergies, however, portions of this immune response start when your dog’s body is exposed to something that they are allergic to, but is NOT otherwise harmful to your dog—things like pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and flea bites are common dog allergiesEach of these is an environmental allergen that your dog encounters in normal daily life.

Understanding Allergens

“Allergen” refers to ANY substance your dog is exposed to that triggers an internal allergic response. Each allergic dog will have different allergens that trigger a response—just like some people are allergic to dogs, or ragweed, or certain foods.

When exposed to an allergen, your dog’s immune system sends a “Mayday!” signal to the rest of his body. The response to this call for help can be dramatic! After all, his immune system THINKS that it has identified something harmful to him. An army of cells is activated and they quickly start mounting a “defense” to this harmless intruder. Unfortunately, this involves a chain reaction of inflammation, swelling, redness, and itchiness. Your poor dog can be pretty miserable with these symptoms, but fortunately, your dog’s symptoms and allergic response is not life-threatening. 

If you notice facial swelling, sudden hives/raised red welts on your dog’s skin, or difficulty breathing, please have a veterinarian evaluate your dog in person immediately, as this can be due to a different type of life-threatening allergic reaction. 

The bottom line is that something that is not actually unhealthy for your dog becomes the trigger for an uncomfortable medical condition.

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Why Does My Dog Have Allergies?

Why does a certain dog’s immune system seem to go haywire in the presence of (otherwise innocent) allergens? Many pet owners are worried that they “did something” that caused their pet to develop allergies—whether it be by feeding them a certain food, or using a certain unmedicated or medicated shampoo. This is not only untrue, it’s actually impossible! Our veterinarians want you to know: you did not do anything to cause your dog to develop allergies. This isn’t your fault! 

Just like people, your dog’s allergies can be seen as just bad luck. ANY dog can develop allergies, and most have their first episode of allergies between 1 and 5 years of age. However, it’s important to note that dogs can develop a food allergy or food intolerance to food proteins at any age, so definitely keep an eye on your dog’s skin–regardless of how old they are.  

Genetics play a large role in whether your dog will develop allergies. You probably know that genes control the length of a dog’s muzzle or the shortness of a dog’s haircoat. Did you know that genes for allergies and other medical conditions can be passed down from generation to generation? This fact, combined with the high prevalence of inbreeding in the dog world—generations of inbreeding have created the dog breeds we know and love today—means that purebred dogs are much more likely to suffer from allergies. The genetic predisposition to allergies is called “atopy” in medical terms, and you may hear your veterinarian use this word from time to time if your dog suffers from itchy skin or other symptoms.

Dog breeds that are frequently seen in veterinary hospitals for allergies include Labrador Retrievers, English Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, West Highland White Terriers (“Westies”), Golden Retrievers, and French Bulldogs. 

Talk to a Trusted Vet

If you think your dog’s symptoms may be due to allergies, your AskVet veterinarian is happy to discuss the possibility of a pet allergy with you! If your veterinarian has diagnosed your dog with allergies, we can help you understand what might be making your dog uncomfortable, clarify what allergies might mean for your dog, or just answer any general questions you might have about how to treat dog allergies

While allergies are a lifelong condition, there are many treatments available. Your AskVet veterinarians are here to help you provide your dog a long, comfortable life!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

How Do Dogs Get Fleas?

fleas on dog

The sky is blue … water is wet … and fleas love dogs! Why do fleas love our pets so much? The warmth of their bodies, the deep lush fur for hiding and egg-laying, and the plentiful opportunity for meals make dogs and cats the ideal host for those pesky external parasites. 

Where Do Fleas Come From? 

Fleas are naturally found in the outdoor environment, especially areas that boast humid, temperate, and shady climates (I’m looking at you Florida, the southern and gulf coast states, and you too California!). Even if you don’t live in one of these flea hotspots, you’re not off the hook! Fleas can thrive virtually everywhere — including indoors. Beachgoers, dog park aficionados, and road-tripping pets frolicking in environments all over the country are especially at risk for bringing them back home, but that’s not all of the ugly truth. While fleas thrive and perpetuate on wild and outdoor animals and in locations where animals congregate, they can also hitch a ride on our pets during outdoor jaunts. Fleas are — wait for it — quite “smart,” and have even adapted to find their way indoors via humans, as we bring their tiny eggs inside on our shoes, clothing, and personal items. Fleas and skin problems resulting from fleas are so common that veterinarians will often incorporate the question, “is your dog on a monthly prescription-strength flea control product currently?” for every dog that is itchy or is being assessed for skin problems.

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Does My Pet Need Flea Protection?

Our veterinarians are constantly fielding questions – and addressing some common misconceptions – about fleas …

My dog stays primarily indoors so he does not need flea prevention, is this true?

My dogs are on flea prevention monthly but my indoor cats don’t need it because they never go outdoors, right?

Aren’t fleas only a problem in the warmer summer months?

I don’t SEE fleas on my dog so this cannot be a flea problem, correct?

First things first, if your dog is a dog, and your cat is a cat, fleas have their feelers out for them! Fleas have devised some sort of incredible evolutionary-arthropod-intelligence to perpetuate their species and seek out your pet’s fur, whether they live entirely indoors, or just step out onto the balcony for a grass patch potty break (which, I might add, we do encourage taking your pup for multiple daily outdoor walks in the environment for their mental and physical well-being!). Our veterinarians recommend that ALL PETS in the household (indoor cats included) be given a prescription-strength flea control all year long, as recommended by your family veterinarian and based on your local flea behavior.

We established earlier that fleas tend to thrive in warmer, more humid temperatures and that flea allergies tend to flare during the summer months. However, your veterinarians see the fallout from fleas all year long — especially since fleas can create a perfect thriving life cycle inside your home too, no matter what the weather is outdoors! Yes, that is right: fleas share our love for 75-degree environments, and once they find their way inside your home and feed on your pets, one female flea can produce 50+ eggs per day! With the complete flea life cycle from egg to adult-only taking about 3 weeks in its entirety, you can imagine how quickly your home’s flea population can explode into a full-fledged flea infestation! 

Evidence of Fleas

So now this brings us to the question: How do I know if my dog has fleas? Another concept that seems to surprise Pet Parents is that just because you don’t SEE fleas, does not mean they are not there, wreaking havoc on your dog’s skin and coat! WHAT!? Yes!!! Fleas are small, clever, and FAST! Dogs are even faster at locating them, chewing them off, and destroying the evidence. A flea allergy in dogs (a severe allergic reaction to the protein in flea saliva) causes them to be even faster at ridding their body of fleas due to the intense skin reaction that they are feeling from even just one flea bite. 

Veterinarians are well trained in looking for the clues that fleas leave behind; namely examining the patterns of hair loss and irritation on a dog’s coat and skin, evaluating the areas where your dog is itching most, finding sneaky fleas with our magical flea combs, and identifying tapeworms in a fecal sample (the result of fleas swallowed by an infested dog). In combination with all of these signs, the biggest hint of all is the usage or absence of monthly prescription-strength flea prevention! So, if you’re looking for how to get rid of fleas on dogs, the first step is a flea prevention medication. 

Talk to a Trusted Vet

If you find yourself and your pup struggling with a potential flea infestation, you have come to the right place! The collective years of experience of our AskVet Veterinarians have us ready to tackle all of your flea queries and troubleshoot all potential causes of your dog’s skin issues. No dog or cat should suffer from a flea-related skin problem with all of the safe and effective products at our fingertips today. With the assistance of flea product recommendations by your family vet, we can help get your pet on track for an external parasite-free long and happy life!

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Flea Allergy in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Woman is examining Dog for flea at pet groomer

How does a flea allergy differ from your dog just having fleas? For some unlucky dogs, fleas are more than just a nuisance; they actually cause a severe and uncomfortable allergic reaction in their skin! Dogs with flea allergies need their pet parents to be extra vigilant, but with the safe and effective flea prevention products that we have available today, flea allergies are completely manageable if even preventable!

How Does a Teeny Tiny Flea Cause an Allergy?

When a flea bites a dog they inject some saliva into the dog’s skin. Normally, flea saliva is harmless to the average dog, and some dogs can even be covered with fleas and not seem to be bothered much at all! However, flea saliva contains a protein that in some dogs causes a severe allergic reaction when it breaches the dog’s skin barrier. This explains why some poor flea-allergic dogs can have severe skin issues, even if they only have 1 or 2 fleas! 

Dogs with a flea allergy are extremely hypersensitive to the bite of even one single flea! Their immune system overreacts, triggering an inappropriate inflammatory response, resulting in excessive itching, nibbling, hair loss, scabs, redness, and skin infections. Yep, dogs can get allergies, and a flea allergy is the most common type! Typically, flea allergies are diagnosed in dogs between 1-5 years of age, and dogs that have environmental or food allergies can be more prone to a flea allergy as well.  

Why Don’t I See Fleas on My Dog?

So, how do dogs get fleas and how can you detect them? How could the itching, scratching, nibbling, and hair loss be related to fleas if pet parents can’t see any crawling around? Veterinarians are experts at deciphering the somewhat subtle signs that different allergies and skin conditions will leave for us. Your geographic location (warm, humid temps = flea country), patterns of itching and hair loss, thinning hair over the rump and tailhead region, and especially the lack of application of a monthly prescription-strength flea control product are some of the top clues that will lead us in the direction of a flea allergy diagnosis. Occasionally during physical exams, we are lucky enough to flea comb just the right spot to produce a flea culprit, or some “flea dirt” (black sandy looking flea poop) in order to tell if your dog has fleas. But sometimes, like you, we cannot find a single flea either! This does not mean that they are not behind the whole production though. Dogs with flea allergies are so sensitive and tormented by the bite of a single flea (sometimes even for weeks), they will immediately find that flea, nibble it off and get rid of the evidence. Sometimes they are so bothered and distraught, they will take skin and hair with it! 

Dogs with a flea allergy tend to excessively self-groom, removing all evidence of a flea infestation but leaving behind the damaged, unhealthy, and inflamed skin. Typically, specific skin allergy tests are not used to diagnose a flea allergy – your vet might perform some other skin tests to rule out different parasites and infections, but the signs and physical exam findings often speak for themselves. A positive response to flea treatment (meaning, the skin problem improves and resolves once flea prevention is applied) will also support the diagnosis of a flea allergy. 

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Does Just the Dog With the Allergy Need Flea Prevention?

If the other dogs and cats in the home seem fine … why do they need flea treatment too? The cats don’t even go outdoors!? The most effective and important aspect of controlling a flea allergy in your dog is simple: prevent fleas from gaining access! In order to completely avoid flea bites and prevent a flea infestation from procreating in the interior home environment, it is essential that all opportunities for fleas to feed and reproduce are taken away. If the flea allergic dog is the sole recipient of monthly prevention, the other unprotected animals in the home are free and available for a flea field day, including hosting female fleas who will lay 50+ flea eggs per day! Fleas see dogs and cats as gracious and welcoming hosts, and our homes as a wonderful place to raise their gigantic families … unless ALL the pets are protected monthly as recommended by our veterinarians as well as your family veterinarian!  When a flea allergy is diagnosed, your vet will detail for you how to get rid of fleas on your pup; including plans for starting all pets in the home on a prescription-strength flea prevention treatment, cleaning the home environment, and treating with medication any severe skin inflammation or infection arising from the intense itching. 

Talk to a Trusted Vet

With the wonderful, safe and effective flea prevention products on the market today, all dogs and cats in the home should be treated as directed for their own health and well-being, as well as to protect any other animals in the home–especially if they are unfortunate sufferers from a flea allergy. If you have any additional questions about your flea allergic pet, or about fleas and allergies in general, our veterinarians at AskVet are ready to chat anytime!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!



How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

getting rid of fleas

Although you may be a dog owner that believes your pet is too cute and your home too clean to ever host a flea, you might want to reconsider if you have noticed your pup itching and scratching lately! Once you and your veterinarian have determined that your dog has fleas, or you just want to be sure you never have the unpleasant experience of dealing with a flea infestation, keep reading for some tips on how to treat and prevent fleas on dogs! 

It has long been established that fleas are common external parasite pests that are constantly on the hunt to locate and feed on your dog and cat. If you are currently combatting a flea infestation, and especially if your dog has a flea allergy, you probably know that it can be quite unpleasant for both the pet and the pet’s family. Have no fear though, our AskVet veterinarians have extensive experience addressing flea issues all over the United States and are ready to discuss your questions!

Cover All Bases so Nothing is Missed!

First and foremost … once your family veterinarian has identified fleas as potentially being the culprit for your dog’s skin problem, they will also likely be considering some other common causes of itching too. Environmental allergies (or “atopy”), and cutaneous adverse food reactions (“food allergies”), can all cause intense itching and licking similar to what we see with fleas and a flea allergy in dogs. Some unlucky dogs even have multiple concurrent issues! 

Also, much like we will pick and scratch at a mosquito bite often causing more inflammation and further damage to our skin, your dog wants to do the same thing when their skin is uncomfortable! The scabs, hair loss, and red spots that you may see resulting from days or weeks of itching are evidence of damaged skin. Your veterinarian will perform a series of tests like a skin scraping and fungal testing to rule out other common causes of skin issues. 

Your family veterinarian will also want to check if bacteria and yeast, who both LOVE flourishing in moist inflamed skin, have capitalized on the opportunity to set up an infection. Should your veterinarian identify overgrowth of these opportunists, they will recommend treating your pet’s infection with the appropriate oral/topical antibiotic or antifungal medications and perhaps fasten the legendary “cone of shame” too (the best way to prevent your dog from licking and biting their inflamed skin!). Occasionally an itch will be so intense that medications like Cytopoint, Apoquel, or corticosteroids might be recommended to assist with immediate relief. Clearly, fleas can be responsible for a whole chain reaction (including the arrival of tapeworms!) that contributes to your pet feeling pretty miserable, but your family veterinarian will get them on the road back to comfort in no time! 

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Preventing Fleas with Flea Prevention Products

And now to the main event, what to do about those fleas? Combating fleas in 2021 for a dog owner is much easier than in 1985 … researchers have made HUGE strides in the development of many safe and effective flea prevention products that are readily available to purchase at the recommendation of your family veterinarian. The most important aspect of addressing fleas is to avoid them altogether! We want to prevent them from being able to bite your pets and set up their life cycle in your home environment. 

Modern flea prevention products can work in several ways; they kill adult fleas as well as disrupt the growth of immature stages. There are topical products that you apply directly to the dog’s skin or are worn as a collar, and oral products that are absorbed through the intestines and distributed to the skin. Most products are still administered monthly, although longer-acting preventions are also now available. Your family veterinarian will recommend products based on the flea and tick activity in your region as well as your dog’s age, weight, breed, lifestyle, and health history. 

Some products are combined with ingredients that also prevent other parasitic infections at the same time, such as heartworm disease, gastrointestinal parasites, and ticks. The cost associated with administering these products on a monthly basis can sometimes serve as a deterrent for Pet Parents, but when reminded of the true monetary and physical cost of treating the fallout from these infections, the benefits of prevention easily outweigh the monetary costs incurred. The old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” really holds true when talking about pet parasites! 

The following list contains some of the most popular, safe and effective prescription-grade flea prevention products on the market today:

  • Topical  
    • Bravecto
    • Revolution/Plus
    • Cheristin
    • Vectra/First Shield
    • Frontline Plus
    • Advantage/tix/Multi
  • Oral  
    • Simparica/Trio
    • Trifexis
    • Bravecto
    • Nexgard
    • Sentinel
    • Capstar
  • Collar 
    •  Seresto

Before applying or administering any flea prevention products, please consult your AskVet or family veterinarian to be sure the flea remedies you possess are safe and effective. There are several over-the-counter products that are commonly associated with skin burns and toxicity, on top of being ineffective in killing and preventing adult and immature fleas. We also do not recommend using dog products on cats as they can cause severe toxicity due to ingredients (pyrethrins/pyrethroids) that dogs can tolerate and cats cannot. 

To be sure to take advantage of a product’s maximal efficacy, follow all administration directions on the packaging, treat all of the pets in the household (even indoor cats because they can act as a flea reservoir!), and be sure to administer it at the frequency recommended. We do not recommend flea shampoos, onion/garlic supplements, or essential oils as safe nor effective long-term flea prevention options. Your family veterinarian truly has the best stuff available for flea protection!

Cleaning Your Home Environment

Once you have treated all animals with a prescription-grade flea prevention, commence environmental decontamination mode! Typically, if adult fleas are seen on your dog, this also means that ALL of the flea life cycle stages also exist in your home. This includes your pet’s bedding, your bed (ew!), your couch, the hardwood floors, the carpeting, the car seats, piles of laundry … basically anywhere your pet spends time. 

One adult female flea can lay 50+ eggs per day, and they thrive in the 70-80 degree interiors of our homes, quickly establishing an infestation! It could still take upwards of 2-3 months to rid the home environment of fleas due to the stability of the flea life cycle stages present, but cleaning will at least reduce the load by manually removing them. Here are some suggestions for a quicker eradication…

  • Consider all of the areas where the pet spends most of its time and target those areas. You may even see the telltale signs – “flea dirt” (flea poop that resembles black sand), flea larvae, and maybe even tapeworm proglottids (tiny rice-looking objects should your dog have swallowed a flea resulting in a tapeworm infection).
  • Launder pet bedding and blankets with warm water and detergent, followed by dryer heat.
  • Vacuum carpets, hardwood floors, crevices, furniture, dog houses, kennels, and cars where pets are passengers. Empty the vacuum immediately outdoors.
  • Home supply stores offer environmental insecticides and sprays for indoor and outdoor use. Use caution around humans and animals as these products can be harmful, and strictly adhere to the label directions for use.

Great Success!

Now that you have started an appropriate flea treatment and prevention program with all of the pets in the home, cleaned as best as you can (perhaps several times!), and finished any extra medications needed for a full recovery from skin issues brought on by itching and a flea allergy, fleas and their consequences should no longer be a part of your lives! Any lingering skin abnormalities should be rechecked by your family veterinarian, but oftentimes taking our recommended multifaceted approach to targeting and preventing fleas will be enough to remove them from your lives forever! Your AskVet Care Squad is always available to answer any questions you may have regarding fleas and treating your pet and your home!  


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

How to Tell If Your Dog Has Fleas

Are you noticing your dog nibbling on their rump throughout the day and night, chewing their thighs and abdomen, or perhaps you see thinning hair around their lower back and tail? Is it possible that your dog has fleas? Despite the advancements and widespread use of flea prevention products for pets during the last several decades, fleas on dogs and cats remain a fact of life for pet parents. But how do dogs get fleas? We’re here to answer that and more!

​​What Are Fleas?

Fleas are a common external parasite that uses your pet as its host to survive. Not only will adult fleas remain living on your pet and continue to lay eggs to reproduce, but it will also now be living in your home. It is important to search your dog for fleas because if left untreated, flea bites could lead to severe diseases and infections.

How Do I Check My Dog for Fleas?

Fleas are clever little pests that have evolved to remain in our lives, but our veterinarians are experts in helping pet parents recognize common signs that their dog might have fleas. Any age dog, all breeds and both males and females are equally at risk for developing a flea infestation that can be uncomfortable and irritating. The prevalence of fleas is still so common that they remain high on the list of potential diagnoses for any dog with constant itching and skin problems.

  • Visual Check: Most pet parents feel that the presence of fleas on their dog should be pretty easy to spot, where in fact, it can be very difficult! Fleas on pets look like tiny black insects that will dart away quickly or jump when the cat or dog’s fur is parted down to the skin. To check your dog for fleas, lay your dog on its side and examine its skin where it has thin hair. Most common areas to check are its abdomen area and inside its hindquarters.
  • Flea Comb: A quick brush over your dog’s body with a flea comb (a specialized fine tooth flea comb for pets) can also trap fleas, “flea dirt” (a name for flea feces that looks like small pieces of black sand), and eggs, proving that they could be the instigators behind the itch.
  • White Towel Test: Have your dog stand over a white towel and brush or rub its fur. If you start to see black droppings on the towel that look like tiny grains of sand, then you know that flea dirt is present.

Of course, seeing fleas and flea dirt confirms the presence of a flea infestation, so that is pretty straightforward, right? However, oftentimes, unless there is a severe infestation, finding an actual flea on your pet is very difficult! Fleas are small, clever and FAST – often evading human eyes! And, as you can imagine, little bugs biting and running around on a dog’s skin makes the dog even faster at locating them, chewing them off and destroying the evidence. A flea allergy in dogs (a severe allergic reaction to the protein in a flea’s saliva) makes dogs even faster due to the intense skin reaction that they are feeling because of even just one flea bite. So yes, it is entirely possible that you will not see a single flea on your flea-infested or flea-allergic dog!!!

How to Tell If Your Dog Has Fleas

What are the Symptoms of Fleas?

So how do you really know your dog has fleas if you can’t see them? Fleas are clever, but not enough to trick us! They leave some pretty telltale signs that your veterinarians are experts at recognizing.

The classic symptoms of fleas are:

  • excessive self-grooming
  • dry skin caused by itching, licking, nibbling, and scratching
  • thinning and broken hairs
  • hair loss
  • redness
  • the creation of scabs, “hotspots” (red, painful sores) and red bumps/rashes on the skin

Most commonly, dogs will target the skin of the lower back, inner and outer thighs, tailhead and abdomen, although skin lesions and scratching can occur anywhere (ears, neck, etc., too!). Also, when pet parents report strange behavior changes, like unusual restlessness or incidences where their dog seems to dart or jolt quickly out of nowhere, act startled and turn around to stare or look at their rump area before going in for a nibble or prolonged aggressive grooming session, we instantly consider the possibility of fleas!

How to Target Fleas

Once we assemble the pieces of the puzzle and it is looking strongly like fleas could be feasting on your dog and potentially cohabitating with you in your home, the final clue that fleas are the culprit usually comes with the answer to this question: Is your pet current on their monthly prescription-strength flea prevention? Fleas are so gifted at finding unprotected pets that when we see these classic signs and link them to the absence of using an effective monthly flea prevention product, fleas almost always jump to the top of our list! Final confirmation comes when your veterinarian establishes a flea prevention program for your dog, and the issues improve and resolve, never to return again!

Talk to a Trusted Vet

If any of these signs sound all too familiar to you and your dog is suffering from excessive itching and licking, with some skin abnormalities on the side, please consult our AskVet Veterinarians for some advice or follow up with your family veterinarian for a full physical exam and some advice for how to treat and prevent fleas in your home. Your Vet can recommend you the appropriate flea shampoo, prescription cream, and other flea treatments to help prevent and kill any of the adult fleas that are currently living on your dog. Life’s too short to be bugged by fleas! Even if they’re out there, they do not need to be a part of you and your dog’s daily life, so consult with your family veterinarian and start a prevention program today!


Written by:

Alexa Waltz, DVM

Dr. Waltz was raised near the beaches of Southern California but has spent her adult life living all over the beautiful United States while serving in the military and as a military spouse. She left California for the first time to pursue a career as a veterinarian at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She was accepted into the US Army Health Professionals Scholarship Program during vet school and upon graduation spent her military years as a veterinarian in San Diego working for the US Marine Corps and US Navy Military Working Dog programs as well as caring for pets of service members. After her military service, she became a civilian veterinarian and continued as a small animal general practitioner at clinics in California, Rhode Island, Colorado, and Maryland. Dr Waltz loves to see her “in person” patients just as much as communicating with and assisting pet parents virtually on AskVet. Dr Waltz is also a Mom to 3 humans, 2 guinea pigs, and 1 Australian Shepherd and in her spare time she loves traveling, adventures, exercising, and doing just about anything out in nature!

Heart Murmurs in Dogs: What It Is, Symptoms & More

If you’re reading this article, you may be wondering, “my dog was just diagnosed with a heart murmur-now what?!” You may be feeling scared, worried, and wondering what exactly a heart murmur means for your pet’s health, now and in the future. At AskVet, we’re here to help you understand what the diagnosis of a heart murmur means-and what it doesn’t mean-as well as certain symptoms of heart disease in dogs to discuss with your family veterinarian.

Normal Heart Function

Thinking back to high school biology, you probably remember that the heart pumps blood, which goes around the body in tiny tubes called blood vessels. The blood absorbs oxygen when it passes through the blood vessels in the lungs, and the oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart to the rest of the body. Your body—and that of your dog—needs oxygen in order to maintain the health of every organ and tissue. 

What happens when blood flows into the heart itself? It helps to think of your dog’s heart as a house, with both plumbing and electricity. The main blood vessels that lead into the heart and away from it are just like pipes or plumbing leading into your home!  The heart has four rooms (called “chambers”), which are each separated by walls (or “septae”). Each septum/wall has a set of  swinging doors in the middle that only swing open and closed in one direction. These doors are called “valves.” 

Once blood vessels, or veins, deliver blood back to the heart, the blood is moved through each heart chamber in a specific order by contractions of the heart muscle. While the heart’s electrical system controls the timing of each chamber’s muscular “squeeze” movement, the valves (doors) open in one direction in a carefully-choreographed rhythm to create the proper blood flow through the heart. The bottom line: a high level of coordination allows blood to flow through the heart in only one-forward-direction.

The heart muscle is so powerful that, as the different chambers squeeze in sequence to move blood through the heart, a noise can be heard using a stethoscope. When the heartbeat is normal, the noise produced by those valves closing in unison is described as a “lub-dub” sound. When you think about the level of coordination required to make such a simple sound, it’s really quite incredible! 

So, What IS a Heart Murmur? 

Now that you understand how a normal heartbeat is created, you can understand what a heart murmur represents. To put it simply, a murmur simply refers to a sound heard with a stethoscope that indicates turbulent blood flow. 

Imagine going for a hike and finding a quiet, still creek with a surface like glass—that’s like the flow within a normal heart. The fluid flows in one direction very quietly and without any interruptions. A heart murmur, on the other hand, sounds like a “whoosh” sound—as though someone put a big rock in the middle of that creek! 

Turbulent blood flow within the heart can be caused by many things, as you can probably imagine! In a nutshell, sometimes the valves are leaky or do not close fully, allowing blood  to flow backwards. In other pets, the vessels leading out of the heart are too narrow in spots and we can hear an extra sound where there is usually silence. There can even be holes in the heart walls, creating bloodflow where there shouldn’t be any! 

As you can probably tell, this means that not all heart murmurs are created equal. Some heart murmurs indicate a type of problem that does not affect a dog’s lifespan at all- and unfortunately, some murmurs indicate a life-threatening heart problem. These types of heart disease require close monitoring and medical intervention. How worried we should be about your pup’s heart murmur depends on what is creating the extra noise. If there is an underlying cause of the murmur, it may impact how hard the heart needs to work, and affect normal blood flow throughout the body.

The bottom line: sometimes, the extra noise of a heart murmur is the first clue that your pup has a heart condition requiring medical attention–and sometimes, it truly is nothing to worry about. Further testing is required to find out the cause of your dog’s heart murmur and your veterinarian can discuss these with you. 

Next, we’ll talk about the most common causes of heart murmurs in dogs, as well as what your veterinarian may recommend. 

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Congenital Defects

When your pup was growing inside of the womb, many changes were happening to help him develop into his full potential! Along the way, the structures that eventually became your pooch’s circulatory system were growing, dividing, and changing. Sometimes a pup is born with part of this complicated process incomplete, and they may have an extra blood vessel in a place where it isn’t needed, or a hole in a part of the heart that should have been closed. Some of these defects may have familiar names like “Patent Ductus Arteriosus,” “Aortic Stenosis,” and “Septal Defects.”

Some puppies are born with defects that are inconsequential (leading to “innocent murmurs” that actually go away as your little one grows up), but some of these can be life-threatening without prompt intervention. If your family veterinarian suspects a more serious congenital heart defect, they may recommend x-rays (radiographs) of your pet’s heart and lungs, and may refer your puppy to a veterinary cardiologist for an ultrasound of his heart. Some of the more serious congenital heart defects can be fixed with appropriate surgery or a non-invasive procedure, helping your pup to live a normal life.

Degenerative Valve Disease

In a normal heart, the valves are like tightly-fitting swinging doors. Their edges are smooth and straight, and there is no blood allowed to flow the wrong direction! (Pretty amazing stuff, when you think about it!) 

However, in some dogs, the smooth edges of these valves become gnarled over time, leading to irregular edges. As you can imagine, this means that the edges of the valves fail to create a tight seal when they are closed—allowing blood to flow backwards as well as forwards. This is called regurgitation, and it is this regurgitation that causes the “whoosh” of a heart murmur heard by your veterinarian. Over time, blood continuing to regurgitate in the wrong direction causes the heart to work harder just to get enough blood moving forward in the right direction. Just like any muscle that works harder, the heart grows in size. Sometimes, the noise generated by a small leak may be very loud, as the extra blood rushes through a tiny space and creates lots of turbulence. Conversely, larger leaks can also be more quiet, as the blood is whooshing through a larger opening. For this reason, it’s impossible to judge the severity of your dog’s heart disease based on how loud or severe her  heart murmur sounds–the only way to know is to have an ultrasound (echocardiogram) performed to look at the “rooms” and “doors” (chambers and valves) of your dog’s heart. . 

Degenerative valve disease is thought to be genetic, and is most common in smaller dog breeds, like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahuas, toy Poodles, Cocker Spaniels and Shih-tzus. However, any dog breed can be affected. In dogs with valve disease, we most often see problems with the mitral valve and the tricuspid valve. 

Degenerative valve disease can eventually lead to congestive heart failure as the blood starts to severely back up and the heart struggles more and more to keep blood flowing in the right direction. However, these changes to the heart muscle can be slowed down–and the risk of heart failure can be decreased–by starting heart medications at the appropriate time. Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for chest x-rays and/or referral to a cardiologist to maximize the length of time your dog lives with valve disease!

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Sometimes, the walls of the heart muscle become thinner over time, due to a degeneration or weakening of the muscle tissue itself. Since the volume of blood the heart is squeezing through the chambers does not change, the pressure of the blood inside the walls causes them to stretch and thin out even more. Unfortunately, the valves remain the same size—so the effect is like widening a doorway in your home while keeping the same size door in the frame! Blood can now regurgitate back and forth through this gap, creating the “whoosh” sound your veterinarian hears as a heart murmur. This type of heart disease is called dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is thought to be largely genetic, and tends to affect medium- and large-breed dogs such as Doberman Pinschers, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, and Labradors. 

However, there is an important environmental cause of dilated cardiomyopathy that can affect ANY dog—and this type of dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by feeding certain foods. Specifically, grain-free diets (especially those containing legumes) have been linked to this type of heart disease. The specific food ingredients that cause DCM are being studied, but for now, veterinarians recommend avoiding ANY grain-free or “boutique” dog food, especially one that has been linked to cases of DCM. (Link to FDA article regarding a possible diet-related link to canine dilated cardiomyopathy)

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a serious disease and sadly shortens a dog’s lifespan. The electrical system of the heart is eventually affected, and most dogs with this disease will develop heart failure. However, because medications can delay the onset of heart failure and/or a fatal heart electrical storm (arrythmia), it is worth pursuing a diagnosis to optimize treatment recommendations. This will help to maximize your dog’s quality of life for as long as possible. 

Symptoms of Heart Failure

If your pet has been diagnosed with a heart murmur, it’s important to remember that your pet’s heart murmur is a SYMPTOM—and that if your pet has a murmur, this does NOT mean that your pet is in heart failure! They may actually be doing just fine! (Thank goodness!)

Fortunately, the vast majority of pets with heart murmurs will never go on to develop heart failure. For those that do, heart failure is a life-threatening and very dangerous illness—but can often be controlled IF it is detected early enough for medical intervention. 

One of the most important ways to monitor your pet for early signs of heart failure is to watch your dog’s chest closely and count how many breaths he takes per minute while he is sleeping. This is called your pet’s Sleeping Respiratory Rate, and anything over 30 breaths per minute is a reason to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. (See Veterinary Partner for how to take the sleeping respiratory rate). You can reach out to your AskVet veterinarians for advice on whether seeking emergency care is needed for your pet, or contact your family veterinarian if they are open! Read our dog physical exam checklist at home guide for more information.

More obvious symptoms of heart failure include coughing and difficulty breathing (often, we’ll see panting/gasping for air with a tongue that is blue-ish in color instead of bubblegum-pink). Also, dogs in heart failure start getting tired and having to rest after short periods of activity, such as walking across the room. If your pet is exhibiting these signs, it is best to take him to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital immediately.

Read our guide on ‘Why is my dog breathing heavy’ for more information if you think your dog is having abnormal breathing.

The Bottom Line

If your pet is diagnosed with a heart murmur, it does NOT mean that your pet is seriously ill, or that she is in heart failure. Instead, it means that your astute veterinarian has found a symptom that is worth investigating further to determine what your dog’s heart murmur means for his health. Often, some yearly monitoring is all that will be needed-but if your pup needs more intensive testing and medication, rest assured that you are intervening as early as possible to ensure she lives a long, healthy, and happy life.

Our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.

Dental Disease In Cats

If you’ve been spending quality time with your favorite feline, you’ve noticed that she uses her mouth for all kinds of important activities: grooming herself, catching toys (or even birds!), chewing on objects, and of course—eating! Your cat’s mouth is one of her most important tools in her day-to-day life, and it’s important to keep it clean and healthy—just like every other part of her body. 

So, you may be wondering: Is there anything you can do at home to take care of your cat’s teeth? What types of dental disease are common in cats? Why does my cat’s breath stink?  And, most importantly—what can you do as a pet parent to take care of your beloved kitty’s mouth? 


One of the best things you can do for your cat’s health is train her to have her teeth brushed! See our blog post on “How to Clean Your Cat’s Teeth” for a step-by-step instruction manual on this daunting task—we promise, it is easier to brush your cat’s teeth than you think!  

If you are able to implement your brushing routine several times a week—or every day, if you can!—you can greatly reduce the amount of bacteria, plaque, and tartar in your cat’s mouth.  This will help maintain your cat’s oral health, and prolong the time in between professional dental cleanings by your veterinarian (more on these below).

If you just can’t brush your kitty’s teeth, check out the pet store for dental care products that carry the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal of approval. These products have been certified in an independent laboratory to significantly reduce plaque and tartar build-up. You can find a list of approved products at www.vohc.org These products include toys and treats that your cat chews to help gently scrape off the top layers of plaque from your kitty’s teeth, water additives which reduce the amount of bacteria in your cat’s mouth, and more! 

Common Cat Dental Problems 

Plaque and Tartar

Just like every other species on the planet, cats suffer from plaque and tartar buildup. This process occurs naturally every day, and over time can form a yellow-brown cement-like material on the surface of your cat’s teeth. This bacteria-filled tooth cement is called dental calculus, and can only be removed during a professional teeth cleaning. 

Broken Teeth

Cats are also at risk for breaking teeth, just like we are! In cats, the most commonly broken teeth are the canine teeth in the front of the mouth. You might recognize these teeth as your kitty’s fangs–the long, sharp teeth that help cats catch prey in the wild. 

If your cat breaks a tooth, then it’s highly likely that the tooth’s pulp cavity will be exposed. The sensitive pulp cavity is a tube running down the center of the tooth containing its blood supply and nerve. You can imagine that if a tooth breaks and the pulp cavity IS exposed, your cat will be in pain from the exposed nerve, and the exposed blood vessel will serve as a highway for bacteria to enter the jawbone. Ouch! If you notice a broken tooth at home, it’s best that your cat be evaluated by your veterinarian as soon as possible. 

Periodontal Disease

While more common in dogs, cats can suffer from a condition called periodontal disease—which simply refers to inflammation of the gums and other tissues in the mouth that support the teeth. Some individuals are more prone to periodontal disease than others—and often, this condition in cats is linked to resorptive lesions (see below).

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, is the earliest sign of periodontal disease. When left untreated, this can worsen and lead to loose teeth, loss of gum tissue which exposes the roots of the teeth, and bone loss affecting the jaw. As you can imagine, this condition can be quite painful for your kitty! If you notice any areas of red gums in your cat’s mouth, you guessed it—it’s time for your favorite feline to take a trip to the vet. 

Tooth Resorption

One type of dental disease that is more common in cats than in ANY other species is tooth resorption. In fact, over half of cats over the age of 3 years will have at least one tooth affected by this disease process—astonishing, but true!

Tooth resorption is inflammation affecting the tooth itself and brought on by the kitty’s own immune system. It can occur in the portions of the tooth that you can see above the gumline (called the “crown” of the tooth), and/or the portions of the tooth within the jawbone and below the gumline (the roots of the tooth). Eventually, inflammation of the tooth leads to the erosion and degradation of the tooth structure…and eventually, after months or years of this process, there is no tooth remaining at all. 

As you might imagine, this process is painful for the cat, especially as the nerve of the tooth is eaten away. While there is no way to prevent tooth resorption, your veterinarian can help your cat achieve a pain-free mouth by extracting the tooth if it is affected by this condition. Any cat who has had one resorptive lesion is at risk of developing this problem in other teeth, so yearly dental cleanings as recommended by your veterinarian are a must for these patients. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent tooth resorption—but frequent general health exams can help your veterinarian catch this disease in the early stages, allowing your cat to experience minimal discomfort. Decades of scientific research has not found any inciting cause for the body to attack its teeth in this way—so we can promise you that, if this happens to your cat, it is simply bad luck—and NOT your fault in any way!   


The terms stomatitis and gingivostomatitis refer to a very painful condition affecting the soft tissues of the mouth. Thankfully, this is quite rare, and is easily diagnosed during a basic physical exam by your veterinarian. The hallmark of gingivostomatitis is a bright red appearance to a cat’s gums, roof of the mouth and/or back of their throat.

How does such severe inflammation happen? In some cats, the immune system can overreact to even normal levels of bacteria and plaque on the surface of the teeth. The body treats normal bacteria as a dangerous invader, and the result is that the body’s defenses are deployed on otherwise healthy tissue within your cat’s mouth. This condition is more common in cats afflicted with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, so if this type of inflammation is noted, your veterinarian will likely want to perform a blood test for kitty viruses. 

Gingivostomatitis is EXTREMELY painful for affected cats—however, many of them are still eating to survive, and the first symptom noted at home by their owner is often “bad breath.” Cat parents may also notice their kitty dropping food from their mouth or yowling in pain while eating, losing weight, drooling, or pawing at their mouth. Fortunately, since this condition is easily diagnosed on a physical exam, pain relief can be started right away if your cat is diagnosed with this rare but painful condition. 

Oral Cancer

Although cancer is a very uncommon cause of dental problems in cats, veterinarians do diagnose cats with oral cancer every year. A tumor can affect any part of your cat’s mouth: his jawbone, gums, lips, or the back of his throat. Radiographs (x-rays) and biopsies of suspicious areas may be recommended if your veterinarian is concerned about the possibility of cancer. Like many diseases, oral cancer is more common in elderly cats, as well as those affected by Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV).

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What Does Your Veterinarian Do? 

Now that you know about the most common causes of dental disease in cats, how to take care of your cat’s dental health at home, and symptoms to watch for that indicate a dental problem, you may be wondering how your veterinarian can help your precious kitty! 

Oral Exam

Any time your cat is taken to the veterinarian for an exam, your veterinarian will look in your cat’s mouth as part of their overall physical. Your vet can identify whether a buildup of tartar and dental calculus (that bacteria-infused “cement”) is present, as well as look for broken teeth, signs of periodontal disease, gingivostomatitis, oral tumors, and evidence of resorptive lesions above the gumline. They will also look at your cat’s lips, tongue, and the inside of their cheeks for any evidence of medical issues. 

Based on the oral exam performed while your kitty is awake, your veterinarian may recommend increased homecare/tooth brushing, or a dental cleaning and radiographs (x-rays) under anesthesia.

Dental Cleaning Under Anesthesia

Your veterinarian may recommend this procedure for preventive maintenance as part of your cat’s wellness care, or because they are suspicious of a more serious medical issue after examining your cat. Since our cats can’t talk to us, it’s common for most veterinarians to recommend dental cleanings at least once a year. 

Before your cat is placed under anesthesia, your veterinarian will make sure that anesthesia is as safe as possible for them by performing pre-anesthetic bloodwork. If there are any problems identified on your cat’s bloodwork, especially in the organs that are responsible for processing the anesthetic medications, your veterinarian may postpone the procedure until it is safe for your cat. In some cases, pre-anesthetic testing includes radiographs (x-rays) of your cat’s heart and lungs, and possibly other tests as well. Rest assured that any testing recommendations are tailored to your individual cat’s health status, and are made in the best interests of your cat’s health and safety! 

On the day of your cat’s dental cleaning, expect your kitty to stay at the hospital all day. A sedative is given to relax your cat. This reduces your cat’s mental stress from being in the hospital and decreases the amount of general anesthetic needed (making the procedure even more safe). Your cat’s front leg may be shaved below the elbow to place an IV catheter, through which they will receive their anesthetic medications and IV fluids to support their blood pressure while they are asleep. 

During anesthesia, a tube is placed down your kitty’s throat and connected to an anesthetic machine. This tube allows both oxygen and anesthetic gas to be delivered directly to your cat’s lungs, as well as protecting your sleeping cat’s airway from all of the water used in a dental cleaning. Your cat is hooked up to various monitors which continually keep track of your cat’s heart tracing, breathing, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and temperature. A warming blanket is used to help your kitty keep warm throughout the anesthetic period. 

After your cat is safely under anesthesia, either a veterinary technician or your veterinarian will clean, scale, and polish your cat’s teeth—just like what happens when you have a dental cleaning! Your cat’s veterinarian will probe around each tooth, looking for gum pockets. Many veterinary practices have dental radiographic (x-ray) equipment to look for signs of disease below the gumline (such as tooth resorption). A full oral exam is also performed, looking at all surfaces of your cat’s teeth, tongue, gums, cheeks, and lips. If your cat needs advanced dental work (such as extractions or a biopsy), local anesthetics are usually given beforehand—similar to humans receiving an injection of Novocaine. 

Once your cat’s dental procedure is complete, the anesthesia is turned off and your cat slowly wakes up. When they are awake enough to swallow on their own and hold their head up, the tube is removed from their throat. They will continue to recover in a cage under the observation of the veterinary team. 

Your veterinarian will give you a full report of your cat’s oral health and advise if any further treatment is necessary. If your cat has stitches in his mouth, these will be absorbed over the next ten to fourteen days, and feeding soft food until his mouth is healed will be essential to his recovery. Your veterinarian may prescribe pain medication and possibly antibiotics if advanced dental work was required. 

After your cat’s dental procedure, it’s time to take advantage of your cat’s “clean slate” and start a tooth-brushing regimen at home—see “How to Clean a Cat’s Teeth” for more. Ask your veterinarian when you can begin! 

Promoting Dental Health Through Home and Veterinary Care

Cats are living longer than ever, in part due to advances in feline dental care. Pet parents and veterinarians working together to promote healthy teeth and gums will ensure that dental issues are identified early and kept to a minimum so as to not cause pain and discomfort for your sweet kitty! 

If you have any questions about your cat’s oral health, our AskVet Veterinarians are available to discuss all of your pet’s needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you have an immediate need or are looking to improve your pet’s overall wellbeing, just sign into your account and one of our friendly and knowledgeable veterinary experts will attend to your needs, no appointment required!


Written by:

Allison Ward, DVM
Dr. Allison Ward grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. and started working in veterinary hospitals when she was 14 years old. After graduating from veterinary school in 2011, she completed a small animal rotating internship in New Jersey, followed by a neurology/neurosurgery internship in Miami. After completing this advanced training, Dr. Ward then moved on to general small animal practice. Dr. Ward’s professional interests include feline medicine, neurology, and pain management. Her passion for educating pet owners carries over into her work with AskVet, and she loves being able to help pets and their parents at all times of the day (and night!). She currently resides in sunny south Florida with her two cats, Larry and George.